HA Web Konsole

Edit Package hawk2

A web-based GUI for managing and monitoring the Pacemaker
High-Availability cluster resource manager.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000657 657 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000237 237 Bytes
hawk-rpmlintrc 0000000629 629 Bytes
hawk2-2.6.5+git.1725719218.8945dc86.tar.bz2 0006878733 6.56 MB
hawk2.changes 0000127891 125 KB
hawk2.spec 0000009808 9.58 KB
make-sle16-compatible.patch 0000002182 2.13 KB
sysconfig.hawk 0000001820 1.78 KB
Revision 288 (latest revision is 300)
Aleksei Burlakov's avatar Aleksei Burlakov (aburlakov) accepted request 1199389 from Aleksei Burlakov's avatar Aleksei Burlakov (aburlakov) (revision 288)
- Update to version 2.6.5+git.1725719218.8945dc86:
  * Fix: decode the resource type from URI
  * Fix: use ocf:heartbeat:Dummy instead of ocf:heartbeat:anything
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