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Python library to handle pixelated data on the sphere based on HEALPix

Edit Package python-healpy

healpy is a Python package to handle pixelated data on the sphere. It is based
on the Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization (HEALPix) scheme and
bundles the HEALPix C++ library.

healpy provides utilities to:
* convert between sky coordinates and pixel indices in HEALPix nested and ring schemes
* find pixels within a disk, a polygon or a strip in the sky
* apply coordinate transformations between Galactic, Ecliptic and Equatorial reference frames
* apply custom rotations either to vectors or full maps
* read and write HEALPix maps to disk in FITS format
* upgrade and downgrade the resolution of existing HEALPix maps
* visualize maps in Mollweide, Gnomonic and Cartographic projections
* transform maps to Spherical Harmonics space and back using multi-threaded C++ routines
* compute Auto and Cross Power Spectra from maps and create map realizations from spectra

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