Library and tools to access the Apple File System (APFS)

Edit Package libfsapfs

libfsapfs is a library to access the Apple File System (APFS).

Project information:

* Status: experimental
* Licence: LGPLv3+

Read-only supported APFS formats:

* version 2

Supported APFS format features:

* ZLIB (DEFLATE) compression
* LZVN compression
* encryption

Unsupported APFS format features:

* APFS version 1
* Fusion drive (NX_INCOMPAT_FUSION)
* snapshots
* LZFSE compression, compression methods 11 and 12
* "uncompressed", compression methods 1, 9 and 10
* T2 encryption

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
libfsapfs-experimental-20231122.tar.gz 0002164984 2.06 MB
libfsapfs-experimental-20231122.tar.gz.asc 0000000488 488 Bytes
libfsapfs.changes 0000003199 3.12 KB
libfsapfs.keyring 0000001692 1.65 KB
libfsapfs.spec 0000004550 4.44 KB
Source MD5 is d3ea23c81dfe435de992d0e06d6c3f05 (latest revision is 42)
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