Revisions of python-bitarray

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 906787 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 17)
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Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 16)
- Update to 2.2.2
  * support type hinting for all Python 3 versions (that bitarray
    supports, 3.5 and higher currently).
  * add explicit endianness to two tests.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 899584 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 15)
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Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 14)
- Update to 2.1.1
  * add type hinting (see PEP 484, 561) using stub (`.pyi`) files
- Update to 2.1.0
  * add `.find()` method, see #122
  * `.find()`, `.index()`, `.search()` and `.itersearch()` now all
    except both (sub-) bitarray as well as bool items to be
    searched for
  * improve encode/decode error messages
  * add [lexicographical permutations example](../examples/
- Update to 2.0.1
  * update documentation
  * improve some error messages
- Update to 2.0.0
  * require more specific objects, int (0 or 1) or bool
  * items are always returned as int 0 or 1
  * remove `.length()` method (deprecated since 1.5.1 - use `len()`)
  * in `.unpack()` the `one` argument now defaults to 0x01 (was 0xff)
  * `.tolist()` now always returns a list of integers (0 or 1)
  * fix frozenbitarray hash function, see #121
  * fix frozenbitarray being mutable by `<<=` and `>>=`
  * support sequence protocol in `.extend()` (and bitarray creation)
  * improve OverflowError messages from `util.int2ba()`
  * add [hexadecimal example](../examples/
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 884188 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 13)
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Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 12)
- Update to 1.9.2
  * update pythoncapi_compat: Fix support with PyPy 3.7
- Update to 1.9.0
  * add shift operations (``<<``, ``>>``, ``<<=``, ``>>=``)
  * add ``bitarray.util.ba2base()`` and ``bitarray.util.base2ba()``,
- Update to 1.8.2
  * fix crash caused by unsupported types in binary operations,
  * speedup initializing or extending a bitarray from another
    with different bit endianness.
  * add formatting options to ``bitarray.util.pprint()``
  * add and improve tests (all 291 tests run in less than half
    a second on a modern machine)
- Update to 1.8.1
  * moved implementation of and ``hex2ba()`` and ``ba2hex()``
    to C-level
  * add ``bitarray.util.parity()``
- Update to 1.8.0
  * add ``bitarray.util.serialize()`` and
  * allow whitespace (ignore space and ``\n\r\t\v``) in input
    strings; e.g. ``bitarray('01 11')`` or ``a += '10 00'``
  * add ``bitarray.util.pprint()``
  * When initializing a bitarray from another with different
    bit endianness, e.g. ``a = bitarray('110', 'little')``
    and ``b = bitarray(a, 'big')``, the buffer used to be
    simply copied, with consequence that ``a == b`` would
    result in ``False``.  This is fixed now, that is
    ``a == b`` will always evaluate to ``True``.
  * add test for loading existing pickle file (created using
    bitarray 1.5.0)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 846430 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 11)
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Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 10)
- Update to 1.6.1
  * use PyType_Ready for all types: bitarray, bitarrayiterator,
    decodeiterator, decodetree, searchiterator.
- Update to 1.6.0
  * add `decodetree` object, for speeding up consecutive calls
    to `.decode()` and `.iterdecode()`, in particular when dealing
    with large prefix codes.
  * add optional parameter to `.tolist()` which changes the items
    in the returned list to integers (0 or 1), as opposed to
  * remove deprecated `bitdiff()`, which has been deprecated since
    version 1.2.0, use `bitarray.util.count_xor()` instead
  * drop Python 2.6 support.
  * update license file.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 819060 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 9)
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Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 8)
- Update to version 1.3.0
  * add `bitarray.util.make_endian()`
  * `util.ba2hex()` and `util.hex2ba()` now also support
  * add `bitarray.get_default_endian()`
  * made first argument of initializer a positional-only parameter
  * remove `.fromstring()` and `.tostring()` methods, these have
    been deprecated 8 years ago, since version 0.4.0
  * add `__all__` in `bitarray/`
  * drop Python 3.3 and 3.4 support
- Update to version 1.2.2
  * `util.ba2hex` now always return a string object (instead of
    bytes object for Python 3), see issue #94
  * `util.hex2ba` allows a unicode object as input on Python 2
  * Determine 64-bitness of interpreter in a cross-platform
    fashion #91, in order to better support PyPy
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 7)
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 6)
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 5)
- Run testsuite
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 4)
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 3)
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 2)
- Update to version 1.2.1
  * simplify markdown of readme so PyPI renders better
  * make tests for bitarray.util required (instead of warning when
    they cannot be imported)
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * add bitarray.util module which provides useful utility functions
  * deprecate `bitarray.bitdiff` in favor of `bitarray.util.count_xor`
  * use markdown for documentation
  * fix bug in .count() on 32bit systems in special cases when array size
    is 2^29 bits or larger
  * simplified tests by using bytes syntax
  * update smallints and sieve example to use new utility module
  * simplified mandel example to use numba
  * use file context managers in tests
- Update to version 1.1.0
  * add frozenbitarray object
  * add optional start and stop parameters to .count() method
  * add official Python 3.8 support
  * optimize setrange() C-function by using memset
  * fix issue #74, bitarray is hashable on Python 2
  * fix issue #68, `unittest.TestCase.assert_` deprecated
  * improved test suite - tests should run in about 1 second
  * update documentation to use positional-only syntax in docstrings
  * update readme to pass Python 3 doctest
  * add utils module to examples
- Specfile cleanup
- Run testsuite
Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) committed (revision 1)
osc copypac from project:home:killerrex package:python-bitarray revision:19
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