
Edit Package freeradius-server

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
freeradius-server-3.0.21.tar.bz2 0003184588 3.04 MB
freeradius-server-3.0.21.tar.bz2.sig 0000000591 591 Bytes
freeradius-server-enable-python3.patch 0000001107 1.08 KB
freeradius-server-opensslversion.patch 0000000566 566 Bytes
freeradius-server-radclient-init-error-buffer.patch 0000000434 434 Bytes
freeradius-server-radiusd-logrotate.patch 0000001036 1.01 KB
freeradius-server-rcradiusd.patch 0000000556 556 Bytes
freeradius-server-rlm_sql_unixodbc-configure.patch 0000000469 469 Bytes
freeradius-server-tmpfiles.patch 0000000310 310 Bytes
freeradius-server.changes 0000118889 116 KB
freeradius-server.spec 0000038825 37.9 KB
freeradius-tmpfiles.conf 0000000038 38 Bytes
freeradius.keyring 0000011090 10.8 KB
radiusd.service 0000000408 408 Bytes
Revision 140 (latest revision is 175)
Adam Majer's avatar Adam Majer (adamm) committed (revision 140)
  logrotate global section (bsc#1170505, bsc#1174905)
Comments 1

flo gleixner's avatar

Hi, the logrotate config for radius contains a global section, which overrides the logrotate.conf defaults for all other logrotate configs sourced after radius (sssd, samba, ....). This should be avoided. Especially the "su radiusd radiusd" in this global section is the cause of failing logrotate with "permission denied", because radiusd may not read the sssd logfiles ;-)

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