Recoll is a personal full text search tool for Unix/Linux.

Edit Package recoll

It is based on the very strong Xapian back-end, for which it provides a feature-rich yet easy to use front-end with a QT graphical interface.

Recoll is free, open source, and licensed under the GPL.


* Easy installation, few dependancies. No database daemon, web server, desktop environment or exotic language necessary.
* Will run on most unix-based systems
* Qt-based GUI. Can use either Qt 4 or Qt 5.
* Searches most common document types, emails and their attachments.
* Powerful query facilities, with boolean searches, phrases, proximity, wildcards, filter on file types and directory tree.
* Multi-language and multi-character set with Unicode based internals.
* (more detail)

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Disable-aspell-support-for-building-the-kioslave-plu.patch 0000001288 1.26 KB
_multibuild 0000000059 59 Bytes
_service 0000000075 75 Bytes
fix-kioslave-build.patch 0000001187 1.16 KB
kio_recoll.spec 0000001991 1.94 KB
recoll-1.37.5.tar.gz 0003134802 2.99 MB
recoll.changes 0000045974 44.9 KB
recoll.spec 0000004943 4.83 KB
stop-recoll-truncating-metadata-to-150.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
Latest Revision
Sergey Kondakov's avatar Sergey Kondakov (X0F) committed (revision 24)
Comments 0
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