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Edit Package bleachbit

BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space and maintain privacy. Rid your system of old junk including cache, temporary files, and cookies. Designed for Linux systems, it wipes clean Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Adobe Flash, Java, KDE,, Opera, rpmbuild, XChat, and more.

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Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
bleachbit-4.6.1.tar.gz 0001376479 1.31 MB
bleachbit.dsc 0000000423 423 Bytes
bleachbit.spec 0000005567 5.44 KB
debian.changelog 0000000135 135 Bytes
debian.control 0000000932 932 Bytes
debian.rules 0000002249 2.2 KB
Source MD5 is 301b253926d8c44ccb299a362f603890 (latest revision is 1)
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