Edit Package OpenIPMI

This package is based on the package 'OpenIPMI' from project 'openSUSE:Factory'.

OpenIPMI is an effort to create a full-function IPMI system to allow
full access to all IPMI information on a server and to abstract it to a
level that makes it easy to use.

OpenIPMI consists of two main parts: a device driver that is included
in the Linux kernel and a user-level library that provides a
higher-level abstraction of IPMI and generic services that can be used
on any operation system. This package contains the user-level library
part. This OpenIPMI library also includes the ipmicmd program, a small
program that lets you inject and receive messages.

This copy of OpenIPMI is changed to accept larger messages such as the
SOL functionality of Asus ASMB4 needs.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
OpenIMPI-add-libncurses.patch 0000000731 731 Bytes
OpenIPMI-2.0.16-debug-buf-overrun.diff 0000001844 1.8 KB
OpenIPMI-2.0.16-larger-default-inbuf.diff 0000000831 831 Bytes
OpenIPMI-2.0.29.tar.gz 0003119530 2.98 MB
OpenIPMI-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch 0000000494 494 Bytes
OpenIPMI-prefer_perl_vendor.patch 0000001052 1.03 KB
OpenIPMI-rpmlintrc 0000000029 29 Bytes
OpenIPMI.changes 0000018136 17.7 KB
OpenIPMI.spec 0000006905 6.74 KB
bootstrap 0000001671 1.63 KB
fix-conversions.patch 0000000672 672 Bytes
fix_dia_version_detection.patch 0000000983 983 Bytes
ipmi.service 0000000214 214 Bytes
openipmi-helper 0000012833 12.5 KB
openipmi-tinfo.patch 0000000936 936 Bytes
sysconfig.ipmi 0000002572 2.51 KB
use_python3_shebang 0000000371 371 Bytes
Source MD5 is ddcfb9748def1c7197db38dac31f83a7 (latest revision is 14)
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