extract internal monitoring data from application logs for collection in a timeseries database

Edit Package mtail

mtail is a tool for extracting metrics from application logs to be exported into a timeseries database or timeseries calculator for alerting and dashboarding.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000775 775 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000231 231 Bytes
apparmor-usr.sbin.mtail 0000000643 643 Bytes
mtail-3.0.0rc48.tar.gz 0000577879 564 KB
mtail.changes 0000002188 2.14 KB
mtail.service 0000001250 1.22 KB
mtail.spec 0000003451 3.37 KB
mtail.sysconfig 0000000244 244 Bytes
vendor.tar.gz 0001676724 1.6 MB
Source MD5 is 2e46da22b400f4653318efbe62c76666 (latest revision is 16)
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