Revisions of python-isort
Sebastian Wagner (sebix)
(revision 80)
- update to version 5.9.1: - Fixed #1758: projects with many files and skip_ignore set can lead to a command-line overload. - update to version 5.9.0: - Improved CLI startup time. - Implemented #1697: Provisional support for PEP 582: skip `__pypackages__` directories by default. - Implemented #1705: More intuitive handling of isort:skip_file comments on streams. - Implemented #1737: Support for using action comments to avoid adding imports to individual files. - Implemented #1750: Ability to customize output format lines. - Implemented #1732: Support for custom sort functions. - Implemented #1722: Improved behavior for running isort in atomic mode over Cython source files. - Fixed ( added imports being added to doc string in some cases. - Fixed ( in rare cases line continuation combined with tabs can output invalid code. - Fixed ( isort ignores reverse_sort when force_sort_within_sections is true. - Fixed #1741: comments in hanging indent modes can lead to invalid code. - Fixed #1744: repeat noqa comments dropped when * import and non * imports exist from the same package. - Fixed #1721: repeat noqa comments on separate from lines with force-single-line set, sometimes get dropped. - Goal Zero (Tickets related to aspirational goal of achieving 0 regressions for remaining 5.0.0 lifespan): - Implemented #1394: 100% branch coverage (in addition to line coverage) enforced. - Implemented #1751: Strict typing enforcement (turned on mypy strict mode).
request 880607
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 79)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
request 880603
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 78)
- Don't test requirementslib on python39. Isort calls it a "deprecated finder" anyway. Colorama needs to be pulled in seperately then. gh#sarugaku/requirementslib#288
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
request 880409
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 77)
- Update to version 5.8.0 * Fixed #1631: as import comments can in some cases be duplicated. * Fixed #1667: extra newline added with float-to-top, after skip, in some cases. * Fixed #1594: incorrect placement of noqa comments with multiple from imports. * Fixed #1566: in some cases different length limits for dos based line endings. * Implemented #1648: Export MyPY type hints. * Implemented #1641: Identified import statements now return runnable code. * Implemented #1661: Added "wemake" profile. * Implemented #1669: Parallel (-j) now defaults to number of CPU cores if no value is provided. * Implemented #1668: Added a safeguard against accidental usage against /. * Implemented #1638 / #1644: Provide a flag --overwrite-in-place to ensure same file handle is used after sorting. * Implemented #1684: Added support for extending skips with --extend-skip and --extend-skip-glob. * Implemented #1688: Auto identification and skipping of some invalid import statements. * Implemented #1645: Ability to reverse the import sorting order. * Implemented #1504: Added ability to push star imports to the top to avoid overriding explicitly defined imports. * Documented #1685: Skip doesn't support plain directory names, but skip_glob does.
request 867793
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 76)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
request 867792
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 75)
- Fix test suite: the location of the built wheel changed
request 865874
Sebastian Wagner (sebix)
(revision 74)
baserev update by copy to link target
Sebastian Wagner (sebix)
request 865867
Adam Mizerski (etamPL)
(revision 73)
Don't recommend python-hypothesmith. It's not used anywhere, beside internal tests. Also hypothesmith pulls hypothesis, which recommends a ton of other packages. In the end if you want to install a simple pylint (which requires isort), you get recommended pandas, Django and QtPy.
request 859773
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 72)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
request 859770
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 71)
- Update to Version 5.7.0 * Fixed #1612: In rare circumstances an extra comma is added after import and before comment. * Fixed #1593: isort encounters bug in Python 3.6.0. * Implemented #1596: Provide ways for extension formatting and file paths to be specified when using streaming input from CLI. * Implemented #1583: Ability to output and diff within a single API call to isort.file. * Implemented #1562, #1592 & #1593: Better more useful fatal error messages. * Implemented #1575: Support for automatically fixing mixed indentation of import sections. * Implemented #1582: Added a CLI option for skipping symlinks. * Implemented #1603: Support for disabling float_to_top from the command line. * Implemented #1604: Allow toggling section comments on and off for indented import sections.
request 855002
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 70)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
request 855001
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 69)
- Fix setup of test environment suitable for multiple python flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
request 841728
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 68)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 67)
- Update to Version 5.6.4 * Fixed #1556: Empty line added between imports that should be skipped. - Version 5.6.3 * Improved packaging of test files alongside source distribution (see: - Version 5.6.2 * Fixed #1548: On rare occasions an unecessary empty line can be added when an import is marked as skipped. * Fixed #1542: Bug in VERTICAL_PREFIX_FROM_MODULE_IMPORT wrap mode. * Fixed #1552: Pylama test dependent on source layout. * Goal Zero: (Tickets related to aspirational goal of achieving 0 regressions for remaining 5.0.0 lifespan): * Zope added to integration test suite * Additional testing of CLI (simulate unseekable streams) - now only requires poetry.core as PEP517 backend
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 66)
- Fix building and installation of exampleprojects for testing
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 65)
- Fix wheel building and installation for testing exampleprojects
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 64)
- Update to 5.6.1 * Fixed #1546: Unstable (non-idempotent) behavior with certain src trees. - Changelog for 5.6.0 * Implemented #1433: Provide helpful feedback in case a custom config file is specified without a configuration. * Implemented #1494: Default to sorting imports within .pxd files. * Implemented #1502: Improved float-to-top behavior when there is an existing import section present at top-of-file. * Implemented #1511: Support for easily seeing all files isort will be ran against using isort . --show-files. * Implemented #1487: Improved handling of encoding errors. * Improved handling of unsupported configuration option errors (see #1475). * Fixed #1463: Better interactive documentation for future option. * Fixed #1461: Quiet config option not respected by file API in some circumstances. * Fixed #1482: pylama integration is not working correctly out- of-the-box. * Fixed #1492: --check does not work with stdin source. * Fixed #1499: isort gets confused by single line, multi-line style comments when using float-to-top. * Fixed #1525: Some warnings can't be disabled with --quiet. * Fixed #1523: in rare cases isort can ignore direct from import if as import is also on same line. + Potentially breaking changes: * Implemented #1540: Officially support Python 3.9 stdlib imports by default.
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 63)
- Update to 5.5.3 * Fixed #1488: in rare cases isort can mangle yield from or raise from statements. - Version 5.5.2 * Fixed #1469: --diff option is ignored when input is from stdin.
request 833014
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 62)
baserev update by copy to link target
Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator)
(revision 61)
- skip a flaky test gh#PyCQA/isort#1466
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 120