Revisions of storm
Atri Bhattacharya (badshah400)
request 821141
Johannes Grassler (jgrassler)
(revision 6)
- Fix duplicate BuildRequire on storm-kit - update to 1.2.3 (SOC-9974, CVE-2019-0202, SOC-9998, CVE-2018-11779): * 1.2.3 * [STORM-3233] - Upgrade zookeeper client to newest version (3.4.13) [STORM-3077] - Upgrade Disruptor version to 3.3.11 * [STORM-3083] - Upgrade HikariCP version to 2.4.7 * [STORM-3094] - Topology name needs to be validated at storm-client * [STORM-3222] - Fix KafkaSpout internals to use LinkedList instead of ArrayList [STORM-3292] - Trident HiveState must flush writers when the batch commits * [STORM-3013] - Deactivated topology restarts if data flows into Kafka [STORM-3028] - HdfsSpout does not handle empty files in case of ack enabled * [STORM-3046] - Getting a NPE leading worker to die when starting a topology. * [STORM-3047] - Ensure Trident emitter refreshPartitions is only called with partitions assigned to the emitter * [STORM-3055] - never refresh connection * [STORM-3068] - STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS are not passed to storm-kafka-monitor properly * [STORM-3082] - NamedTopicFilter can't handle topics that don't exist yet * [STORM-3087] - FluxBuilder.canInvokeWithArgs is too permissive when the method parameter type is a primitive * [STORM-3090] - The same offset value is used by the same partition number of different topics. * [STORM-3097] - Remove storm-druid in 2.x and deprecate support for it in 1.x
Thomas Bechtold (tbechtold)
request 667817
Thomas Bechtold (tbechtold)
(revision 5)
- update to 1.1.3: * 1.1.3: * [STORM-3026] - Upgrade ZK instance for security * [STORM-3027] - Make Impersonation Optional * [STORM-3011] - Use default bin path in flight.bash if $JAVA_HOME is undefined * [STORM-3039] - Ports of killed topologies remain in TIME_WAIT state preventing to start new topology * [STORM-2911] - SpoutConfig is serializable but does not declare a serialVersionUID field * [STORM-2978] - The fix for STORM-2706 is broken, and adds a transitive dependency on Zookeeper 3.5.3-beta for projects that depend on e.g. storm-kafka * [STORM-2979] - WorkerHooks EOFException during run_worker_shutdown_hooks * [STORM-2981] - Upgrade Curator to lastest patch version * [STORM-2985] - Add jackson-annotations to dependency management * [STORM-2989] - LogCleaner should preserve current worker.log.metrics * [STORM-2994] - KafkaSpout consumes messages but doesn't commit offsets * [STORM-3043] - NullPointerException thrown in SimpleRecordTranslator.apply() * [STORM-3052] - Let blobs un archive * [STORM-3059] - KafkaSpout throws NPE when hitting a null tuple if the processing guarantee is not AT_LEAST_ONCE * [STORM-2960] - Better to stress importance of setting up proper OS account for Storm processes * [STORM-3060] - Configuration mapping between storm-kafka & storm-kafka-client * [STORM-2952] - Deprecate storm-kafka in 1.x * [STORM-3005] - [DRPC] LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder shouldn't be deprecated * [STORM-2841] - testNoAcksIfFlushFails UT fails with NullPointerException * 1.1.2: * [STORM-2512] - Change KafkaSpoutConfig in storm-kafka-client to make it work with flux * [STORM-2616] - Document the built in metrics (just in time to replace them???) * [STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD * [STORM-2663] - Backport STORM-2558 and deprecate storm.cmd on 1.x-branch * [STORM-2712] - accept arbitrary number of rows per tuple in storm-cassandra * [STORM-2775] - Improve KafkaPartition Metric Names * [STORM-2807] - Integration test should shut down topologies immediately after the test * [STORM-2862] - More flexible logging in multilang (Python, Ruby, JS)
Ismail Dönmez (namtrac)
request 534421
Johannes Grassler (jgrassler)
(revision 4)
This requests adds the missing upstream change log entries from 1.0.2 to 1.0.5 to storm.changes.
Thomas Bechtold (tbechtold)
request 531104
Johannes Grassler (jgrassler)
(revision 3)
- Update to upstream version 1.0.5 (bsc#1059463, CVE-2017-9799) - Removed documentation files that no longer exist in 1.0.5 from spec - Added comment about storm-kit to spec
Thomas Bechtold (tbechtold)
request 527477
Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller)
(revision 2)
- clean up doc installation and permission madness (bsc#1037405) (bsc#1048688, FATE#323204) - remove duplicate file list
Stanislav Brabec (sbrabec)
request 484225
Thomas Bechtold (tbechtold)
(revision 1)
New package
Displaying all 6 revisions