
Edit Package thermald

The Linux Thermal Daemon program from

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
fix-32bit-build.patch 0000001003 1003 Bytes
fix-man-thermald_8.patch 0000000426 426 Bytes
fix-systemd-service.patch 0000000595 595 Bytes
sysconfig.thermald 0000001104 1.08 KB
thermal-monitor.desktop 0000000359 359 Bytes
thermal-monitor.png 0000002743 2.68 KB
thermal_daemon-2.3.tar.gz 0000452790 442 KB
thermald-group.conf 0000000012 12 Bytes
thermald.changes 0000007895 7.71 KB
thermald.conf 0000000013 13 Bytes
thermald.spec 0000005072 4.95 KB
Source MD5 is 18b77631f47ceb5871c58e63bdf028dd (latest revision is 51)
Comments 3

René Krell's avatar

Does the thermald 1.6 version go to Factory / Tumbleweed as well?

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