Revisions of openldap2

Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) committed (revision 107)
- Remove PidFile from service definition
- Update to 2.4.39
  * Fixed libldap MozNSS crash (ITS#7783)
  * Fixed libldap memory leak with SASL (ITS#7757)
  * Fixed libldap assert in parse_passwdpolicy_control (ITS#7759)
  * Fixed libldap shortcut NULL RDNs (ITS#7762)
  * Fixed libldap deref to use correct control
  * Fixed liblmdb keysizes with mdb_update_key (ITS#7756)
  * Fixed slapd cn=config olcDbConfig modification (ITS#7750)
  * Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb to bail out of search if config is paused (ITS#7761)
  * Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb indexing issue with derived attributes (ITS#7778)
  * Fixed slapd-mdb to bail out of search if config is paused (ITS#7761)
  * Fixed slapd-mdb indexing issue with derived attributes (ITS#7778)
  * Fixed slapd-perl to bail out of search if config is paused (ITS#7761)
  * Fixed slapd-sql to bail out of search if config is paused (ITS#7761)
  * Fixed slapo-constraint handling of softadd/softdel (ITS#7773)
  * Fixed slapo-syncprov assert with findbase (ITS#7749)
  * Build Environment
      Test suite: Use $(MAKE) for tests (ITS#7753)
  * Documentation
      admin24 fix TLSDHParamFile to be correct (ITS#7684) 
- FATE#315028 remove memory limit for slapd 

- Remove PidFile from service definition
- Update to 2.4.39
  * Fixed libldap MozNSS crash (ITS#7783)
  * Fixed libldap memory leak with SASL (ITS#7757)
  * Fixed libldap assert in parse_passwdpolicy_control (ITS#7759)
  * Fixed libldap shortcut NULL RDNs (ITS#7762)
  * Fixed libldap deref to use correct control
Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) committed (revision 106)
- Add systemd style service definition
- FATE#315028 remove memory limit for slapd
- FATE#315415: LDAP compat packages required for older SLES versions
  For this reson following patches were applied:
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 210559 from Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) (revision 105)
baserev update by copy to link target
Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) accepted request 210556 from Michael Matz's avatar Michael Matz (matz2) (revision 104)
Please forward to factory.
- Make /etc/sasl2 owned by openldap2.
- Fix garbled openldap2.changes.
Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) committed (revision 103)
- Update to 2.4.38
     * Fixed liblmdb nordahead flag (ITS#7734)
     * Fixed liblmdb to check cursor index before cursor_del (ITS#7733)
     * Fixed liblmdb wasted space on split (ITS#7589)
     * Fixed slapd for certs with a NULL issuerDN (ITS#7746)
     * Fixed slapd cn=config with empty nested includes (ITS#7739)
     * Fixed slapd syncrepl memory leak with delta-sync MMR (ITS#7735)
     * Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb to stop processing on dn not found (ITS#7741)
     * Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb with indexed ANDed filters (ITS#7743)
     * Fixed slapd-mdb to stop processing on dn not found (ITS#7741)
     * Fixed slapd-mdb dangling reader (ITS#7662)
     * Fixed slapd-mdb matching rule for OlcDbEnvFlags (ITS#7737)
     * Fixed slapd-mdb with indexed ANDed filters (ITS#7743)
     * Fixed slapd-meta from blocking other threads (ITS#7740)
     * Fixed slapo-syncprov assert with findbase (ITS#7749)
    Changes in 2.4.37
     * Added liblmdb nordahead environment flag (ITS#7725)
     * Fixed client tools CLDAP with IPv6 (ITS#7695)
     * Fixed libldap CLDAP with IPv6 (ITS#7695)
     * Fixed libldap lock ordering with abandon op (ITS#7712)
     * Fixed liblmdb segfault with mdb_cursor_del (ITS#7718)
     * Fixed liblmdb when converting to writemap (ITS#7715)
     * Fixed liblmdb assert on MDB_NEXT with delete (ITS#7722)
     * Fixed liblmdb wasted space on split (ITS#7589)
     * Fixed slapd cn=config with olcTLSProtocolMin (ITS#7685)
     * Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb optimize index updates (ITS#7329)
     * Fixed slapd-ldap chaining with cn=config (ITS#7381, ITS#7434)
     * Fixed slapd-ldap chaning with controls (ITS#7687)
     * Fixed slapd-mdb optimize index updates (ITS#7329)
     * Fixed slapd-meta chaining with cn=config (ITS#7381, ITS#7434)
Peter Varkoly's avatar Peter Varkoly (varkoly) committed (revision 102)
new version. change log follows
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 179379 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 101)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 179334 from Jan Engelhardt's avatar Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (revision 100)
- For now, avoid automatic use of libdb-6_0 by explicitly selecting
  libdb-4_8 as BuildRequire.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 178933 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 99)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 177942 from Jan Engelhardt's avatar Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (revision 98)
- Put static libs into openldap2-devel-static and relieve
  openldap2-devel of static-only deps
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 141857 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 97)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 141630 from Ruediger Oertel's avatar Ruediger Oertel (oertel) (revision 96)
- fix for kernel > 3.0
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 141553 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 95)
baserev update by copy to link target
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 139453 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 93)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 139452 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 92)
update to 2.4.33
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 139383 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 91)
- add explicit buildrequire on groff - needed to build manuals

- add explicit buildrequire on groff - needed to build manuals (forwarded request 139382 from coolo)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 139176 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 90)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) accepted request 138291 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 89)
- buildrequire krb5-mini in openldap2-client to avoid cycle
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 120914 from Ralf Haferkamp's avatar Ralf Haferkamp (rhafer) (revision 88)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 221 - 240 of 327
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