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File libgcj43.spec of Package libgcj43
# # spec file for package libgcj43 (Version 4.3.4_20090804) # # Copyright (c) 2009 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # # norootforbuild # icecream 0 %define building_libjava 1 %define run_tests 1 # spec file for package gcc43 (Version 4.3.x) # # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # # Run the testsuite if there's a file named RUN_TESTS in the source %if 0%{!?run_tests:1} %define run_tests %(test -f %_sourcedir/RUN_TESTS && echo 1 || echo 0) %endif # Ada currently fails to build on a few platforms, enable it only # on those that work # Note that AdaCore only supports %ix86, x86_64 and ia64 %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ppc s390 ia64 %define build_ada 0%{!?building_libjava:1} %else # alpha ppc64 s390x hppa %define build_ada 0 %endif # We don't want to build java on arm %ifarch mips %arm %define build_java 0 %define build_libjava 0 %else %define build_java 1 %define build_libjava 0%{?building_libjava:1} %endif %define build_cp 1 %define build_fortran 1 %define build_objc 1 %define build_objcp 0%{!?building_libjava:1} %define build_with_mudflap 0 %if %{build_objcp} %define build_cp 1 %define build_objc 1 %endif %if %{build_libjava} %define build_cp 1 %endif Name: libgcj43 BuildRequires: bison flex gettext-devel glibc-devel-32bit mpfr-devel perl texinfo zlib-devel %if %{build_ada} %if %{suse_version} > 1110 %define hostsuffix -4.3 BuildRequires: gcc43-ada %else %define hostsuffix %{nil} BuildRequires: gcc-ada %endif %endif %if %{build_libjava} BuildRequires: fastjar gtk2-devel libart_lgpl-devel unzip %endif %ifarch ia64 BuildRequires: libunwind-devel %endif %if %{run_tests} BuildRequires: dejagnu expect %endif # Define version number of libgcc_s %ifarch hppa %define libgcc_s 4 %else %define libgcc_s 1 %endif %ifarch ppc # We support building the nof libraries, but don't want this in the # regular rpms %define build_nof 0 %else %define build_nof 0 %endif %define separate_bi32 0 %define separate_bi64 0 %ifarch ppc # Beware, this does _not_ separate libgcj, as for that one multilibing # is inactive for the time being %define separate_bi64 1 %endif %ifarch x86_64 s390x ppc64 %define separate_bi32 1 %endif # Define two macros to trigger -32bit or -64bit package variants %define separate_biarch 0 %if %{separate_bi32} %define separate_biarch 1 %define separate_biarch_suffix -32bit %endif %if %{separate_bi64} %define separate_biarch 1 %define separate_biarch_suffix -64bit %endif %ifarch x86_64 ia64 s390x alpha ppc64 # 64-bit is primary build target %define build_primary_64bit 1 %else %define build_primary_64bit 0 %endif %define biarch_libjava 0 # COMMON-BEGIN %define biarch_targets x86_64 s390x powerpc64 powerpc Url: Version: 4.3.4_20090804 Release: 1 %define gcc_version %(echo %version | sed 's/_.*//') %define gcc_dir_version %(echo %gcc_version | cut -d '.' -f 1-2) %define snapshot_date %(echo %version | sed 's/[34]\.[0-4]\.[0-6]//' | sed 's/_/-/') %define binsuffix -4.3 # COMMON-END %if 0%{?!building_libjava:1} Requires: binutils glibc-devel Requires: cpp43 = %{version}-%{release} Requires: libgcc%{libgcc_s} >= %{version}-%{release} Requires: libgomp1 >= %{version}-%{release} %if %{build_with_mudflap} Requires: libmudflap0 >= %{version}-%{release} Requires: libmudflapth0 >= %{version}-%{release} %endif %if 0%{suse_version} > 1000 Suggests: gcc43-info gcc43-locale %endif %endif # COMMON-BEGIN AutoReqProv: on BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Source: gcc-%{gcc_version}%{snapshot_date}.tar.bz2 Source1: change_spec Source2: libgcj43-rpmlintrc Source3: gcc43-rpmlintrc Source4: ecj.jar Source5: README.First-for.SuSE.packagers Patch1: gcc-dir-version.patch Patch2: gcc-sles-version.patch Patch3: gcc-noalias-warn.diff Patch4: gcc-add-defaultsspec.diff Patch5: boehm-gc-strict-aliasing.patch Patch6: suse-record-gcc-opts.diff Patch7: acats-timeout.patch Patch10: program-transform-name.diff Patch11: program-transform-name-tools.diff Patch12: gcc4-ppc64-m32-m64-multilib-only.patch Patch22: libjava-no-static.diff Patch23: libjava-no-multilib.diff Patch24: tls-no-direct.diff Patch25: pr27880.diff Patch28: pr33763.diff Patch29: pr40141.diff Patch30: Wunprototyped-calls.diff Patch31: pr27799-1.diff Patch32: pr27799-2.diff Patch33: pr27799-3.diff Patch41: fpreserve-function-arguments43.patch Patch42: pr27975.diff Patch43: build-id.diff Patch44: nvl428413.patch Patch45: nvl423594.patch Patch46: pr32277.diff Patch47: gcc43-as-g0 Patch202: nvl440482.patch Patch204: pr39675.diff # A set of patches from the RH srpm Patch50: gcc43-c++-builtin-redecl.patch Patch51: gcc41-ia64-stack-protector.patch Patch52: gcc43-java-debug-iface-type.patch Patch53: gcc43-libgomp-omp_h-multilib.patch Patch54: gcc43-pr34037.patch Patch55: gcc41-java-slow_pthread_self.patch Patch56: gcc43-pr36741-revert.patch Patch57: gcc41-ppc32-retaddr.patch Patch58: gcc43-pr37189.patch Patch59: gcc43-x86_64-va_start.patch # Some patches taken from Debian Patch60: gcc43-textdomain.patch Patch61: gcc43-rename-info-files.patch # Patches for AMD features Patch70: pr34043-1.diff Patch71: pr34043-2.diff Patch72: pr34043-3.diff Patch73: pr34043-4.diff Patch74: pr34043-5.diff Patch75: amd-SSE5-shift-ppc-1.diff Patch76: amd-SSE5-shift-ppc-2.diff Patch77: amd-SSE5-shift.diff Patch78: amd-cunroll-1.diff Patch79: amd-cunroll-2.diff Patch81: amd-cvect-1.diff Patch82: amd-cvect-2.diff # Patches for Intel features Patch80: intel303993-aes.diff # Patches for IBM features Patch90: ibm304071-z10-1 Patch91: ibm304071-z10-2 Patch92: ibm304071-z10-3 Patch93: ibm304071-z10-4 Patch94: ibm304071-z10-5 Patch95: ibm304071-z10-6 Patch96: pr36745.diff Patch97: pr36822.diff Patch99: ibm-vector-keyword-1 Patch100: ibm-vector-keyword-2 Patch101: ibm-vector-keyword-3 Patch102: ibm304071-z10-7 Patch103: ibm304134-power7-1 Patch104: ibm-cell-split Patch105: ibm-cell-split-fixes Patch106: nvl425806.patch Patch109: nvl425783.patch Patch110: nvl425784.patch Patch111: nvl425788.patch Patch112: nvl425789.patch Patch114: nvl425791.patch Patch115: nvl425794.patch Patch116: nvl425798-1.patch Patch117: nvl425798-2.patch Patch118: nvl425799.patch Patch119: nvl426087.patch Patch120: ibm304071-z10-8 Patch121: nvl434500.patch Patch122: nvl436041.patch Patch123: gcc43-no-unwind-tables.diff Patch124: nvl441016.patch Patch126: nvl447669.diff Patch127: nvl464739.patch # Patches for SAP features Patch130: sap303956-utf16-1.diff Patch131: sap303956-utf16-2.diff Patch132: sap303956-utf16-3.diff Patch133: sap303956-utf16-4.diff Patch134: sap303956-utf16-mangling.diff License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later Summary: Java Runtime Library for gcc Group: System/Libraries %define gcj_sover 9 %if 0%{suse_version} > 1000 Recommends: libgcj43-jar = %{version}-%{release} %endif Provides: libgcj%{gcj_sover} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libgcj%{gcj_sover} < %{version}-%{release} Provides: libgij%{gcj_sover} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libgij%{gcj_sover} < %{version}-%{release} Provides: libgcj-tools%{gcj_sover} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libgcj-tools%{gcj_sover} < %{version}-%{release} AutoReqProv: on %description This library is needed if you want to use the GNU Java compiler, gcj. Source code for this package is in gcc. %post /sbin/ldconfig %postun /sbin/ldconfig %package -n gcc43-java License: GPL v3 or later Summary: The GNU Java Compiler Group: Development/Languages/Java AutoReqProv: on Requires: gcc43 = %{version} Requires: libgcj43-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description -n gcc43-java The Java compiler from the GCC-tools-suite. %package -n libgcj_bc43 License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later Summary: Fake library for BC-ABI compatibility. Group: Development/Libraries/Java AutoReqProv: on Provides: libgcj_bc1 = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libgcj_bc1 < %{version}-%{release} # libgcj_bc is special in that it just contains a symlink to # a proper libgcj version. So require that library and add # provides for the shlib version as created at link time Requires: libgcj%{gcj_sover} %ifarch x86_64 ia64 ppc64 s390x Provides: %else Provides: %endif # make rpm happy Obsoletes: libgcj_bc42 # make zypp happy Provides: libgcj_bc42 %description -n libgcj_bc43 A fake library that is used at link time only. It ensures that binaries built with the BC-ABI link against a constant SONAME. This way, BC-ABI binaries continue to work if the SONAME underlying changes. %package -n libgcj43-jar License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later Summary: Java runtime library (jar files). Group: Development/Libraries/Java %description -n libgcj43-jar These are the jar files that go along with the gcj front end to gcc. %package -n libgcj43-devel License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later Summary: Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development. Group: Development/Libraries/Java AutoReqProv: on Requires: libstdc++43-devel = %{version} Requires: libgcj%{gcj_sover} >= %{version}-%{release} Requires: libgcj_bc1 >= %{version}-%{release} Requires: libgcj43-jar = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gtk2-devel Requires: libart_lgpl-devel Requires: glibc-devel Requires: zlib-devel %ifarch ia64 Requires: libunwind-devel %endif %description -n libgcj43-devel This package contains all necessary include files and libraries needed to develop applications that require these. %package -n gcc43-gij License: GPL v3 or later Summary: Java Bytecode Interpreter for gcc Group: Development/Libraries/Java Requires: libgcj%{gcj_sover} >= %{version}-%{release} AutoReqProv: on %description -n gcc43-gij This package contains the java bytecode interpreter gij and related tools. %package -n libffi43 License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Provides: g-wrap:/usr/lib/ Provides: libffi4 = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libffi4 < %{version}-%{release} # make rpm happy Obsoletes: libffi41 libffi42 # make zypp happy Provides: libffi41 libffi42 %description -n libffi43 A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %post -n libffi43 /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libffi43 /sbin/ldconfig # PACKAGE-END # PACKAGE-BEGIN # PACKAGE-BEGIN %package -n libffi43-32bit License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Provides: g-wrap:/usr/lib/ Provides: libffi4 = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libffi4 < %{version}-%{release} # make rpm happy Obsoletes: libffi41-32bit libffi42-32bit # make zypp happy Provides: libffi41-32bit libffi42-32bit %description -n libffi43-32bit This is a re-packaged binary rpm. For the package source, please look for the source of the package without the "32bit" ending A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %post -n libffi43-32bit /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libffi43-32bit /sbin/ldconfig # PACKAGE-END # PACKAGE-BEGIN # PACKAGE-BEGIN %package -n libffi43-64bit License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Provides: g-wrap:/usr/lib/ Provides: libffi4 = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: libffi4 < %{version}-%{release} # make rpm happy Obsoletes: libffi41-64bit libffi42-64bit # make zypp happy Provides: libffi41-64bit libffi42-64bit %description -n libffi43-64bit This is a re-packaged binary rpm. For the package source, please look for the source of the package without the "64bit" ending A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %post -n libffi43-64bit /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libffi43-64bit /sbin/ldconfig # PACKAGE-END # PACKAGE-BEGIN # PACKAGE-BEGIN %package -n libffi43-devel License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library development files Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Requires: libffi43 >= %{version}-%{release} %description -n libffi43-devel A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %package -n libffi43-devel-32bit License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library development files Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Requires: libffi43-32bit >= %{version}-%{release} %description -n libffi43-devel-32bit This is a re-packaged binary rpm. For the package source, please look for the source of the package without the "32bit" ending A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %package -n libffi43-devel-64bit License: BSD 3-clause (or similar) Summary: Foreign Function Interface library development files Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ AutoReqProv: on Requires: libffi43-64bit >= %{version}-%{release} %description -n libffi43-devel-64bit This is a re-packaged binary rpm. For the package source, please look for the source of the package without the "64bit" ending A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. %package -n gcc43-testresults License: Public Domain, Freeware Summary: Testsuite results Group: Development/Languages/C and C++ %description -n gcc43-testresults Results from running the gcc and target library testsuites. %if 0%{?gcc_target_arch:1} %define CONFIGURE_TARGET %{gcc_target_arch} %define TARGET_ARCH %(echo %{gcc_target_arch} | cut -d - -f 1 | sed -e "s/i.86/i586/;s/ppc/powerpc/") %if 0%{?gcc_icecream:1} && %{TARGET_ARCH} == "powerpc" %define CONFIGURE_TARGET powerpc64-linux %endif %if 0%{?gcc_icecream:1} && %{TARGET_ARCH} == "powerpc64" %define CONFIGURE_TARGET powerpc64-linux %endif %if 0%{?gcc_icecream:1} && %{TARGET_ARCH} == "i586" %define CONFIGURE_TARGET i586-linux %endif %else %define TARGET_ARCH %(echo %{_target_cpu} | sed -e "s/i.86/i586/;s/ppc/powerpc/") %endif %define HOST_ARCH %(echo %{_host_cpu} | sed -e "s/i.86/i586/;s/ppc/powerpc/") %define biarch %(case " %{biarch_targets} " in (*" %{TARGET_ARCH} "*) echo 1;; (*) echo 0;; esac) %ifarch ppc %define GCCDIST powerpc64-suse-linux %else %define GCCDIST %{HOST_ARCH}-suse-linux %endif %define libsubdir %{_libdir}/gcc/%{GCCDIST}/%{gcc_dir_version} %define gxxinclude %{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_dir_version} # COMMON-END # Versionspecific directories %define versmainlibdir %{libsubdir} %define versmainlibdirbi32 %{libsubdir}/32 %define versmainlibdirbi64 %{libsubdir}/64 %ifarch ppc %define versnoflibdir %{libsubdir}/nof %define versmainlibdirbi32 %{libsubdir} %define versmainlibdirbi64 %{libsubdir}/64 %endif %ifarch ppc64 %define versnoflibdir %{libsubdir}/32/nof %endif %if %{build_primary_64bit} %define versmainlibdirbi %{versmainlibdirbi32} %else %define versmainlibdirbi %{versmainlibdirbi64} %endif %define mainlibdir %{_libdir} %define mainlibdirbi32 %{_prefix}/lib %define mainlibdirbi64 %{_prefix}/lib64 %define noflibdir %{_prefix}/lib/nof %if %{build_primary_64bit} %define mainlibdirbi %{mainlibdirbi32} %else %define mainlibdirbi %{mainlibdirbi64} %endif # Now define a few macros that make it easy to package libs and # related files just to the right package, without caring for the # exact path the files are in. # %mainlib package X from all dirs that belong to the main package # %biarchlib package X from all dirs that belong to the -32/64bit package # by default, nof libs go where the 32bit libs go. %if %{build_nof} %define mainlib() %{mainlibdir}/%1\ %{noflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define mainlib() %{mainlibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %define biarchlib() %{nil} %if %{biarch} %if !%{separate_biarch} %if %{build_nof} %define mainlib() %{mainlibdir}/%1\ %{mainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{noflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define mainlib() %{mainlibdir}/%1\ %{mainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %else %if %{build_nof} %define biarchlib() %{mainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{noflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %define mainlib() %{mainlibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define biarchlib() %{mainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %endif %endif %if %{build_nof} %define versmainlib() %{versmainlibdir}/%1\ %{versnoflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define versmainlib() %{versmainlibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %define versbiarchlib() %{nil} %if %{biarch} %if !%{separate_biarch} %if %{build_nof} %define versmainlib() %{versmainlibdir}/%1\ %{versmainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{versnoflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define versmainlib() %{versmainlibdir}/%1\ %{versmainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %else %if %{build_nof} %define versbiarchlib() %{versmainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{versnoflibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %define versmainlib() %{versmainlibdir}/%1\ %{nil} %else %define versbiarchlib() %{versmainlibdirbi}/%1\ %{nil} %endif %endif %endif # COMMON-BEGIN %prep %setup -q -n gcc-%{gcc_version}%{snapshot_date} %patch1 # This patch changes the version string reported by GCC from # gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.2 20080806 (prerelease) [gcc-4_3-branch revision 138797] # to # gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.1 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 138797] # as requested by bnc#363219. %patch2 %patch3 %patch4 %patch5 %if 0%{suse_version} > 1100 %patch6 %endif %patch7 %patch10 %patch11 %if !%{build_nof} %patch12 %endif %patch22 %patch23 %patch24 %patch25 %patch28 %patch29 %patch30 %patch31 %patch32 %patch33 %patch41 %patch42 %if 0%{suse_version} > 1100 %patch43 %endif %patch44 %patch45 %patch46 %patch47 %patch202 %patch204 %patch50 %patch51 %patch52 %patch53 %patch54 %patch55 %patch56 %patch57 %patch58 %patch59 %patch60 %patch61 %patch70 %patch71 %patch72 %patch73 %patch74 -p1 %patch75 %patch76 %patch77 %patch78 %patch79 %patch81 %patch82 %patch80 %patch90 %patch91 %patch92 %patch93 %patch94 %patch95 %patch96 %patch97 %patch99 %patch100 %patch101 %patch102 %patch103 %patch104 -p1 %patch105 -p1 %patch106 %patch109 %patch110 %patch111 %patch112 %patch114 %patch115 %patch116 %patch117 %patch118 %patch119 %patch120 %patch121 %patch122 %patch123 %patch124 -p1 %patch126 %patch127 %patch130 %patch131 %patch132 %patch133 %patch134 %build # Avoid rebuilding of generated files contrib/gcc_update --touch # Split version file into version used for directories (X.Y) and # version to report with --version (X.Y.Z). # See also gcc-dir-version.patch. # Also decrement the patchlevel version by one if test `cat gcc/DEV-PHASE` == "prerelease"; then ( cat gcc/BASE-VER | cut -d '.' -f 1-2 | tr -d '\n'; echo -n .; cat gcc/BASE-VER | cut -d '.' -f 3 | tr '0123456789' '0012345678' ) > gcc/FULL-VER else mv gcc/BASE-VER gcc/FULL-VER fi cat gcc/FULL-VER | cut -d '.' -f 1-2 > gcc/BASE-VER rm -rf obj-%{GCCDIST} mkdir obj-%{GCCDIST} cd obj-%{GCCDIST} RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE" RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-fno-rtti//g' -e 's/-fno-exceptions//g' -e 's/-Wmissing-format-attribute//g' -e 's/-fstack-protector//g' -e 's/-ffortify=.//g' -e 's/-Wall//g' -e 's/-m32//g' -e 's/-m64//g'` %ifarch %ix86 # -mcpu is superceded by -mtune but -mtune is not supported by # our bootstrap compiler. -mcpu gives a warning that stops # the build process, so remove it for now. RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-mcpu=i.86//g'` %endif %ifarch s390 s390x RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-fsigned-char//g'` RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-O1/-O2/g'` %endif %if 0%{?gcc_target_arch:1} && 0%{!?gcc_icecream:1} # Kill all -march/tune/cpu because that screws building the target libs RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-m\(arch\|tune\|cpu\)=[^ ]*//g'` %endif # Replace 2 spaces by one finally RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/ / /g'` languages=c %if %{build_cp} languages=$languages,c++ %endif %if %{build_objc} languages=$languages,objc %endif %if %{build_fortran} languages=$languages,fortran %endif %if %{build_objcp} languages=$languages,obj-c++ %endif %if %{build_java} languages=$languages,java %endif %if %{build_ada} languages=$languages,ada %endif J=%{?jobs:%jobs} if test -z "$J"; then J=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_CONF) JL=$(($J * 2)) else test 1 -gt "$J" && J=1 JL=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_CONF)*2)) fi if test "$J" == "0"; then J=1 fi if test "$JL" == "0"; then JL=1 fi PARALLEL="-j$J -l$JL" # we don't want some miscompiles in the testsuite, or some fault in # the compiler to kill the machine. Hence we limit the amount of memory # by the physical RAM plus half of swap #MEM=$(free -m | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}') #SWAP=$(free -m | awk '/^Swap:/ {print $2}') #ulimit -v $(((MEM + SWAP/2)*1024)) # In general we want to ship release checking enabled compilers # and run BETA with checking enabled. #ENABLE_CHECKING="--enable-checking=yes" ENABLE_CHECKING="--enable-checking=release" %if "%{name}" != "gcc43" export PATH=/opt/cross/bin:$PATH %endif # Work around tail/head -1 changes export _POSIX2_VERSION=199209 # -Wl,-as-needed breaks the libgcj setup export SUSE_ASNEEDED=0 # configure tries to parse include/features.h to detect # if glibc supports SSP. When cross compiling we would need # to install a cross glibc, which we don't, or make the whole # thing point to the native glibc, which is in /, hence the # --with-sysroot=/ %if %{build_ada} # Using the host gnatmake like # CC="gcc%{hostsuffix}" GNATBIND="gnatbind%{hostsuffix}" # GNATMAKE="gnatmake%{hostsuffix}" # doesn't work due to PR33857, so an un-suffixed gnatmake has to be # available mkdir -p host-tools/bin cp -a /usr/bin/gnatmake%{hostsuffix} host-tools/bin/gnatmake cp -a /usr/bin/gnatlink%{hostsuffix} host-tools/bin/gnatlink cp -a /usr/bin/gnatbind%{hostsuffix} host-tools/bin/gnatbind cp -a /usr/bin/gcc%{hostsuffix} host-tools/bin/gcc ln -sf /usr/%{_lib} host-tools/%{_lib} export PATH="`pwd`/host-tools/bin:$PATH" %endif #%if 0%{?gcc_target_arch:1} && 0%{!?gcc_icecream:1} #%else # --enable-threads=posix \ #%endif # --enable-shared \ CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" XCFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" \ TCFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" GCJFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" \ ../configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --infodir=%{_infodir} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} \ --libexecdir=%{_libdir} \ --enable-languages=$languages \ $ENABLE_CHECKING \ --with-gxx-include-dir=%{_prefix}/include/c++/%{gcc_dir_version} \ --enable-ssp \ --disable-libssp \ --with-bugurl="" \ --with-pkgversion="SUSE Linux" \ %if !%{build_libjava} --disable-libgcj \ %else --with-java-home=%{_libdir}/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj%{binsuffix}- \ --with-ecj-jar=%{libsubdir}/ecj.jar \ --enable-java-awt=gtk \ --enable-gtk-cairo \ %if !%{biarch_libjava} --disable-libjava-multilib \ %endif %endif %if !%{build_with_mudflap} --disable-libmudflap \ %endif --with-slibdir=/%{_lib} \ --with-system-zlib \ --enable-__cxa_atexit \ --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new \ --disable-libstdcxx-pch \ --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs \ %if 0%{?gcc_target_arch:1} %if 0%{?gcc_icecream:1} --with-as=/opt/cross/%{TARGET_ARCH}-linux/bin/as \ --with-ld=/opt/cross/%{TARGET_ARCH}-linux/bin/ld \ --with-sysroot=/ \ --enable-linux-futex \ %endif %if 0%{?build_static:1} --disable-shared \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "spu" --with-sysroot=/usr/spu \ --with-gxx-include-dir=%{_prefix}/spu/include/c++/%{gcc_dir_version} \ --with-newlib \ %endif --disable-nls \ --target=%{CONFIGURE_TARGET} \ %else --program-suffix=%{binsuffix} \ --enable-linux-futex \ %ifarch ia64 --with-system-libunwind \ %else --without-system-libunwind \ %endif %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "powerpc" --with-cpu=default32 \ --enable-secureplt \ --with-long-double-128 \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "powerpc64" --with-cpu=power4 \ --enable-secureplt \ --with-long-double-128 \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "i586" --with-cpu=generic \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "x86_64" --with-cpu=generic \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "s390" --with-tune=z9-109 --with-arch=z900 \ --with-long-double-128 \ %endif %if "%{TARGET_ARCH}" == "s390x" --with-tune=z9-109 --with-arch=z900 \ --with-long-double-128 \ %endif --build=%{GCCDIST} # COMMON-END # Only run profiled bootstrap on archs where it works #%ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ppc ppc64 ia64 #%ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ia64 s390 s390x #make profiledbootstrap-lean BOOT_CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" $PARALLEL #%else make bootstrap-lean BOOT_CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" $PARALLEL #%endif #make -C gcc proto make info %if %{run_tests} echo "Run testsuite" (make -C %{GCCDIST}/libstdc++-v3 check-abi || true) mv %{GCCDIST}/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log %{GCCDIST}/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++-abi.log mv %{GCCDIST}/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.sum %{GCCDIST}/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++-abi.sum make -k check $PARALLEL || true mkdir ../testresults ../contrib/test_summary > ../testresults/test_summary.txt %endif %install export NO_BRP_CHECK_BYTECODE_VERSION=true cd obj-%{GCCDIST} # Work around tail/head -1 changes export _POSIX2_VERSION=199209 export LIBRARY_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdirbi} %if 0%{?building_libjava:1} make -C %{GCCDIST}/libjava install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C %{GCCDIST}/libffi install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C gcc java.install-man DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C gcc java.install-common DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C gcc install-common DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT COMPILERS='jc1$(exeext) jvgenmain$(exeext)' # install-common also installs collect2, gcov and the g++ and gfortran driver %if %{build_cp} rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/g++%{binsuffix} %endif %if %{build_fortran} rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/gfortran%{binsuffix} %endif rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/gcov%{binsuffix} rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/collect2 %else make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if %{build_java} make -C gcc java.uninstall DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C gcc java.install-info DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/jcf-dump%{binsuffix} rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/jcf-dump%{binsuffix}.1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/jc1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/jvgenmain %endif %endif # Remove some useless .la files for lib in libobjc libgfortran libgfortranbegin libmudflap libmudflapth \ libgomp libstdc++ libsupc++ libgcj-tools libgij; do rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir}/$ %if %{biarch} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi}/$ %endif done mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} %if %{biarch} %if %{build_primary_64bit} mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib %else mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64 %endif %endif # move shared libs from versionspecific dir to main libdir for libname in \ %if 0%{?building_libjava:1} libgcj libgij libgcj-tools \ %else %if %{build_fortran} libgfortran \ %endif %if %{build_objc} libobjc \ %endif %if %{build_cp} libstdc++ \ %endif libgomp \ %if %{build_with_mudflap} libmudflap libmudflapth \ %endif %endif ; do for lib in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir} -maxdepth 1 -name $*`; do mv $lib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdir}/ done ln -sf %{mainlibdir}/`readlink $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir}/$ | sed -e 's/\(.*\.so\.[^\.]*\).*/\1/'` \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir}/$ %if %{biarch} if test -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi}; then for lib in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi} -maxdepth 1 -name "$*"`; do mv $lib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdirbi}/ done ln -sf %{mainlibdirbi}/`readlink $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi}/$ | sed -e 's/\(.*\.so\.[^\.]*\).*/\1/'` \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi}/$ fi %endif done %if 0%{?building_libjava:1} # libgcj_bc is special as the .so file is actually a different # library as the library refered to by the SONAME which should # be a simple link to our libgcj. for lib in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir} -maxdepth 1 -name*`; do rm $lib done ln -s{gcj_sover} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdir}/ %if %{biarch_libjava} for lib in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi} -maxdepth 1 -name*`; do rm $lib done ln -s{gcj_sover} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdirbi}/ %endif %endif %if %{build_ada} mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/adalib/lib*-*.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} ln -sf %{_libdir}/$(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} && echo libgnarl-*.so) $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/adalib/ ln -sf %{_libdir}/$(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} && echo libgnat-*.so) $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/adalib/ chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libgna*-*.so %endif rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/c++%{binsuffix} # Remove some crap from the .la files: for l in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la'`; do echo "changing $l" # -e '/^dependency_libs/s|%{libsubdir}/\([^.]*\)\.la |%{_libdir}/\1\.la |g' sed -e '/^dependency_libs/s| -L/usr/src/packages/BUILD/[^ ]*||g' \ -e '/^dependency_libs/s| -L/usr/%{GCCDIST}/bin||g' \ -e '/^dependency_libs/s|-lm \(-lm \)*|-lm |' \ -e '/^dependency_libs/s|-L[^ ]* ||g' \ %if %{biarch} %if %{build_primary_64bit} -e '/^libdir/s|%{_libdir}/32|%{_prefix}/lib|' \ -e '/^libdir/s|lib64/\.\./||' \ %else -e '/^libdir/s|%{_libdir}/64|%{_prefix}/lib64|' \ %endif %endif < $l > $ mv $ $l done %if %{run_tests} cp `find . -name "*.sum"` ../testresults/ cp `find . -name "*.log" \! -name "config.log" |grep -v 'acats/tests' ` ../testresults/ chmod 644 ../testresults/* %endif %if %{build_cp} # Find C++ and Java headers find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/c++ \ -regex ".*/\(org\|gcj\|gnu\|java\|javax\)" -prune \ -o \( -type d -printf "%%%%dir " , \ -printf "%{_prefix}/include/c++/%%P\n" \) > ../c++-headers %endif # Remove files that we do not need to clean up filelist rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/%{GCCDIST}-* rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/install-tools rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/install-tools #rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libgcj%{binsuffix}.pc rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/root rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/curses.h rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/asm-* rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/linux rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/sound rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/features.h rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/ncurses.h rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/stdio.h rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/zutil.h rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/X11 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/bits rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/obstack.h rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/spe.h rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/bits rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include-fixed/sys rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/gccbug%{binsuffix} %if !0%{?building_libjava:1} # delete compile flag tracking from crt files crt_list=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdir}/crt*.o %if %{biarch} %if %{build_primary_64bit} crt32_list=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi32}/crt*.o %else crt64_list=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{versmainlibdirbi64}/crt*.o %endif %endif for o in $crt_list $crt32_list $crt64_list; do objcopy -R ".comment.SUSE.OPTs" $o done %endif %if %{build_libjava} # gcj -static doesn't work properly anyway, unless using --whole-archive # let's save the space instead. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name libgcj.a \ -o -name libgcj-tools.a \ -o -name libgij.a \ -o -name libgtkpeer.a \ -o -name libjawt.a \ -o -name libjvm.a \ -o -name libgcj_bc.a \ | xargs rm -f find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name libgcj.spec | xargs \ sed -i -e 's/lib: /&%%{static:%%eJava programs cannot be linked statically}/' # Move libffi headers, remove empty libffi libtool file mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include/ffitarget.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/ mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir}/include/ffi.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/include/ rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdir}/ %if %{biarch} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mainlibdirbi}/ %endif # security files have broken install locations, also they cause conflicts # between libgcj versions. Simply delete them here, libgcj will use its # defaults in this case (which is what these files contain anyway). rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/security %endif %if %{build_java} %if !%{build_libjava} rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/jv-convert%{binsuffix}.1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/gcj-dbtool%{binsuffix}.1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/gij%{binsuffix}.1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/grmic%{binsuffix}.1 rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/gc-analyze%{binsuffix}.1 %endif %endif rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man7/fsf-funding.7 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man7/gfdl.7 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man7/gpl.7 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libiberty.a %if %{build_nof} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/nof/libiberty.a %endif %if %{biarch} %if %{build_primary_64bit} rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/libiberty.a %else rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib64/libiberty.a %endif %endif %if 0%{?building_libjava:1} # For building libjava only we need to delete other info docs rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/* # For building the java frontend we need to copy the ecj jar mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir} cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ecj.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{libsubdir} %else # For regular build, some info files do not get renamed properly. # Do so here. mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/libgomp%{binsuffix}.info %if %{build_ada} mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/gnat-style%{binsuffix}.info mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/gnat_rm%{binsuffix}.info mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/gnat_ugn_unw%{binsuffix}.info %endif %endif %if %{build_java} %if 0%{?building_libjava:1} %files -n gcc43-java %defattr(-,root,root) %{_prefix}/bin/gcj%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gcjh%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gcj-dbtool%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/jcf-dump%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/jv-convert%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gc-analyze%{binsuffix} %{libsubdir}/jc1 %{libsubdir}/jvgenmain %{libsubdir}/ecj.jar %{libsubdir}/ecj1 %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gcj%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gcjh%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gcj-dbtool%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/jcf-dump%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/jv-convert%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gc-analyze%{binsuffix}.1.gz %endif %endif %if %{build_java} %if %{build_libjava} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover} %dir %{_libdir}/gcc %dir %{_libdir}/gcc/%{GCCDIST} %dir %{libsubdir} %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/classmap.db # We usually do not multilib libjava %if %{biarch_libjava} %versbiarchlib %biarchlib* %biarchlib* %biarchlib* %else %versmainlib %mainlib* %mainlib* %mainlib* %endif %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %{_libdir}/gcj-%{gcc_dir_version}-%{gcj_sover}/ %files -n libgcj_bc43 %defattr(-,root,root) %if %{biarch_libjava} %biarchlib* %else %mainlib* %endif %files -n libgcj43-jar %defattr(-,root,root) %{_prefix}/share/java/libgcj-%{gcc_dir_version}.jar %{_prefix}/share/java/libgcj-tools-%{gcc_dir_version}.jar %files -n libgcj43-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_prefix}/include/c++ %dir %{libsubdir} %dir %{libsubdir}/include %dir %{gxxinclude} %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libgcj%{binsuffix}.pc %{_prefix}/bin/addr2name.awk%{binsuffix} %{libsubdir}/include/jawt.h %{libsubdir}/include/jawt_md.h %{libsubdir}/include/jni.h %{libsubdir}/include/jni_md.h %{libsubdir}/include/jvmpi.h %{gxxinclude}/gnu %{gxxinclude}/gcj %{gxxinclude}/java %{gxxinclude}/javax %{gxxinclude}/org %{gxxinclude}/sun %{libsubdir}/include/gcj %if %{biarch_libjava} %versbiarchlib %versbiarchlib libgcj.spec %versbiarchlib %versbiarchlib %versbiarchlib %else %versmainlib %versmainlib libgcj.spec %versmainlib %versmainlib %versmainlib %endif %files -n gcc43-gij %defattr(-,root,root) %{_prefix}/bin/gij%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gappletviewer%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gjar%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gjarsigner%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gjavah%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gkeytool%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gnative2ascii%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gorbd%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/grmic%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/grmid%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/grmiregistry%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gserialver%{binsuffix} %{_prefix}/bin/gtnameserv%{binsuffix} %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gij%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gappletviewer%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/grmic%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/grmid%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/grmiregistry%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gkeytool%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gjar%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gjarsigner%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gjavah%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gnative2ascii%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gorbd%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gserialver%{binsuffix}.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/gtnameserv%{binsuffix}.1.gz %files -n libffi43 %defattr(-,root,root) %mainlib* %if %{separate_biarch} %files -n libffi43%{separate_biarch_suffix} %defattr(-,root,root) %biarchlib* %endif %files -n libffi43-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_prefix}/include/ffi.h %{_prefix}/include/ffitarget.h %mainlib %mainlib libffi.a %if %{separate_biarch} %files -n libffi43-devel%{separate_biarch_suffix} %defattr(-,root,root) %biarchlib %biarchlib libffi.a %endif %endif %endif %if %{run_tests} %files -n gcc43-testresults %defattr(-,root,root) %doc testresults/test_summary.txt %doc testresults/*.sum %doc testresults/*.log %endif %changelog
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