The Web In A Box!

Edit Package perl-Mojolicious

Back in the early days of the web there was this wonderful Perl library
called CGI, many people only learned Perl because of it. It was simple
enough to get started without knowing much about the language and powerful
enough to keep you going, learning by doing was much fun. While most of
the techniques used are outdated now, the idea behind it is not.
Mojolicious is a new attempt at implementing this idea using state of the
art technology.
* An amazing MVC web framework supporting a simplified single file mode
through Mojolicious::Lite.
* Powerful out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, Perl-ish templates,
session management, signed cookies, testing framework, static file server,
I18N, first class unicode support and much more for you to discover.
* Very clean, portable and Object Oriented pure Perl API without any
hidden magic and no requirements besides Perl 5.8.7.
* Full stack HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket client/server implementation with TLS,
Bonjour, IDNA, Comet (long polling), chunking and multipart support.
* Builtin async IO web server supporting epoll, kqueue, UNIX domain
sockets and hot deployment, perfect for embedding.
* Automatic CGI, FastCGI and PSGI detection.
* JSON and XML/HTML5 parser with CSS3 selector support.
* Fresh code based upon years of experience developing Catalyst.

For more documentation see Mojolicious::Guides and the tutorial in

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
Mojolicious-9.38.tar.gz 0000940207 918 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000547 547 Bytes
debian.changelog 0000000150 150 Bytes
debian.compat 0000000003 3 Bytes
debian.control 0000000342 342 Bytes
debian.rules 0000000029 29 Bytes
libmojolicious-perl.dsc 0000000299 299 Bytes
perl-Mojolicious.changes 0000156467 153 KB
perl-Mojolicious.spec 0000007326 7.15 KB
Source MD5 is f891742413182954e88cbad91e352bc0 (latest revision is 3)
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