Revisions of yast2-slp-server

_service committed (revision 12)
generated via source service
Stanislav Visnovsky's avatar Stanislav Visnovsky (visnov) committed (revision 11)
proper submit
Stanislav Visnovsky's avatar Stanislav Visnovsky (visnov) committed (revision 10)
< Fri Sep 16 11:43:56 CEST 2011 -
< - remove unneded dialogs and deprecated import
< - 2.21.0
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
< Fri Aug  5 12:35:10 CEST 2011 -
< - fixed .desktop file (bnc #681249)
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
< Fri Jul  1 12:58:01 CEST 2011 -
< - Proofread texts for translation (by A.Turrini, bnc#703238).
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
< Tue Jun 21 17:34:16 CET 2011 -
< - use ButtonBox for OK/Cancel (bnc#701262)
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 52605 from Michal Zugec's avatar Michal Zugec (mzugec) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michal Zugec's avatar Michal Zugec (mzugec) committed (revision 8)
< Tue Nov  9 16:23:16 CET 2010 -
< - improved fix for bnc#291301 (write also values that wasn't readed)
< - 2.20.0 
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
autobuild's avatar autobuild accepted request 42198 from Michal Zugec's avatar Michal Zugec (mzugec) (revision 7)
checked in (request 42198)
Michal Zugec's avatar Michal Zugec (mzugec) committed (revision 6)
< Mon Jun 28 16:14:37 CEST 2010 -
< - parse config file case sensitive
< - 2.19.0 
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
< Wed Jan 13 18:56:03 CET 2010 -
< - Adjusted .desktop file(s) to wrap /sbin/yast2/ calls in xdg-su
<   where root privileges are needed, removed X-KDE-SubstituteUID key 
<   (bnc#540627)
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 5)
converted link to branch
autobuild's avatar autobuild committed (revision 4)
checked in
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 3)
updated to 57671
Michal Zugec's avatar Michal Zugec (mzugec) committed (revision 2)
< Thu May 21 10:07:37 CEST 2009 -
< - accept both IP and hostname in configuration (bnc#501941)
< - 2.18.1 
< -------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 1)
Displaying revisions 181 - 192 of 192
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