Revisions of rhythmbox

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 61482 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 60991 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 30)
baserev update by copy to link target
Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) accepted request 60875 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 29)
Forwarding to openSUSE:Factory
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 58485 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 28)
baserev update by copy to link target
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 53539 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) (revision 26)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) accepted request 53443 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 25)
We should do this more often.. helps in spotting 'automatic disabling of features'
autobuild's avatar autobuild accepted request 50633 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 23)
checked in (request 50633)
autobuild's avatar autobuild accepted request 48797 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 20)
checked in (request 48797)
autobuild's avatar autobuild accepted request 46670 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 18)
checked in (request 46670)
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) accepted request 46986 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 17)
Copy from home:vuntz:branches:GNOME:Apps/rhythmbox via accept of submit request 46986 revision 2.
Request was accepted with message:
Looking forward to the new features... too bad I don't have any i* device
Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) accepted request 46666 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) (revision 16)
Copy from home:dimstar:branches:GNOME:Apps/rhythmbox via accept of submit request 46666 revision 2.
Request was accepted with message:
Forwarding to openSUSE:Factory
autobuild's avatar autobuild accepted request 45388 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 15)
checked in (request 45388)
Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) accepted request 45387 from Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) (revision 14)
Copy from home:vuntz:branches:GNOME:Apps/rhythmbox via accept of submit request 45387 revision 2.
Request was accepted with message:
Vincent Untz's avatar Vincent Untz (vuntz) accepted request 44733 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) (revision 13)
Copy from home:dimstar:branches:GNOME:Apps/rhythmbox via accept of submit request 44733 revision 2.
Request was accepted with message:
Displaying revisions 101 - 120 of 132
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