Portable framework for OpenGL application development

Edit Package glfw

GLFW is a free, Open Source, portable framework for OpenGL application development. In short, it is a single library providing a powerful, portable API for otherwise operating system specific tasks such as opening an OpenGL window, and reading keyboard, time, mouse and joystick input.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000056 56 Bytes
glfw-3.3.9.tar.gz 0000819671 800 KB
glfw-rpmlintrc 0000000060 60 Bytes
glfw.changes 0000023152 22.6 KB
glfw.spec 0000004504 4.4 KB
Source MD5 is 2141f113383d148a33dee1bc2f587aca (latest revision is 3)
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