Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative nameserver

Edit Package pdns-recursor

PowerDNS Recursor is a non authoritative/recursing DNS server.
Use this package if you need a dns cache for your network.


Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000114 114 Bytes
pdns-recursor-4.4.1.tar.bz2 0001395506 1.33 MB
pdns-recursor-4.4.1.tar.bz2.sig 0000000310 310 Bytes
pdns-recursor.changes 0000047640 46.5 KB
pdns-recursor.init 0000011686 11.4 KB
pdns-recursor.keyring 0000010504 10.3 KB
pdns-recursor.spec 0000004926 4.81 KB
recursor.conf 0000002123 2.07 KB
Source MD5 is aa46c18f4419662756cdd4577af37172 (latest revision is 216)
Comments 1

Winfried Angele's avatar

The _service file is not up to date with version 5.0.4 and so not vendor.tar.zst either.

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