
Edit Package goldendict

Feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
* Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with
all formatting, colors, images and links.
* Support of multiple dictionary file formats:
* Babylon .BGL files
* StarDict .ifo/.dict/.idx/.syn dictionaries
* Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files
* ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files
* ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives
* Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary or any other MediaWiki-based sites
* Scan popup functionality. A small window pops up with translation of a
word chosen from antoher application.
* And much more...

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000680 680 Bytes
goldendict-1.5.0~rc2+git.20211020T183358.tar.gz 0026878692 25.6 MB
goldendict.changes 0000006710 6.55 KB
goldendict.spec 0000005433 5.31 KB
Latest Revision
Andrey Karepin's avatar Andrey Karepin (EGDFree) committed (revision 2)
Comments 0
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