File not found: cargo_config


Edit Package helix

A kakoune / neovim inspired editor, written in Rust.

* Vim-like modal editing
* Multiple selections
* Built-in language server support
* Smart, incremental syntax highlighting and code editing via tree-sitter

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000205 205 Bytes
_service 0000000179 179 Bytes
helix-24.07.tar.xz 0142746572 136 MB
helix.changes 0000055776 54.5 KB
helix.spec 0000005725 5.59 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0025737226 24.5 MB
Latest Revision
Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar Soc Virnyl Estela (uncomfyhalomacro) accepted request 1200198 from Richard Rahl's avatar Richard Rahl (rrahl0) (revision 87)
- remove rpmlintrc as using fdupes works as intended
- remove as the packaging changed so much that
  the readme is not needed anymore
- put the binary in the bindir, create a symlink for people who still
  want to use the full name for the binary
Comments 0
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