Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Edit Package ghpsdr3-alex

The software comprises 3 different components:
A) the servers - there is a CLI based server for each type of hardware.
For example, hpsdr-server, usrp-server, softrock (server), sdriq-server, HiQSDR
B) the dspserver - this is the software in the middle that processes the IQ data
from the server (connected over LAN via UDP) using DttSP. The same dspserver
can connect to any of the servers in A.
C) the client - QtRadio

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000565 565 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000240 240 Bytes
ghpsdr3-alex-0.0.0+git.20170125.tar.xz 0019171692 18.3 MB
ghpsdr3-alex-disable-sdr1000.diff 0000000899 899 Bytes
ghpsdr3-alex-fix-desktop-files.diff 0000001750 1.71 KB
ghpsdr3-alex-ortp-hack.diff 0000000868 868 Bytes
ghpsdr3-alex-qmake-qt5.diff 0000021153 20.7 KB
ghpsdr3-alex.changes 0000001351 1.32 KB
ghpsdr3-alex.spec 0000004701 4.59 KB
Source MD5 is 8c0f238d36959ab9eeefcf7710d877b8 (latest revision is 1)
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