OBS Source Service to download, verify and vendor Go module dependency sources

Edit Package obs-service-go_modules

Using go.mod and go.sum distributed with a Go application, the obs-service-go_modules service calls go mod download, go mod verify and go mod vendor. The service then creates vendor.tar.gz containing the vendor/ directory populated by go mod vendor, allowing Go application package builds without network access during the build stage.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000687 687 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000248 248 Bytes
obs-service-go_modules-0.6.3.tar.gz 0000015713 15.3 KB
obs-service-go_modules.changes 0000006572 6.42 KB
obs-service-go_modules.spec 0000002931 2.86 KB
Source MD5 is 5eb5b26ea031efe7d3314af46bd717dc (latest revision is 1)
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