Schema Converter Based on RELAX NG

Edit Package trang

Trang is a command line converter for XML schema languages. The
following languages are supported:

* RELAX NG (XML syntax)

* RELAX NG compact syntax

* XML 1.0 DTDs

* W3C XML Schema

W3C XML Schema is not supported for input.

Trang can also derive a schema from XML documents.

Trang will try to build human-readable schemas; aspects of the input
schema will be preserved as much as possible (including definitions,
spreading over files, annotations, and comments).

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
trang 0000000675 675 Bytes 0000925725 904 KB
trang-doc.tar.bz2 0000031294 30.6 KB
trang.changes 0000002186 2.13 KB
trang.spec 0000003281 3.2 KB
Revision 3 (latest revision is 6)
Adrian Schröter's avatar Adrian Schröter (adrianSuSE) committed (revision 3)
Comments 0
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