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File gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3.obscpio of Package gasket-driver
07070100000000000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000063000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/.gitignoredebian/.debhelper debian/*debhelper* debian/files debian/gasket-dkms.substvars debian/gasket-dkms/ 07070100000001000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000044D000000000000000000000000000000000000002D00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/ How to Contribute We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are just a few small guidelines you need to follow. ## Contributor License Agreement Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to <> to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one. You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again. ## Code reviews All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult [GitHub Help]( for more information on using pull requests. ## Community Guidelines This project follows [Google's Open Source Community Guidelines]( 07070100000002000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A6000046AC000000000000000000000000000000000000002500000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/LICENSE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. 07070100000003000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000265000000000000000000000000000000000000002700000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/ Coral Gasket Driver The Coral Gasket Driver allows usage of the [Coral EdgeTPU]( on Linux systems. The driver contains two modules: * Gasket: Gasket (Google ASIC Software, Kernel Extensions, and Tools) is a top level driver for lightweight communication with Google ASICs. * Apex: Apex refers to the [EdgeTPU v1]( This repo contains both the source for direct integration into a kernel tree as well as the necessary files to generate a Debian DKMS package. ## Building Debian DKMS pacakge From the top level directory, execute: ``` debuild -us -uc -tc -b ``` 07070100000004000041ED000000000000000000000002662AC5A600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian07070100000005000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000BCD000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/changeloggasket-dkms (1.0-18) unstable; urgency=low * Import DMA_BUF symbol namespace for kernels >= 5.16. -- Coral <> Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:30:13 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-17) unstable; urgency=low * Include a udev rule for access to the Apex group. -- Coral <> Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:39:41 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-16) unstable; urgency=low * Bump module versions for Gasket and Apex -- Coral <> Fri, 11 Jun 2021 07:53:18 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-15) unstable; urgency=low * Switch include of rwlock to spinlock (rwlock.h isn't intended to be directly included). * Update Debian files for a clean lintian run. -- Coral <> Fri, 21 May 2021 09:40:36 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-14) unstable; urgency=low * Unregister MSI-x interrupts in suspend. -- Coral <> Mon, 12 Oct 2020 15:26:54 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-13) unstable; urgency=low * Fix compilation for 5.6+ kernels. -- Coral <> Fri, 07 Aug 2020 15:06:07 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-12) unstable; urgency=low * Fix compilation for 5.1+ kernels. -- Coral <> Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:11:43 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-11) unstable; urgency=low * Fix thermal monitoring for suspend/resume. * Don't require all pages to be writable. * Support mapping of dma-bufs. -- Coral <> Mon, 08 Jun 2020 16:10:59 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-10) unstable; urgency=low * Fix linux-headers dependency. -- Coral <> Thu, 02 Jan 2020 14:19:30 -0800 gasket-dkms (1.0-9) unstable; urgency=low * Increase gasket version. -- Coral <> Wed, 13 Nov 2019 18:03:26 -0800 gasket-dkms (1.0-8) unstable; urgency=low * Add unique chip id sysfs node. -- Coral <> Fri, 18 Oct 2019 12:38:57 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-7) unstable; urgency=low * Update to latest version. * Add dma_bit_mask gasket module parameter. -- Coral <> Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:06:40 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-6) unstable; urgency=low * Enable DFS and thermal shutdown by default. * Add DFS support. -- Coral <> Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:04:55 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * Add missing dkms file. -- Coral <> Thu, 6 Jun 2019 20:46:18 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Add thermal sysfs nodes. * Release taken eventfd contexts -- Coral <> Wed, 15 May 2019 21:09:24 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Fix pci remove/rescan -- Coral <> Fri, 25 Mar 2019 17:54:48 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Pull in fixes -- Coral <> Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:14:39 -0700 gasket-dkms (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Coral <> Wed, 04 Mar 2019 16:12:55 +0000 07070100000006000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000003000000000000000000000000000000000000002B00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/compat10 07070100000007000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000020A000000000000000000000000000000000000002C00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/controlSource: gasket-dkms Maintainer: Coral <> Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dkms Homepage: Package: gasket-dkms Architecture: all Priority: optional Section: kernel Depends: dkms (>= 1.95), linux-headers-686-pae | linux-headers-amd64 | linux-headers-generic | linux-headers, ${misc:Depends} Description: DKMS source for the gasket driver Gasket (Google ASIC Software, Kernel Extensions, and Tools) provides support for Google ASICs, specificially the Coral EdgeTPU. 07070100000008000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000042C000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/copyrightFormat: Upstream-Name: Gasket DKMS Source: Files: * Copyright: 2021 Google LLC <> License: GPL-2+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA . On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public License version 2 can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. 07070100000009000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A6000000E9000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/gasket-dkms.dkmsPACKAGE_NAME="gasket" PACKAGE_VERSION="#MODULE_VERSION#" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="gasket" BUILT_MODULE_NAME[1]="apex" DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/updates/dkms" DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[1]="/updates/dkms" AUTOINSTALL="YES" REMAKE_INITRD="YES" 0707010000000A000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000002D000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/gasket-dkms.udevSUBSYSTEM=="apex", MODE="0660", GROUP="apex" 0707010000000B000081ED000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000153000000000000000000000000000000000000002A00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/debian/rules#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/ %: dh $@ --with dkms override_dh_install: dh_install src/* usr/src/gasket-$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)/ override_dh_dkms: dh_dkms -V $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) override_dh_auto_configure: override_dh_auto_build: override_dh_auto_test: override_dh_auto_install: override_dh_auto_clean:0707010000000C000041ED000000000000000000000002662AC5A600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src0707010000000D000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A6000002CB000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/Kconfigmenu "Gasket devices" config STAGING_GASKET_FRAMEWORK tristate "Gasket framework" depends on PCI && (X86_64 || ARM64) help This framework supports Gasket-compatible devices, such as Apex. It is required for any of the following module(s). To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be called "gasket". config STAGING_APEX_DRIVER tristate "Apex Driver" depends on STAGING_GASKET_FRAMEWORK help This driver supports the Apex Edge TPU device. See for more information. Say Y if you want to include this driver in the kernel. To compile this driver as a module, choose M here. The module will be called "apex". endmenu 0707010000000E000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000180000000000000000000000000000000000000002A00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/Makefile# # Makefile for Gasket framework and dependent drivers. # obj-m += gasket.o obj-m += apex.o gasket-objs := gasket_core.o gasket_ioctl.o gasket_interrupt.o gasket_page_table.o gasket_sysfs.o apex-objs := apex_driver.o KVERSION := $(shell uname -r) all: $(MAKE) -C /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build M=$(PWD) modules clean: $(MAKE) -C /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build M=$(PWD) clean 0707010000000F000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000214000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/TODOThis is a list of things that need to be done to get this driver out of the staging directory. - Document sysfs files with Documentation/ABI/ entries. - Use misc interface instead of major number for driver version description. - Add descriptions of module_param's - apex_get_status() should actually check status. - "drivers" should never be dealing with "raw" sysfs calls or mess around with kobjects at all. The driver core should handle all of this for you automaically. There should not be a need for raw attribute macros. 07070100000010000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000047C000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/apex.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Apex kernel-userspace interface definitions. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __APEX_H__ #define __APEX_H__ #include <linux/ioctl.h> /* Clock Gating ioctl. */ struct apex_gate_clock_ioctl { /* Enter or leave clock gated state. */ u64 enable; /* If set, enter clock gating state, regardless of custom block's * internal idle state */ u64 force_idle; }; /* Performance expectation ioctl. */ enum apex_performance_expectation { APEX_PERFORMANCE_LOW = 0, APEX_PERFORMANCE_MED = 1, APEX_PERFORMANCE_HIGH = 2, APEX_PERFORMANCE_MAX = 3, }; struct apex_performance_expectation_ioctl { /* Expected performance from apex. */ uint32_t performance; }; /* Base number for all Apex-common IOCTLs */ #define APEX_IOCTL_BASE 0x7F /* Enable/Disable clock gating. */ #define APEX_IOCTL_GATE_CLOCK \ _IOW(APEX_IOCTL_BASE, 0, struct apex_gate_clock_ioctl) #define APEX_IOCTL_PERFORMANCE_EXPECTATION _IOW(APEX_IOCTL_BASE, 1, struct apex_performance_expectation_ioctl) #endif /* __APEX_H__ */ 07070100000011000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600008CE9000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/apex_driver.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Driver for the Apex chip. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #include <linux/atomic.h> #include <linux/compiler.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/moduleparam.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/printk.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include "apex.h" #include "gasket_core.h" #include "gasket_interrupt.h" #include "gasket_page_table.h" #include "gasket_sysfs.h" /* Constants */ #define APEX_DEVICE_NAME "Apex" #define APEX_DRIVER_VERSION "1.2" /* CSRs are in BAR 2. */ #define APEX_BAR_INDEX 2 #define APEX_PCI_VENDOR_ID 0x1ac1 #define APEX_PCI_DEVICE_ID 0x089a /* Bar Offsets. */ #define APEX_BAR_OFFSET 0 #define APEX_CM_OFFSET 0x1000000 /* The sizes of each Apex BAR 2. */ #define APEX_BAR_BYTES 0x100000 #define APEX_CH_MEM_BYTES (PAGE_SIZE * MAX_NUM_COHERENT_PAGES) /* The number of user-mappable memory ranges in BAR2 of a Apex chip. */ #define NUM_REGIONS 3 /* The number of nodes in a Apex chip. */ #define NUM_NODES 1 /* * The total number of entries in the page table. Should match the value read * from the register APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE. */ #define APEX_PAGE_TABLE_TOTAL_ENTRIES 8192 #define APEX_EXTENDED_SHIFT 63 /* Extended address bit position. */ /* Check reset 120 times */ #define APEX_RESET_RETRY 120 /* Wait 100 ms between checks. Total 12 sec wait maximum. */ #define APEX_RESET_DELAY 100 /* Interval between temperature polls, 0 disables polling */ #define DEFAULT_APEX_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL 5000 /* apex device private data */ struct apex_dev { struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev_ptr; struct delayed_work check_temperature_work; u32 adc_trip_points[3]; atomic_t temp_poll_interval; u32 hw_temp_warn1_adc; u32 hw_temp_warn2_adc; bool hw_temp_warn1_en; bool hw_temp_warn2_en; }; /* Enumeration of the supported sysfs entries. */ enum sysfs_attribute_type { ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE, ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE, ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_NUM_ACTIVE_PAGES, ATTR_TEMP, ATTR_TEMP_WARN1, ATTR_TEMP_WARN1_EN, ATTR_TEMP_WARN2, ATTR_TEMP_WARN2_EN, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP0, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP1, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP2, ATTR_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL, ATTR_UNIQUE_ID, }; /* * Register offsets into BAR2 memory. * Only values necessary for driver implementation are defined. */ enum apex_bar2_regs { APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE = 0x1A300, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE = 0x46000, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_EXTENDED_TABLE = 0x46008, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TRANSLATION_ENABLE = 0x46010, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_INSTR_QUEUE_INTVECCTL = 0x46018, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_INPUT_ACTV_QUEUE_INTVECCTL = 0x46020, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PARAM_QUEUE_INTVECCTL = 0x46028, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_OUTPUT_ACTV_QUEUE_INTVECCTL = 0x46030, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_SC_HOST_INTVECCTL = 0x46038, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TOP_LEVEL_INTVECCTL = 0x46040, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_FATAL_ERR_INTVECCTL = 0x46048, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_DMA_PAUSE = 0x46050, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_DMA_PAUSE_MASK = 0x46058, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_STATUS_BLOCK_DELAY = 0x46060, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_PENDING_BIT_ARRAY0 = 0x46068, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_PENDING_BIT_ARRAY1 = 0x46070, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_INIT = 0x46078, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_TABLE_INIT = 0x46080, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_WIRE_INT_PENDING_BIT_ARRAY = 0x48778, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_WIRE_INT_MASK_ARRAY = 0x48780, APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_DMA_PAUSE = 0x486D8, APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_DMA_PAUSED = 0x486E0, APEX_BAR2_REG_IDLEGENERATOR_IDLEGEN_IDLEREGISTER = 0x4A000, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE = 0x50000, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D0 = 0x01a0d0, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D4 = 0x01a0d4, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8 = 0x01a0d8, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_DC = 0x01a0dc, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_DC = 0x01a2dc, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E0 = 0x01a2e0, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E4 = 0x01a2e4, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E8 = 0x01a2e8, /* Error registers - Used mostly for debug */ APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_ERROR_STATUS = 0x86f0, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCALAR_CORE_ERROR_STATUS = 0x41a0, }; /* Addresses for packed registers. */ #define APEX_BAR2_REG_AXI_QUIESCE (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x2C) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_GCB_CLOCK_GATE (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x14) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_0 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0xc) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_1 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x10) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_2 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x14) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x18) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_4 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x1c) #define APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_5 (APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_BASE + 0x20) #define SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_BIT_OFFSET 26 #define SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_MASK_WIDTH 2 #define SCU3_CUR_RST_GCB_BIT_MASK 0x10 #define SCU2_RG_RST_GCB_BIT_MASK 0xc /* Configuration for page table. */ static struct gasket_page_table_config apex_page_table_configs[NUM_NODES] = { { .id = 0, .mode = GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_NORMAL, .total_entries = APEX_PAGE_TABLE_TOTAL_ENTRIES, .base_reg = APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE, .extended_reg = APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_EXTENDED_TABLE, .extended_bit = APEX_EXTENDED_SHIFT, }, }; /* The regions in the BAR2 space that can be mapped into user space. */ static const struct gasket_mappable_region mappable_regions[NUM_REGIONS] = { { 0x40000, 0x1000 }, { 0x44000, 0x1000 }, { 0x48000, 0x1000 }, }; /* Gasket device interrupts enums must be dense (i.e., no empty slots). */ enum apex_interrupt { APEX_INTERRUPT_INSTR_QUEUE = 0, APEX_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ACTV_QUEUE = 1, APEX_INTERRUPT_PARAM_QUEUE = 2, APEX_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT_ACTV_QUEUE = 3, APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_0 = 4, APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_1 = 5, APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_2 = 6, APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_3 = 7, APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_0 = 8, APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_1 = 9, APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_2 = 10, APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_3 = 11, APEX_INTERRUPT_FATAL_ERR = 12, APEX_INTERRUPT_COUNT = 13, }; /* Interrupt descriptors for Apex */ static struct gasket_interrupt_desc apex_interrupts[] = { { APEX_INTERRUPT_INSTR_QUEUE, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_INSTR_QUEUE_INTVECCTL, UNPACKED, }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ACTV_QUEUE, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_INPUT_ACTV_QUEUE_INTVECCTL, UNPACKED }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_PARAM_QUEUE, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PARAM_QUEUE_INTVECCTL, UNPACKED }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_OUTPUT_ACTV_QUEUE, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_OUTPUT_ACTV_QUEUE_INTVECCTL, UNPACKED }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_0, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_SC_HOST_INTVECCTL, PACK_0 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_1, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_SC_HOST_INTVECCTL, PACK_1 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_2, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_SC_HOST_INTVECCTL, PACK_2 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_SC_HOST_3, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_SC_HOST_INTVECCTL, PACK_3 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_0, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TOP_LEVEL_INTVECCTL, PACK_0 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_1, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TOP_LEVEL_INTVECCTL, PACK_1 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_2, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TOP_LEVEL_INTVECCTL, PACK_2 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_TOP_LEVEL_3, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_TOP_LEVEL_INTVECCTL, PACK_3 }, { APEX_INTERRUPT_FATAL_ERR, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_FATAL_ERR_INTVECCTL, UNPACKED }, }; /* Allows device to enter power save upon driver close(). */ static int allow_power_save = 1; /* Allows SW based clock gating. */ static int allow_sw_clock_gating; /* Allows HW based clock gating. */ /* Note: this is not mutual exclusive with SW clock gating. */ static int allow_hw_clock_gating = 1; /* Act as if only GCB is instantiated. */ static int bypass_top_level; module_param(allow_power_save, int, 0644); module_param(allow_sw_clock_gating, int, 0644); module_param(allow_hw_clock_gating, int, 0644); module_param(bypass_top_level, int, 0644); /* Temperature points in milli C at which DFS is toggled */ #define DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT0_TEMP 85000 #define DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT1_TEMP 90000 #define DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT2_TEMP 95000 static int trip_point0_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT0_TEMP; static int trip_point1_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT1_TEMP; static int trip_point2_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT2_TEMP; module_param(trip_point0_temp, int, 0644); module_param(trip_point1_temp, int, 0644); module_param(trip_point2_temp, int, 0644); /* Hardware monitored temperature trip points in milli C Apex chip drives INTR line when reaching hw_temp_warn1 temperature, and SD_ALARM line when reaching hw_temp_warn2 if corresponding hw_temp_warn*_en is set to true. */ static int hw_temp_warn1 = 100000; static int hw_temp_warn2 = 100000; static bool hw_temp_warn1_en = false; static bool hw_temp_warn2_en = true; module_param(hw_temp_warn1, int, 0644); module_param(hw_temp_warn2, int, 0644); module_param(hw_temp_warn1_en, bool, 0644); module_param(hw_temp_warn2_en, bool, 0644); /* Temperature poll interval in ms */ static int temp_poll_interval = DEFAULT_APEX_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL; module_param(temp_poll_interval, int, 0644); /* Check the device status registers and return device status ALIVE or DEAD. */ static int apex_get_status(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { /* TODO: Check device status. */ return GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE; } /* Enter GCB reset state. */ static int apex_enter_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { if (bypass_top_level) return 0; /* * Software reset: * Enable sleep mode * - Software force GCB idle * - Enable GCB idle */ gasket_read_modify_write_64(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_IDLEGENERATOR_IDLEGEN_IDLEREGISTER, 0x0, 1, 32); /* - Initiate DMA pause */ gasket_dev_write_64(gasket_dev, 1, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_DMA_PAUSE); /* - Wait for DMA pause complete. */ if (gasket_wait_with_reschedule(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_DMA_PAUSED, 1, 1, APEX_RESET_DELAY, APEX_RESET_RETRY)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "DMAs did not quiesce within timeout (%d ms)\n", APEX_RESET_RETRY * APEX_RESET_DELAY); return -ETIMEDOUT; } /* - Enable GCB reset (0x1 to rg_rst_gcb) */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_2, 0x1, 2, 2); /* - Enable GCB clock Gate (0x1 to rg_gated_gcb) */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_2, 0x1, 2, 18); /* - Enable GCB memory shut down (0x3 to rg_force_ram_sd) */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 0x3, 2, 14); /* - Wait for RAM shutdown. */ if (gasket_wait_with_reschedule(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 1 << 6, 1 << 6, APEX_RESET_DELAY, APEX_RESET_RETRY)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "RAM did not shut down within timeout (%d ms)\n", APEX_RESET_RETRY * APEX_RESET_DELAY); return -ETIMEDOUT; } return 0; } /* Quit GCB reset state. */ static int apex_quit_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { u32 val0, val1; if (bypass_top_level) return 0; /* * Disable sleep mode: * - Disable GCB memory shut down: * - b00: Not forced (HW controlled) * - b1x: Force disable */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 0x0, 2, 14); /* * - Disable software clock gate: * - b00: Not forced (HW controlled) * - b1x: Force disable */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_2, 0x0, 2, 18); /* * - Disable GCB reset (rg_rst_gcb): * - b00: Not forced (HW controlled) * - b1x: Force disable = Force not Reset */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_2, 0x2, 2, 2); /* - Wait for RAM enable. */ if (gasket_wait_with_reschedule(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 1 << 6, 0, APEX_RESET_DELAY, APEX_RESET_RETRY)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "RAM did not enable within timeout (%d ms)\n", APEX_RESET_RETRY * APEX_RESET_DELAY); return -ETIMEDOUT; } /* - Wait for Reset complete. */ if (gasket_wait_with_reschedule(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, SCU3_CUR_RST_GCB_BIT_MASK, 0, APEX_RESET_DELAY, APEX_RESET_RETRY)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "GCB did not leave reset within timeout (%d ms)\n", APEX_RESET_RETRY * APEX_RESET_DELAY); return -ETIMEDOUT; } if (!allow_hw_clock_gating) { val0 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); /* Inactive and Sleep mode are disabled. */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 0x3, SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_MASK_WIDTH, SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_BIT_OFFSET); val1 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Disallow HW clock gating 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", val0, val1); } else { val0 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); /* Inactive mode enabled - Sleep mode disabled. */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, 2, SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_MASK_WIDTH, SCU3_RG_PWR_STATE_OVR_BIT_OFFSET); val1 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Allow HW clock gating 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", val0, val1); } return 0; } /* Reset the Apex hardware. Called on final close via device_close_cb. */ static int apex_device_cleanup(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { u64 scalar_error; u64 hib_error; int ret = 0; hib_error = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_USER_HIB_ERROR_STATUS); scalar_error = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCALAR_CORE_ERROR_STATUS); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s 0x%p hib_error 0x%llx scalar_error 0x%llx\n", __func__, gasket_dev, hib_error, scalar_error); if (allow_power_save) ret = apex_enter_reset(gasket_dev); return ret; } /* Determine if GCB is in reset state. */ static bool is_gcb_in_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { u32 val = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); /* Masks rg_rst_gcb bit of SCU_CTRL_2 */ return (val & SCU3_CUR_RST_GCB_BIT_MASK); } /* Reset the hardware, then quit reset. Called on device open. */ static int apex_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int ret; if (bypass_top_level) return 0; if (!is_gcb_in_reset(gasket_dev)) { /* We are not in reset - toggle the reset bit so as to force * re-init of custom block */ dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s: toggle reset\n", __func__); ret = apex_enter_reset(gasket_dev); if (ret) return ret; } ret = apex_quit_reset(gasket_dev); return ret; } /* * Check permissions for Apex ioctls. * Returns true if the current user may execute this ioctl, and false otherwise. */ static bool apex_ioctl_check_permissions(struct file *filp, uint cmd) { return !!(filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE); } /* Gates or un-gates Apex clock. */ static long apex_clock_gating(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct apex_gate_clock_ioctl __user *argp) { struct apex_gate_clock_ioctl ibuf; if (bypass_top_level || !allow_sw_clock_gating) return 0; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(ibuf))) return -EFAULT; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s %llu\n", __func__, ibuf.enable); if (ibuf.enable) { /* Quiesce AXI, gate GCB clock. */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_AXI_QUIESCE, 0x1, 1, 16); gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_GCB_CLOCK_GATE, 0x1, 2, 18); } else { /* Un-gate GCB clock, un-quiesce AXI. */ gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_GCB_CLOCK_GATE, 0x0, 2, 18); gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_AXI_QUIESCE, 0x0, 1, 16); } return 0; } /* apex_set_performance_expectation: Adjust clock rates for Apex. */ static long apex_set_performance_expectation( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct apex_performance_expectation_ioctl __user *argp) { struct apex_performance_expectation_ioctl ibuf; uint32_t rg_gcb_clk_div = 0; uint32_t rg_axi_clk_fixed = 0; const int AXI_CLK_FIXED_SHIFT = 2; const int MCU_CLK_FIXED_SHIFT = 3; // 8051 clock is fixed for PCIe, as it's not used at all. const uint32_t rg_8051_clk_fixed = 1; if (bypass_top_level) return 0; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(ibuf))) return -EFAULT; switch (ibuf.performance) { case APEX_PERFORMANCE_LOW: rg_gcb_clk_div = 3; rg_axi_clk_fixed = 0; break; case APEX_PERFORMANCE_MED: rg_gcb_clk_div = 2; rg_axi_clk_fixed = 0; break; case APEX_PERFORMANCE_HIGH: rg_gcb_clk_div = 1; rg_axi_clk_fixed = 0; break; case APEX_PERFORMANCE_MAX: rg_gcb_clk_div = 0; rg_axi_clk_fixed = 0; break; default: return -EINVAL; } /* * Set clock rates for GCB, AXI, and 8051: */ gasket_read_modify_write_32( gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3, (rg_gcb_clk_div | (rg_axi_clk_fixed << AXI_CLK_FIXED_SHIFT) | (rg_8051_clk_fixed << MCU_CLK_FIXED_SHIFT)), /*mask_width=*/4, /*mask_shift=*/28); return 0; } /* Apex-specific ioctl handler. */ static long apex_ioctl(struct file *filp, uint cmd, void __user *argp) { struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = filp->private_data; if (!apex_ioctl_check_permissions(filp, cmd)) return -EPERM; switch (cmd) { case APEX_IOCTL_GATE_CLOCK: return apex_clock_gating(gasket_dev, argp); case APEX_IOCTL_PERFORMANCE_EXPECTATION: return apex_set_performance_expectation(gasket_dev, argp); default: return -ENOTTY; /* unknown command */ } } /* Linear fit optimized for 25C-100C */ static int adc_to_millic(int adc) { return (662 - adc) * 250 + 550; } static int millic_to_adc(int millic) { return (550 - millic) / 250 + 662; } /* Display driver sysfs entries. */ static ssize_t sysfs_show(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { int ret; unsigned value, value2, value3, value4; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct apex_dev *apex_dev; struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *gasket_attr; enum sysfs_attribute_type type; gasket_dev = gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(device); if (!gasket_dev) { dev_err(device, "No Apex device sysfs mapping found\n"); return -ENODEV; } if (!gasket_dev->pci_dev || !(apex_dev = pci_get_drvdata(gasket_dev->pci_dev))) { dev_err(device, "Can't find apex_dev data\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return -ENODEV; } gasket_attr = gasket_sysfs_get_attr(device, attr); if (!gasket_attr) { dev_err(device, "No Apex device sysfs attr data found\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return -ENODEV; } type = (enum sysfs_attribute_type)gasket_attr->data.attr_type; switch (type) { case ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", gasket_page_table_num_entries( gasket_dev->page_table[0])); break; case ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", gasket_page_table_num_entries( gasket_dev->page_table[0])); break; case ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_NUM_ACTIVE_PAGES: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", gasket_page_table_num_active_pages( gasket_dev->page_table[0])); break; case ATTR_TEMP: value = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_DC); value = (value >> 16) & ((1 << 10) - 1); ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(value)); break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN1: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_adc)); break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN2: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_adc)); break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN1_EN: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_en); break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN2_EN: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_en); break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP0: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(apex_dev->adc_trip_points[0])); break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP1: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(apex_dev->adc_trip_points[1])); break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP2: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", adc_to_millic(apex_dev->adc_trip_points[2])); break; case ATTR_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL: ret = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%i\n", atomic_read(&apex_dev->temp_poll_interval)); break; case ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: value = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_DC); value2 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E0); value3 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E4); value4 = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_EFUSE_E8); ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x\n", value4, value3, value2, value); break; default: dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", attr->; ret = 0; break; } gasket_sysfs_put_attr(device, gasket_attr); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return ret; } /* Set driver sysfs entries. */ static ssize_t sysfs_store(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { int ret = count, value; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct apex_dev *apex_dev; struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *gasket_attr; enum sysfs_attribute_type type; if (kstrtoint(buf, 10, &value)) return -EINVAL; gasket_dev = gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(device); if (!gasket_dev) { dev_err(device, "No Apex device sysfs mapping found\n"); return -ENODEV; } if (!gasket_dev->pci_dev || !(apex_dev = pci_get_drvdata(gasket_dev->pci_dev))) { dev_err(device, "Can't find apex_dev data\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return -ENODEV; } gasket_attr = gasket_sysfs_get_attr(device, attr); if (!gasket_attr) { dev_err(device, "No Apex device sysfs attr data found\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return -ENODEV; } type = (enum sysfs_attribute_type)gasket_attr->data.attr_type; switch (type) { case ATTR_TEMP_WARN1: value = millic_to_adc(value); gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D4, value, 10, 16); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_adc = value; break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN2: value = millic_to_adc(value); gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8, value, 10, 16); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_adc = value; break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN1_EN: value = value > 0 ? 1 : 0; gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D4, value, 1, 31); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_en = !!value; break; case ATTR_TEMP_WARN2_EN: value = value > 0 ? 1 : 0; gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8, value, 1, 31); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_en = !!value; break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP0: value = millic_to_adc(value); /* Note: that adc values should be in descending order */ if (value >= apex_dev->adc_trip_points[1]) { apex_dev->adc_trip_points[0] = value; } else ret = -EINVAL; break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP1: value = millic_to_adc(value); if (value <= apex_dev->adc_trip_points[0] && value >= apex_dev->adc_trip_points[2]) { apex_dev->adc_trip_points[1] = value; } else ret = -EINVAL; break; case ATTR_TEMP_TRIP2: value = millic_to_adc(value); if (value <= apex_dev->adc_trip_points[1]) { apex_dev->adc_trip_points[2] = value; } else ret = -EINVAL; break; case ATTR_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL: cancel_delayed_work_sync(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work); atomic_set(&apex_dev->temp_poll_interval, value); if (value > 0) schedule_delayed_work(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work, msecs_to_jiffies(value)); break; default: dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", attr->; ret = 0; break; } gasket_sysfs_put_attr(device, gasket_attr); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return ret; } static struct gasket_sysfs_attribute apex_sysfs_attrs[] = { GASKET_SYSFS_RO(node_0_page_table_entries, sysfs_show, ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(node_0_simple_page_table_entries, sysfs_show, ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(node_0_num_mapped_pages, sysfs_show, ATTR_KERNEL_HIB_NUM_ACTIVE_PAGES), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(temp, sysfs_show, ATTR_TEMP), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(hw_temp_warn1, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_WARN1), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(hw_temp_warn1_en, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_WARN1_EN), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(hw_temp_warn2, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_WARN2), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(hw_temp_warn2_en, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_WARN2_EN), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(trip_point0_temp, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP0), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(trip_point1_temp, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP1), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(trip_point2_temp, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_TRIP2), GASKET_SYSFS_RW(temp_poll_interval, sysfs_show, sysfs_store, ATTR_TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(unique_id, sysfs_show, ATTR_UNIQUE_ID), GASKET_END_OF_ATTR_ARRAY }; /* Stores kernel module parameters to device specific data buffer */ static void apply_module_params(struct apex_dev *apex_dev) { kernel_param_lock(THIS_MODULE); /* use defaults if trip point temperatures are not in ascending order */ if (trip_point0_temp > trip_point1_temp || trip_point1_temp > trip_point2_temp) { dev_warn(apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr->dev, "Invalid module parameters for temperature trip points" ", using defaults\n"); trip_point0_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT0_TEMP; trip_point1_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT1_TEMP; trip_point2_temp = DEFAULT_TRIP_POINT2_TEMP; } apex_dev->adc_trip_points[0] = millic_to_adc(trip_point0_temp); apex_dev->adc_trip_points[1] = millic_to_adc(trip_point1_temp); apex_dev->adc_trip_points[2] = millic_to_adc(trip_point2_temp); atomic_set(&apex_dev->temp_poll_interval, temp_poll_interval); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_adc = millic_to_adc(hw_temp_warn1); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_adc = millic_to_adc(hw_temp_warn2); apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_en = hw_temp_warn1_en; apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_en = hw_temp_warn2_en; kernel_param_unlock(THIS_MODULE); } /* Applies hw temp warning settings to device */ static void program_hw_temp_warnings(struct apex_dev *apex_dev) { gasket_read_modify_write_32(apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D4, apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_adc, 10, 16); gasket_read_modify_write_32(apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8, apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_adc, 10, 16); if (apex_dev->hw_temp_warn1_en) gasket_read_modify_write_32(apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D4, 1, 1, 31); if (apex_dev->hw_temp_warn2_en) gasket_read_modify_write_32(apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8, 1, 1, 31); } static void enable_thermal_sensing(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { // Enable thermal sensor clocks gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D0, 0x1, 1, 7); // Enable thermal sensor (ENAD ENVR ENBG) gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_D8, 0x7, 3, 0); // Enable OMC thermal sensor controller // This bit should be asserted 100 us after ENAD ENVR ENBG schedule_timeout(usecs_to_jiffies(100)); gasket_read_modify_write_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_DC, 0x1, 1, 0); } static void check_temperature_work_handler(struct work_struct *work) { int i, temp_poll_interval; u32 adc_temp, clk_div, tmp; const u32 mask = ((1 << 2) - 1) << 28; struct apex_dev *apex_dev = container_of(work, struct apex_dev,; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr; mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); /* Read current temperature */ adc_temp = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_OMC0_DC); adc_temp = (adc_temp >> 16) & ((1 << 10) - 1); /* Find closest trip point Note: that adc values are in descending order */ for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(apex_dev->adc_trip_points) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (adc_temp <= apex_dev->adc_trip_points[i]) break; } /* Compute divider value and shift into appropriate bit location */ clk_div = (i + 1) << 28; /* Modify gcb clk divider if it's different from current one */ tmp = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); if (clk_div != (tmp & mask)) { tmp = (tmp & ~mask) | clk_div; gasket_dev_write_32(gasket_dev, tmp, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_SCU_3); dev_warn(gasket_dev->dev, "Apex performance %sthrottled due to temperature\n", i == -1 ? "not " : ""); } mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); temp_poll_interval = atomic_read(&apex_dev->temp_poll_interval); if (temp_poll_interval > 0) schedule_delayed_work(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work, msecs_to_jiffies(temp_poll_interval)); } /* On device open, perform a core reinit reset. */ static int apex_device_open_cb(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { return gasket_reset_nolock(gasket_dev); } static const struct pci_device_id apex_pci_ids[] = { { PCI_DEVICE(APEX_PCI_VENDOR_ID, APEX_PCI_DEVICE_ID) }, { 0 } }; static void apex_pci_fixup_class(struct pci_dev *pdev) { pdev->class = (PCI_CLASS_SYSTEM_OTHER << 8) | pdev->class; } DECLARE_PCI_FIXUP_CLASS_HEADER(APEX_PCI_VENDOR_ID, APEX_PCI_DEVICE_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 8, apex_pci_fixup_class); static int apex_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *id) { int ret, temp_poll_interval; ulong page_table_ready, msix_table_ready; int retries = 0; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct apex_dev *apex_dev; ret = pci_enable_device(pci_dev); #ifdef MODULE if (ret) { apex_pci_fixup_class(pci_dev); pci_bus_assign_resources(pci_dev->bus); ret = pci_enable_device(pci_dev); } #endif if (ret) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "error enabling PCI device\n"); return ret; } pci_set_master(pci_dev); ret = gasket_pci_add_device(pci_dev, &gasket_dev); if (ret) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "error adding gasket device\n"); pci_disable_device(pci_dev); return ret; } apex_dev = kzalloc(sizeof(*apex_dev), GFP_KERNEL); if (!apex_dev) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "no memory for device\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto remove_device; } INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work, check_temperature_work_handler); apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr = gasket_dev; apply_module_params(apex_dev); program_hw_temp_warnings(apex_dev); pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, apex_dev); apex_reset(gasket_dev); while (retries < APEX_RESET_RETRY) { page_table_ready = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_PAGE_TABLE_INIT); msix_table_ready = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, APEX_BAR_INDEX, APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_TABLE_INIT); if (page_table_ready && msix_table_ready) break; schedule_timeout(msecs_to_jiffies(APEX_RESET_DELAY)); retries++; } if (retries == APEX_RESET_RETRY) { if (!page_table_ready) dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Page table init timed out\n"); if (!msix_table_ready) dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "MSI-X table init timed out\n"); ret = -ETIMEDOUT; goto remove_device; } enable_thermal_sensing(gasket_dev); ret = gasket_sysfs_create_entries(gasket_dev->dev_info.device, apex_sysfs_attrs); if (ret) dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "error creating device sysfs entries\n"); ret = gasket_enable_device(gasket_dev); if (ret) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "error enabling gasket device\n"); goto remove_device; } /* Place device in low power mode until opened */ if (allow_power_save) apex_enter_reset(gasket_dev); /* Enable thermal polling */ temp_poll_interval = atomic_read(&apex_dev->temp_poll_interval); if (temp_poll_interval > 0) schedule_delayed_work(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work, msecs_to_jiffies(temp_poll_interval)); return 0; remove_device: gasket_pci_remove_device(pci_dev); pci_disable_device(pci_dev); kfree(apex_dev); return ret; } static void apex_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) { struct apex_dev *apex_dev = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev); struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; if (!apex_dev) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "NULL apex_dev\n"); goto remove_device; } gasket_dev = apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr; cancel_delayed_work_sync(&apex_dev->check_temperature_work); kfree(apex_dev); gasket_disable_device(gasket_dev); remove_device: gasket_pci_remove_device(pci_dev); pci_disable_device(pci_dev); } static int apex_pci_suspend(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, pm_message_t state) { struct apex_dev *apex_dev = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev); struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; if (!apex_dev) { dev_err_once(&pci_dev->dev, "NULL apex_dev\n"); return -ENODEV; } // Tear down MSI-x interrupts before suspending. gasket_dev = apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr; gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup(gasket_dev->interrupt_data); return 0; } static int apex_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) { struct apex_dev *apex_dev = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev); struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; if (!apex_dev) { dev_err_once(&pci_dev->dev, "NULL apex_dev\n"); return -ENODEV; } gasket_dev = apex_dev->gasket_dev_ptr; gasket_interrupt_reinit(gasket_dev); apex_reset(gasket_dev); program_hw_temp_warnings(apex_dev); enable_thermal_sensing(gasket_dev); /* Place device in low power mode until opened */ if (allow_power_save) apex_enter_reset(gasket_dev); return 0; } static struct gasket_driver_desc apex_desc = { .name = "apex", .driver_version = APEX_DRIVER_VERSION, .major = 120, .minor = 0, .module = THIS_MODULE, .pci_id_table = apex_pci_ids, .num_page_tables = NUM_NODES, .page_table_bar_index = APEX_BAR_INDEX, .page_table_configs = apex_page_table_configs, .page_table_extended_bit = APEX_EXTENDED_SHIFT, .bar_descriptions = { GASKET_UNUSED_BAR, GASKET_UNUSED_BAR, { APEX_BAR_BYTES, (VM_WRITE | VM_READ), APEX_BAR_OFFSET, NUM_REGIONS, mappable_regions, PCI_BAR }, GASKET_UNUSED_BAR, GASKET_UNUSED_BAR, GASKET_UNUSED_BAR, }, .coherent_buffer_description = { APEX_CH_MEM_BYTES, (VM_WRITE | VM_READ), APEX_CM_OFFSET, }, .interrupt_type = PCI_MSIX, .interrupt_bar_index = APEX_BAR_INDEX, .num_interrupts = APEX_INTERRUPT_COUNT, .interrupts = apex_interrupts, .interrupt_pack_width = 7, .device_open_cb = apex_device_open_cb, .device_close_cb = apex_device_cleanup, .ioctl_handler_cb = apex_ioctl, .device_status_cb = apex_get_status, .hardware_revision_cb = NULL, .device_reset_cb = apex_reset, }; static struct pci_driver apex_pci_driver = { .name = "apex", .probe = apex_pci_probe, .remove = apex_pci_remove, #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP .suspend = apex_pci_suspend, .resume = apex_pci_resume, #endif .id_table = apex_pci_ids, }; static int __init apex_init(void) { int ret; ret = gasket_register_device(&apex_desc); if (ret) return ret; ret = pci_register_driver(&apex_pci_driver); if (ret) gasket_unregister_device(&apex_desc); return ret; } static void apex_exit(void) { pci_unregister_driver(&apex_pci_driver); gasket_unregister_device(&apex_desc); } MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Google Apex driver"); MODULE_VERSION(APEX_DRIVER_VERSION); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); MODULE_AUTHOR("John Joseph <>"); MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, apex_pci_ids); module_init(apex_init); module_exit(apex_exit); 07070100000012000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A6000016DD000000000000000000000000000000000000002A00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Common Gasket device kernel and user space declarations. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_H__ #define __GASKET_H__ #include <linux/ioctl.h> #include <linux/types.h> /* ioctl structure declarations */ /* Ioctl structures are padded to a multiple of 64 bits */ /* and padded to put 64 bit values on 64 bit boundaries. */ /* Unsigned 64 bit integers are used to hold pointers. */ /* This helps compatibility between 32 and 64 bits. */ /* * Common structure for ioctls associating an eventfd with a device interrupt, * when using the Gasket interrupt module. */ struct gasket_interrupt_eventfd { u64 interrupt; u64 event_fd; }; /* * Common structure for ioctls mapping and unmapping buffers when using the * Gasket page_table module. */ struct gasket_page_table_ioctl { u64 page_table_index; u64 size; u64 host_address; u64 device_address; }; /* * Structure for ioctl mapping buffers with flags when using the Gasket * page_table module. */ struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags { struct gasket_page_table_ioctl base; /* * Flags indicating status and attribute requests from the host. * NOTE: STATUS bit does not need to be set in this request. * Set RESERVED bits to 0 to ensure backwards compatibility. * * Bitfields: * [0] - STATUS: indicates if this entry/slot is free * 0 = PTE_FREE * 1 = PTE_INUSE * [2:1] - DMA_DIRECTION: dma_data_direction requested by host * 00 = DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL * 01 = DMA_TO_DEVICE * 10 = DMA_FROM_DEVICE * 11 = DMA_NONE * [31:3] - RESERVED */ u32 flags; }; /* * Common structure for ioctls mapping and unmapping buffers when using the * Gasket page_table module. * dma_address: phys addr start of coherent memory, allocated by kernel */ struct gasket_coherent_alloc_config_ioctl { u64 page_table_index; u64 enable; u64 size; u64 dma_address; }; /* * Common structure for ioctls mapping and unmapping dma-bufs when using the * Gasket page_table module. * map: boolean, non-zero to map, 0 to unmap. * flags: see gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags.flags. */ struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_dmabuf { u64 page_table_index; u64 device_address; int dmabuf_fd; u32 num_pages; u32 map; u32 flags; }; /* Base number for all Gasket-common IOCTLs */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_BASE 0xDC /* Reset the device. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_RESET _IO(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 0) /* Associate the specified [event]fd with the specified interrupt. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_SET_EVENTFD \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 1, struct gasket_interrupt_eventfd) /* * Clears any eventfd associated with the specified interrupt. The (ulong) * argument is the interrupt number to clear. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_EVENTFD _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 2, unsigned long) /* * [Loopbacks only] Requests that the loopback device send the specified * interrupt to the host. The (ulong) argument is the number of the interrupt to * send. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_LOOPBACK_INTERRUPT \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 3, unsigned long) /* Queries the kernel for the number of page tables supported by the device. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_NUMBER_PAGE_TABLES _IOR(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 4, u64) /* * Queries the kernel for the maximum size of the page table. Only the size and * page_table_index fields are used from the struct gasket_page_table_ioctl. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE \ _IOWR(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 5, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl) /* * Queries the kernel for the current simple page table size. Only the size and * page_table_index fields are used from the struct gasket_page_table_ioctl. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE \ _IOWR(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 6, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl) /* * Tells the kernel to change the split between the number of simple and * extended entries in the given page table. Only the size and page_table_index * fields are used from the struct gasket_page_table_ioctl. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_PARTITION_PAGE_TABLE \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 7, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl) /* * Tells the kernel to map size bytes at host_address to device_address in * page_table_index page table. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 8, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl) /* * Tells the kernel to unmap size bytes at host_address from device_address in * page_table_index page table. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_UNMAP_BUFFER \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 9, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl) /* Clear the interrupt counts stored for this device. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS _IO(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 10) /* Enable/Disable and configure the coherent allocator. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_CONFIG_COHERENT_ALLOCATOR \ _IOWR(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 11, struct gasket_coherent_alloc_config_ioctl) /* * Tells the kernel to map size bytes at host_address to device_address in * page_table_index page table. Passes flags to indicate additional attribute * requests for the mapped memory. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER_FLAGS \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 12, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags) /* * Tells the kernel to map/unmap dma-buf with fd to device_address in * page_table_index page table. */ #define GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_DMABUF \ _IOW(GASKET_IOCTL_BASE, 13, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_dmabuf) #endif /* __GASKET_H__ */ 07070100000013000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A6000004B6000000000000000000000000000000000000003400000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_constants.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_CONSTANTS_H__ #define __GASKET_CONSTANTS_H__ #define GASKET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION "1.1.4" /* * The maximum number of simultaneous device types supported by the framework. */ #define GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX 2 /* The maximum devices per each type. */ #define GASKET_DEV_MAX 256 /* The number of supported (and possible) PCI BARs. */ #define GASKET_NUM_BARS 6 /* The number of supported Gasket page tables per device. */ #define GASKET_MAX_NUM_PAGE_TABLES 1 /* Maximum length of device names (driver name + minor number suffix + NULL). */ #define GASKET_NAME_MAX 32 /* Device status enumeration. */ enum gasket_status { /* * A device is DEAD if it has not been initialized or has had an error. */ GASKET_STATUS_DEAD = 0, /* * A device is LAMED if the hardware is healthy but the kernel was * unable to enable some functionality (e.g. interrupts). */ GASKET_STATUS_LAMED, /* A device is ALIVE if it is ready for operation. */ GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE, /* * This status is set when the driver is exiting and waiting for all * handles to be closed. */ GASKET_STATUS_DRIVER_EXIT, }; #endif 07070100000014000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000D65D000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_core.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Gasket generic driver framework. This file contains the implementation * for the Gasket generic driver framework - the functionality that is common * across Gasket devices. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt #include "gasket_core.h" #include "gasket_interrupt.h" #include "gasket_ioctl.h" #include "gasket_page_table.h" #include "gasket_sysfs.h" #include <linux/capability.h> #include <linux/compiler.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/pid_namespace.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/printk.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/version.h> #ifdef GASKET_KERNEL_TRACE_SUPPORT #define CREATE_TRACE_POINTS #include <trace/events/gasket_mmap.h> #else #define trace_gasket_mmap_exit(x) #define trace_gasket_mmap_entry(x, ...) #endif /* * "Private" members of gasket_driver_desc. * * Contains internal per-device type tracking data, i.e., data not appropriate * as part of the public interface for the generic framework. */ struct gasket_internal_desc { /* Device-specific-driver-provided configuration information. */ const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; /* Protects access to per-driver data (i.e. this structure). */ struct mutex mutex; /* Kernel-internal device class. */ struct class *class; /* Instantiated / present devices of this type. */ struct gasket_dev *devs[GASKET_DEV_MAX]; }; /* do_map_region() needs be able to return more than just true/false. */ enum do_map_region_status { /* The region was successfully mapped. */ DO_MAP_REGION_SUCCESS, /* Attempted to map region and failed. */ DO_MAP_REGION_FAILURE, /* The requested region to map was not part of a mappable region. */ DO_MAP_REGION_INVALID, }; /* Global data definitions. */ /* Mutex - only for framework-wide data. Other data should be protected by * finer-grained locks. */ static DEFINE_MUTEX(g_mutex); /* List of all registered device descriptions & their supporting data. */ static struct gasket_internal_desc g_descs[GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX]; /* Mapping of statuses to human-readable strings. Must end with {0,NULL}. */ static const struct gasket_num_name gasket_status_name_table[] = { { GASKET_STATUS_DEAD, "DEAD" }, { GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE, "ALIVE" }, { GASKET_STATUS_LAMED, "LAMED" }, { GASKET_STATUS_DRIVER_EXIT, "DRIVER_EXITING" }, { 0, NULL }, }; /* Enumeration of the automatic Gasket framework sysfs nodes. */ enum gasket_sysfs_attribute_type { ATTR_BAR_OFFSETS, ATTR_BAR_SIZES, ATTR_DRIVER_VERSION, ATTR_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE, ATTR_HARDWARE_REVISION, ATTR_PCI_ADDRESS, ATTR_STATUS, ATTR_IS_DEVICE_OWNED, ATTR_DEVICE_OWNER, ATTR_WRITE_OPEN_COUNT, ATTR_RESET_COUNT, ATTR_USER_MEM_RANGES }; /* On some arm64 systems pcie dma controller can only access lower 4GB of * addresses. Unfortunately vendor BSP isn't providing any means of determining * this limitation and there're no errors reported if access to higher addresses * if being done. This parameter allows to workaround this issue by pretending * that our device only supports 32 bit addresses. This in turn will cause * dma driver to use shadow buffers located in low 32 bit address space. */ static int dma_bit_mask = 64; module_param(dma_bit_mask, int, 0644); /* Perform a standard Gasket callback. */ static inline int check_and_invoke_callback(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int (*cb_function)(struct gasket_dev *)) { int ret = 0; if (cb_function) { mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); ret = cb_function(gasket_dev); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); } return ret; } /* Perform a standard Gasket callback without grabbing gasket_dev->mutex. */ static inline int gasket_check_and_invoke_callback_nolock(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int (*cb_function)(struct gasket_dev *)) { int ret = 0; if (cb_function) ret = cb_function(gasket_dev); return ret; } /* * Return nonzero if the gasket_cdev_info is owned by the current thread group * ID. */ static int gasket_owned_by_current_tgid(struct gasket_cdev_info *info) { return (info->ownership.is_owned && (info->ownership.owner == current->tgid)); } /* * Find the next free gasket_internal_dev slot. * * Returns the located slot number on success or a negative number on failure. */ static int gasket_find_dev_slot(struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc, const char *kobj_name) { int i; mutex_lock(&internal_desc->mutex); /* Search for a previous instance of this device. */ for (i = 0; i < GASKET_DEV_MAX; i++) { if (internal_desc->devs[i] && strcmp(internal_desc->devs[i]->kobj_name, kobj_name) == 0) { pr_err("Duplicate device %s\n", kobj_name); mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); return -EBUSY; } } /* Find a free device slot. */ for (i = 0; i < GASKET_DEV_MAX; i++) { if (!internal_desc->devs[i]) break; } if (i == GASKET_DEV_MAX) { pr_err("Too many registered devices; max %d\n", GASKET_DEV_MAX); mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); return -EBUSY; } mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); return i; } /* * Allocate and initialize a Gasket device structure, add the device to the * device list. * * Returns 0 if successful, a negative error code otherwise. */ static int gasket_alloc_dev(struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc, struct device *parent, struct gasket_dev **pdev) { int dev_idx; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = internal_desc->driver_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct gasket_cdev_info *dev_info; const char *parent_name = dev_name(parent); pr_debug("Allocating a Gasket device, parent %s.\n", parent_name); *pdev = NULL; dev_idx = gasket_find_dev_slot(internal_desc, parent_name); if (dev_idx < 0) return dev_idx; gasket_dev = *pdev = kzalloc(sizeof(*gasket_dev), GFP_KERNEL); if (!gasket_dev) { pr_err("no memory for device, parent %s\n", parent_name); return -ENOMEM; } internal_desc->devs[dev_idx] = gasket_dev; mutex_init(&gasket_dev->mutex); gasket_dev->internal_desc = internal_desc; gasket_dev->dev_idx = dev_idx; snprintf(gasket_dev->kobj_name, GASKET_NAME_MAX, "%s", parent_name); gasket_dev->dev = get_device(parent); gasket_dev->dma_dev = get_device(parent); /* gasket_bar_data is uninitialized. */ gasket_dev->num_page_tables = driver_desc->num_page_tables; /* max_page_table_size and *page table are uninit'ed */ /* interrupt_data is not initialized. */ /* status is 0, or GASKET_STATUS_DEAD */ dev_info = &gasket_dev->dev_info; snprintf(dev_info->name, GASKET_NAME_MAX, "%s_%u", driver_desc->name, gasket_dev->dev_idx); dev_info->devt = MKDEV(driver_desc->major, driver_desc->minor + gasket_dev->dev_idx); dev_info->device = device_create(internal_desc->class, parent, dev_info->devt, gasket_dev, dev_info->name); /* cdev has not yet been added; cdev_added is 0 */ dev_info->gasket_dev_ptr = gasket_dev; /* ownership is all 0, indicating no owner or opens. */ return 0; } /* Free a Gasket device. */ static void gasket_free_dev(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc; mutex_lock(&internal_desc->mutex); internal_desc->devs[gasket_dev->dev_idx] = NULL; mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); put_device(gasket_dev->dev); put_device(gasket_dev->dma_dev); kfree(gasket_dev); } /* * Maps the specified bar into kernel space. * * Returns 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise. * A zero-sized BAR will not be mapped, but is not an error. */ static int gasket_map_pci_bar(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int bar_num) { struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = internal_desc->driver_desc; ulong desc_bytes = driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_num].size; int ret; if (desc_bytes == 0) return 0; if (driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_num].type != PCI_BAR) { /* not PCI: skip this entry */ return 0; } /* * pci_resource_start and pci_resource_len return a "resource_size_t", * which is safely castable to ulong (which itself is the arg to * request_mem_region). */ gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].phys_base = (ulong)pci_resource_start(gasket_dev->pci_dev, bar_num); if (!gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].phys_base) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Cannot get BAR%u base address\n", bar_num); return -EINVAL; } gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes = (ulong)pci_resource_len(gasket_dev->pci_dev, bar_num); if (gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes < desc_bytes) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "PCI BAR %u space is too small: %lu; expected >= %lu\n", bar_num, gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes, desc_bytes); return -ENOMEM; } if (!request_mem_region(gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].phys_base, gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes, gasket_dev-> { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Cannot get BAR %d memory region %p\n", bar_num, &gasket_dev->pci_dev->resource[bar_num]); return -EINVAL; } gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base = ioremap(gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].phys_base, gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes); if (!gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Cannot remap BAR %d memory region %p\n", bar_num, &gasket_dev->pci_dev->resource[bar_num]); ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } dma_set_mask(&gasket_dev->pci_dev->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(dma_bit_mask)); dma_set_coherent_mask(&gasket_dev->pci_dev->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(dma_bit_mask)); return 0; fail: iounmap(gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base); release_mem_region(gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].phys_base, gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_num].length_bytes); return ret; } /* * Releases PCI BAR mapping. * * A zero-sized or not-mapped BAR will not be unmapped, but is not an error. */ static void gasket_unmap_pci_bar(struct gasket_dev *dev, int bar_num) { ulong base, bytes; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc = dev->internal_desc; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = internal_desc->driver_desc; if (driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_num].size == 0 || !dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base) return; if (driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_num].type != PCI_BAR) return; iounmap(dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base); dev->bar_data[bar_num].virt_base = NULL; base = pci_resource_start(dev->pci_dev, bar_num); if (!base) { dev_err(dev->dev, "cannot get PCI BAR%u base address\n", bar_num); return; } bytes = pci_resource_len(dev->pci_dev, bar_num); release_mem_region(base, bytes); } /* * Setup PCI memory mapping for the specified device. * * Reads the BAR registers and sets up pointers to the device's memory mapped * IO space. * * Returns 0 on success and a negative value otherwise. */ static int gasket_setup_pci(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int i, mapped_bars, ret; for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; i++) { ret = gasket_map_pci_bar(gasket_dev, i); if (ret) { mapped_bars = i; goto fail; } } return 0; fail: for (i = 0; i < mapped_bars; i++) gasket_unmap_pci_bar(gasket_dev, i); return -ENOMEM; } /* Unmaps memory for the specified device. */ static void gasket_cleanup_pci(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; i++) gasket_unmap_pci_bar(gasket_dev, i); } /* Determine the health of the Gasket device. */ static int gasket_get_hw_status(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int status; int i; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; status = gasket_check_and_invoke_callback_nolock(gasket_dev, driver_desc->device_status_cb); if (status != GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Hardware reported status %d.\n", status); return status; } status = gasket_interrupt_system_status(gasket_dev); if (status != GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Interrupt system reported status %d.\n", status); return status; } for (i = 0; i < driver_desc->num_page_tables; ++i) { status = gasket_page_table_system_status(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); if (status != GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Page table %d reported status %d.\n", i, status); return status; } } return GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE; } static ssize_t gasket_write_mappable_regions(char *buf, const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc, int bar_index) { int i; ssize_t written; ssize_t total_written = 0; ulong min_addr, max_addr; struct gasket_bar_desc bar_desc = driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_index]; if (bar_desc.permissions == GASKET_NOMAP) return 0; for (i = 0; i < bar_desc.num_mappable_regions && total_written < PAGE_SIZE; i++) { min_addr = bar_desc.mappable_regions[i].start - driver_desc->legacy_mmap_address_offset; max_addr = bar_desc.mappable_regions[i].start - driver_desc->legacy_mmap_address_offset + bar_desc.mappable_regions[i].length_bytes; written = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE - total_written, "0x%08lx-0x%08lx\n", min_addr, max_addr); total_written += written; buf += written; } return total_written; } static ssize_t gasket_sysfs_data_show(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { int i, ret = 0; ssize_t current_written = 0; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *gasket_attr; const struct gasket_bar_desc *bar_desc; enum gasket_sysfs_attribute_type sysfs_type; gasket_dev = gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(device); if (!gasket_dev) { dev_err(device, "No sysfs mapping found for device\n"); return 0; } gasket_attr = gasket_sysfs_get_attr(device, attr); if (!gasket_attr) { dev_err(device, "No sysfs attr found for device\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return 0; } driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; sysfs_type = (enum gasket_sysfs_attribute_type)gasket_attr->data.attr_type; switch (sysfs_type) { case ATTR_BAR_OFFSETS: for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; i++) { bar_desc = &driver_desc->bar_descriptions[i]; if (bar_desc->size == 0) continue; current_written = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE - ret, "%d: 0x%lx\n", i, (ulong)bar_desc->base); buf += current_written; ret += current_written; } break; case ATTR_BAR_SIZES: for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; i++) { bar_desc = &driver_desc->bar_descriptions[i]; if (bar_desc->size == 0) continue; current_written = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE - ret, "%d: 0x%lx\n", i, (ulong)bar_desc->size); buf += current_written; ret += current_written; } break; case ATTR_DRIVER_VERSION: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc->driver_version); break; case ATTR_FRAMEWORK_VERSION: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", GASKET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION); break; case ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc->name); break; case ATTR_HARDWARE_REVISION: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", gasket_dev->hardware_revision); break; case ATTR_PCI_ADDRESS: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", gasket_dev->kobj_name); break; case ATTR_STATUS: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", gasket_num_name_lookup(gasket_dev->status, gasket_status_name_table)); break; case ATTR_IS_DEVICE_OWNED: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", gasket_dev->dev_info.ownership.is_owned); break; case ATTR_DEVICE_OWNER: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", gasket_dev->dev_info.ownership.owner); break; case ATTR_WRITE_OPEN_COUNT: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", gasket_dev->dev_info.ownership.write_open_count); break; case ATTR_RESET_COUNT: ret = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", gasket_dev->reset_count); break; case ATTR_USER_MEM_RANGES: for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; ++i) { current_written = gasket_write_mappable_regions(buf, driver_desc, i); buf += current_written; ret += current_written; } break; default: dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", attr->; ret = 0; break; } gasket_sysfs_put_attr(device, gasket_attr); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return ret; } /* These attributes apply to all Gasket driver instances. */ static const struct gasket_sysfs_attribute gasket_sysfs_generic_attrs[] = { GASKET_SYSFS_RO(bar_offsets, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_BAR_OFFSETS), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(bar_sizes, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_BAR_SIZES), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(driver_version, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_DRIVER_VERSION), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(framework_version, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_FRAMEWORK_VERSION), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(device_type, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(revision, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_HARDWARE_REVISION), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(pci_address, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_PCI_ADDRESS), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(status, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_STATUS), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(is_device_owned, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_IS_DEVICE_OWNED), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(device_owner, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_DEVICE_OWNER), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(write_open_count, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_WRITE_OPEN_COUNT), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(reset_count, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_RESET_COUNT), GASKET_SYSFS_RO(user_mem_ranges, gasket_sysfs_data_show, ATTR_USER_MEM_RANGES), GASKET_END_OF_ATTR_ARRAY }; /* Add a char device and related info. */ static int gasket_add_cdev(struct gasket_cdev_info *dev_info, const struct file_operations *file_ops, struct module *owner) { int ret; cdev_init(&dev_info->cdev, file_ops); dev_info->cdev.owner = owner; ret = cdev_add(&dev_info->cdev, dev_info->devt, 1); if (ret) { dev_err(dev_info->gasket_dev_ptr->dev, "cannot add char device [ret=%d]\n", ret); return ret; } dev_info->cdev_added = 1; return 0; } /* Disable device operations. */ void gasket_disable_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; int i; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "disabling device\n"); /* Only delete the device if it has been successfully added. */ if (gasket_dev->dev_info.cdev_added) cdev_del(&gasket_dev->dev_info.cdev); gasket_dev->status = GASKET_STATUS_DEAD; gasket_interrupt_cleanup(gasket_dev); for (i = 0; i < driver_desc->num_page_tables; ++i) { if (gasket_dev->page_table[i]) { gasket_page_table_reset(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); gasket_page_table_cleanup(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); } } } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_disable_device); /* * Registered driver descriptor lookup for PCI devices. * * Precondition: Called with g_mutex held (to avoid a race on return). * Returns NULL if no matching device was found. */ static struct gasket_internal_desc * lookup_pci_internal_desc(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) { int i; __must_hold(&g_mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { if (g_descs[i].driver_desc && g_descs[i].driver_desc->pci_id_table && pci_match_id(g_descs[i].driver_desc->pci_id_table, pci_dev)) return &g_descs[i]; } return NULL; } /* * Registered driver descriptor lookup for platform devices. * Caller must hold g_mutex. */ static struct gasket_internal_desc * lookup_platform_internal_desc(struct platform_device *pdev) { int i; __must_hold(&g_mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { if (g_descs[i].driver_desc && strcmp(g_descs[i].driver_desc->name, pdev->name) == 0) return &g_descs[i]; } return NULL; } /* * Verifies that the user has permissions to perform the requested mapping and * that the provided descriptor/range is of adequate size to hold the range to * be mapped. */ static bool gasket_mmap_has_permissions(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma, int bar_permissions) { int requested_permissions; /* Always allow sysadmin to access. */ if (capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) return true; /* Never allow non-sysadmins to access to a dead device. */ if (gasket_dev->status != GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Device is dead.\n"); return false; } /* Make sure that no wrong flags are set. */ requested_permissions = (vma->vm_flags & (VM_WRITE | VM_READ | VM_EXEC)); if (requested_permissions & ~(bar_permissions)) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Attempting to map a region with requested permissions " "0x%x, but region has permissions 0x%x.\n", requested_permissions, bar_permissions); return false; } /* Do not allow a non-owner to write. */ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) && !gasket_owned_by_current_tgid(&gasket_dev->dev_info)) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Attempting to mmap a region for write without owning " "device.\n"); return false; } return true; } /* * Verifies that the input address is within the region allocated to coherent * buffer. */ static bool gasket_is_coherent_region(const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc, ulong address) { struct gasket_coherent_buffer_desc coh_buff_desc = driver_desc->coherent_buffer_description; if (coh_buff_desc.permissions != GASKET_NOMAP) { if ((address >= coh_buff_desc.base) && (address < coh_buff_desc.base + coh_buff_desc.size)) { return true; } } return false; } static int gasket_get_bar_index(const struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, ulong phys_addr) { int i; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; for (i = 0; i < GASKET_NUM_BARS; ++i) { struct gasket_bar_desc bar_desc = driver_desc->bar_descriptions[i]; if (bar_desc.permissions != GASKET_NOMAP) { if (phys_addr >= bar_desc.base && phys_addr < (bar_desc.base + bar_desc.size)) { return i; } } } /* If we haven't found the address by now, it is invalid. */ return -EINVAL; } /* * Sets the actual bounds to map, given the device's mappable region. * * Given the device's mappable region, along with the user-requested mapping * start offset and length of the user region, determine how much of this * mappable region can be mapped into the user's region (start/end offsets), * and the physical offset (phys_offset) into the BAR where the mapping should * begin (either the VMA's or region lower bound). * * In other words, this calculates the overlap between the VMA * (bar_offset, requested_length) and the given gasket_mappable_region. * * Returns true if there's anything to map, and false otherwise. */ static bool gasket_mm_get_mapping_addrs(const struct gasket_mappable_region *region, ulong bar_offset, ulong requested_length, struct gasket_mappable_region *mappable_region, ulong *virt_offset) { ulong range_start = region->start; ulong range_length = region->length_bytes; ulong range_end = range_start + range_length; *virt_offset = 0; if (bar_offset + requested_length < range_start) { /* * If the requested region is completely below the range, * there is nothing to map. */ return false; } else if (bar_offset <= range_start) { /* If the bar offset is below this range's start * but the requested length continues into it: * 1) Only map starting from the beginning of this * range's phys. offset, so we don't map unmappable * memory. * 2) The length of the virtual memory to not map is the * delta between the bar offset and the * mappable start (and since the mappable start is * bigger, start - req.) * 3) The map length is the minimum of the mappable * requested length (requested_length - virt_offset) * and the actual mappable length of the range. */ mappable_region->start = range_start; *virt_offset = range_start - bar_offset; mappable_region->length_bytes = min(requested_length - *virt_offset, range_length); return true; } else if (bar_offset > range_start && bar_offset < range_end) { /* * If the bar offset is within this range: * 1) Map starting from the bar offset. * 2) Because there is no forbidden memory between the * bar offset and the range start, * virt_offset is 0. * 3) The map length is the minimum of the requested * length and the remaining length in the buffer * (range_end - bar_offset) */ mappable_region->start = bar_offset; *virt_offset = 0; mappable_region->length_bytes = min(requested_length, range_end - bar_offset); return true; } /* * If the requested [start] offset is above range_end, * there's nothing to map. */ return false; } /* * Calculates the offset where the VMA range begins in its containing BAR. * The offset is written into bar_offset on success. * Returns zero on success, anything else on error. */ static int gasket_mm_vma_bar_offset(const struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, const struct vm_area_struct *vma, ulong *bar_offset) { ulong raw_offset; int bar_index; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; raw_offset = (vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT) + driver_desc->legacy_mmap_address_offset; bar_index = gasket_get_bar_index(gasket_dev, raw_offset); if (bar_index < 0) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Unable to find matching bar for address 0x%lx\n", raw_offset); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(bar_index); return bar_index; } *bar_offset = raw_offset - driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_index].base; return 0; } int gasket_mm_unmap_region(const struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma, const struct gasket_mappable_region *map_region) { ulong bar_offset; ulong virt_offset; struct gasket_mappable_region mappable_region; int ret; if (map_region->length_bytes == 0) return 0; ret = gasket_mm_vma_bar_offset(gasket_dev, vma, &bar_offset); if (ret) return ret; if (!gasket_mm_get_mapping_addrs(map_region, bar_offset, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, &mappable_region, &virt_offset)) return 1; /* * The length passed to zap_vma_ptes MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF * PAGE_SIZE! Trust me. I have the scars. * * Next multiple of y: ceil_div(x, y) * y */ zap_vma_ptes(vma, vma->vm_start + virt_offset, DIV_ROUND_UP(mappable_region.length_bytes, PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_mm_unmap_region); /* Maps a virtual address + range to a physical offset of a BAR. */ static enum do_map_region_status do_map_region(const struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct gasket_mappable_region *mappable_region) { /* Maximum size of a single call to io_remap_pfn_range. */ /* I pulled this number out of thin air. */ const ulong max_chunk_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024; ulong chunk_size, mapped_bytes = 0; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; ulong bar_offset, virt_offset; struct gasket_mappable_region region_to_map; ulong phys_offset, map_length; ulong virt_base, phys_base; int bar_index, ret; ret = gasket_mm_vma_bar_offset(gasket_dev, vma, &bar_offset); if (ret) return DO_MAP_REGION_INVALID; if (!gasket_mm_get_mapping_addrs(mappable_region, bar_offset, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, ®ion_to_map, &virt_offset)) return DO_MAP_REGION_INVALID; phys_offset = region_to_map.start; map_length = region_to_map.length_bytes; virt_base = vma->vm_start + virt_offset; bar_index = gasket_get_bar_index(gasket_dev, (vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT) + driver_desc->legacy_mmap_address_offset); phys_base = gasket_dev->bar_data[bar_index].phys_base + phys_offset; while (mapped_bytes < map_length) { /* * io_remap_pfn_range can take a while, so we chunk its * calls and call cond_resched between each. */ chunk_size = min(max_chunk_size, map_length - mapped_bytes); cond_resched(); ret = io_remap_pfn_range(vma, virt_base + mapped_bytes, (phys_base + mapped_bytes) >> PAGE_SHIFT, chunk_size, vma->vm_page_prot); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error remapping PFN range.\n"); goto fail; } mapped_bytes += chunk_size; } return DO_MAP_REGION_SUCCESS; fail: /* Unmap the partial chunk we mapped. */ mappable_region->length_bytes = mapped_bytes; if (gasket_mm_unmap_region(gasket_dev, vma, mappable_region)) dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error unmapping partial region 0x%lx (0x%lx bytes)\n", (ulong)virt_offset, (ulong)mapped_bytes); return DO_MAP_REGION_FAILURE; } /* Map a region of coherent memory. */ static int gasket_mmap_coherent(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma) { const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; const ulong requested_length = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start; int ret; ulong permissions; if (requested_length == 0 || requested_length > gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes) { trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EINVAL); return -EINVAL; } permissions = driver_desc->coherent_buffer_description.permissions; if (!gasket_mmap_has_permissions(gasket_dev, vma, permissions)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Permission checking failed.\n"); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EPERM); return -EPERM; } vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot); vma->vm_pgoff = 0; ret = dma_mmap_coherent(gasket_dev->dma_dev, vma, gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.virt_base, gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base, requested_length); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error mmapping coherent buffer err=%d.\n", ret); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(ret); return ret; } /* Record the user virtual to dma_address mapping that was * created by the kernel. */ gasket_set_user_virt(gasket_dev, requested_length, gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base, vma->vm_start); return 0; } /* Map a device's BARs into user space. */ static int gasket_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma) { int i, ret; int bar_index; int has_mapped_anything = 0; ulong permissions; ulong raw_offset, vma_size; bool is_coherent_region; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = (struct gasket_dev *)filp->private_data; const struct gasket_bar_desc *bar_desc; struct gasket_mappable_region *map_regions = NULL; int num_map_regions = 0; enum do_map_region_status map_status; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; if (vma->vm_start & ~PAGE_MASK) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Base address not page-aligned: 0x%lx\n", vma->vm_start); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EINVAL); return -EINVAL; } /* Calculate the offset of this range into physical mem. */ raw_offset = (vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT) + driver_desc->legacy_mmap_address_offset; vma_size = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start; trace_gasket_mmap_entry(gasket_dev->, raw_offset, vma_size); /* * Check if the raw offset is within a bar region. If not, check if it * is a coherent region. */ bar_index = gasket_get_bar_index(gasket_dev, raw_offset); is_coherent_region = gasket_is_coherent_region(driver_desc, raw_offset); if (bar_index < 0 && !is_coherent_region) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Unable to find matching bar for address 0x%lx\n", raw_offset); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(bar_index); return bar_index; } if (bar_index > 0 && is_coherent_region) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "double matching bar and coherent buffers for address " "0x%lx\n", raw_offset); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(bar_index); return -EINVAL; } vma->vm_private_data = gasket_dev; if (is_coherent_region) return gasket_mmap_coherent(gasket_dev, vma); /* Everything in the rest of this function is for normal BAR mapping. */ /* * Subtract the base of the bar from the raw offset to get the * memory location within the bar to map. */ bar_desc = &driver_desc->bar_descriptions[bar_index]; permissions = bar_desc->permissions; if (!gasket_mmap_has_permissions(gasket_dev, vma, permissions)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Permission checking failed.\n"); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EPERM); return -EPERM; } if (driver_desc->get_mappable_regions_cb) { ret = driver_desc->get_mappable_regions_cb(gasket_dev, bar_index, &map_regions, &num_map_regions); if (ret) return ret; } else { if (!gasket_mmap_has_permissions(gasket_dev, vma, bar_desc->permissions)) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Permission checking failed.\n"); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EPERM); return -EPERM; } num_map_regions = bar_desc->num_mappable_regions; map_regions = kcalloc(num_map_regions, sizeof(*bar_desc->mappable_regions), GFP_KERNEL); if (map_regions) { memcpy(map_regions, bar_desc->mappable_regions, num_map_regions * sizeof(*bar_desc->mappable_regions)); } } if (!map_regions || num_map_regions == 0) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "No mappable regions returned!\n"); return -EINVAL; } /* Marks the VMA's pages as uncacheable. */ vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot); for (i = 0; i < num_map_regions; i++) { map_status = do_map_region(gasket_dev, vma, &map_regions[i]); /* Try the next region if this one was not mappable. */ if (map_status == DO_MAP_REGION_INVALID) continue; if (map_status == DO_MAP_REGION_FAILURE) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } has_mapped_anything = 1; } kfree(map_regions); /* If we could not map any memory, the request was invalid. */ if (!has_mapped_anything) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Map request did not contain a valid region.\n"); trace_gasket_mmap_exit(-EINVAL); return -EINVAL; } trace_gasket_mmap_exit(0); return 0; fail: /* Need to unmap any mapped ranges. */ num_map_regions = i; for (i = 0; i < num_map_regions; i++) if (gasket_mm_unmap_region(gasket_dev, vma, &bar_desc->mappable_regions[i])) dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error unmapping range %d.\n", i); kfree(map_regions); return ret; } /* * Open the char device file. * * If the open is for writing, and the device is not owned, this process becomes * the owner. If the open is for writing and the device is already owned by * some other process, it is an error. If this process is the owner, increment * the open count. * * Returns 0 if successful, a negative error number otherwise. */ static int gasket_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) { int ret; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; struct gasket_ownership *ownership; char task_name[TASK_COMM_LEN]; struct gasket_cdev_info *dev_info = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct gasket_cdev_info, cdev); struct pid_namespace *pid_ns = task_active_pid_ns(current); bool is_root = ns_capable(pid_ns->user_ns, CAP_SYS_ADMIN); gasket_dev = dev_info->gasket_dev_ptr; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; ownership = &dev_info->ownership; get_task_comm(task_name, current); filp->private_data = gasket_dev; inode->i_size = 0; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Attempting to open with tgid %u (%s) (f_mode: 0%03o, " "fmode_write: %d is_root: %u)\n", current->tgid, task_name, filp->f_mode, (filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE), is_root); /* Always allow non-writing accesses. */ if (!(filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Allowing read-only opening.\n"); return 0; } mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Current owner open count (owning tgid %u): %d.\n", ownership->owner, ownership->write_open_count); /* Opening a node owned by another TGID is an error (unless root) */ if (ownership->is_owned && ownership->owner != current->tgid && !is_root) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Process %u is opening a node held by %u.\n", current->tgid, ownership->owner); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return -EPERM; } /* If the node is not owned, assign it to the current TGID. */ if (!ownership->is_owned) { ret = gasket_check_and_invoke_callback_nolock(gasket_dev, driver_desc->device_open_cb); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error in device open cb: %d\n", ret); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return ret; } ownership->is_owned = 1; ownership->owner = current->tgid; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Device owner is now tgid %u\n", ownership->owner); } ownership->write_open_count++; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "New open count (owning tgid %u): %d\n", ownership->owner, ownership->write_open_count); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return 0; } /* * Called on a close of the device file. If this process is the owner, * decrement the open count. On last close by the owner, free up buffers and * eventfd contexts, and release ownership. * * Returns 0 if successful, a negative error number otherwise. */ static int gasket_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { int i; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct gasket_ownership *ownership; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; char task_name[TASK_COMM_LEN]; struct gasket_cdev_info *dev_info = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct gasket_cdev_info, cdev); struct pid_namespace *pid_ns = task_active_pid_ns(current); bool is_root = ns_capable(pid_ns->user_ns, CAP_SYS_ADMIN); gasket_dev = dev_info->gasket_dev_ptr; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; ownership = &dev_info->ownership; get_task_comm(task_name, current); mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Releasing device node. Call origin: tgid %u (%s) " "(f_mode: 0%03o, fmode_write: %d, is_root: %u)\n", current->tgid, task_name, file->f_mode, (file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE), is_root); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Current open count (owning tgid %u): %d\n", ownership->owner, ownership->write_open_count); if (file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) { ownership->write_open_count--; if (ownership->write_open_count == 0) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Device is now free\n"); ownership->is_owned = 0; ownership->owner = 0; /* Forces chip reset before we unmap the page tables. */ driver_desc->device_reset_cb(gasket_dev); for (i = 0; i < driver_desc->num_page_tables; ++i) { gasket_page_table_unmap_all(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); gasket_page_table_garbage_collect(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); gasket_free_coherent_memory_all(gasket_dev, i); } /* Closes device, enters power save. */ gasket_check_and_invoke_callback_nolock(gasket_dev, driver_desc->device_close_cb); } } dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "New open count (owning tgid %u): %d\n", ownership->owner, ownership->write_open_count); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return 0; } /* * Gasket ioctl dispatch function. * * Check if the ioctl is a generic ioctl. If not, pass the ioctl to the * ioctl_handler_cb registered in the driver description. * If the ioctl is a generic ioctl, pass it to gasket_ioctl_handler. */ static long gasket_ioctl(struct file *filp, uint cmd, ulong arg) { struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; char path[256]; gasket_dev = (struct gasket_dev *)filp->private_data; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; if (!driver_desc) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unable to find device descriptor for file %s\n", d_path(&filp->f_path, path, 256)); return -ENODEV; } if (!gasket_is_supported_ioctl(cmd)) { /* * The ioctl handler is not a standard Gasket callback, since * it requires different arguments. This means we can't use * check_and_invoke_callback. */ if (driver_desc->ioctl_handler_cb) return driver_desc->ioctl_handler_cb(filp, cmd, argp); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Received unknown ioctl 0x%x\n", cmd); return -EINVAL; } return gasket_handle_ioctl(filp, cmd, argp); } /* File operations for all Gasket devices. */ static const struct file_operations gasket_file_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .llseek = no_llseek, .mmap = gasket_mmap, .open = gasket_open, .release = gasket_release, .unlocked_ioctl = gasket_ioctl, .compat_ioctl = gasket_ioctl, }; /* Perform final init and marks the device as active. */ int gasket_enable_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int tbl_idx; int ret; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "enabling device\n"); ret = gasket_interrupt_init(gasket_dev); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Critical failure to allocate interrupts: %d\n", ret); gasket_interrupt_cleanup(gasket_dev); return ret; } for (tbl_idx = 0; tbl_idx < driver_desc->num_page_tables; tbl_idx++) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Initializing page table %d.\n", tbl_idx); ret = gasket_page_table_init(&gasket_dev->page_table[tbl_idx], &gasket_dev->bar_data[driver_desc->page_table_bar_index], &driver_desc->page_table_configs[tbl_idx], gasket_dev->dev, gasket_dev->pci_dev); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Couldn't init page table %d: %d\n", tbl_idx, ret); return ret; } /* * Make sure that the page table is clear and set to simple * addresses. */ gasket_page_table_reset(gasket_dev->page_table[tbl_idx]); } /* * hardware_revision_cb returns a positive integer (the rev) if * successful.) */ ret = check_and_invoke_callback(gasket_dev, driver_desc->hardware_revision_cb); if (ret < 0) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Error getting hardware revision: %d\n", ret); return ret; } gasket_dev->hardware_revision = ret; /* device_status_cb returns a device status, not an error code. */ gasket_dev->status = gasket_get_hw_status(gasket_dev); if (gasket_dev->status == GASKET_STATUS_DEAD) dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Device reported as unhealthy.\n"); ret = gasket_add_cdev(&gasket_dev->dev_info, &gasket_file_ops, driver_desc->module); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_enable_device); static int __gasket_add_device(struct device *parent_dev, struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc, struct gasket_dev **gasket_devp) { int ret; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = internal_desc->driver_desc; ret = gasket_alloc_dev(internal_desc, parent_dev, &gasket_dev); if (ret) return ret; if (IS_ERR(gasket_dev->dev_info.device)) { dev_err(parent_dev, "Cannot create %s device %s [ret = %ld]\n", driver_desc->name, gasket_dev->, PTR_ERR(gasket_dev->dev_info.device)); ret = -ENODEV; goto free_gasket_dev; } ret = gasket_sysfs_create_mapping(gasket_dev->dev_info.device, gasket_dev); if (ret) goto remove_device; ret = gasket_sysfs_create_entries(gasket_dev->dev_info.device, gasket_sysfs_generic_attrs); if (ret) goto remove_sysfs_mapping; *gasket_devp = gasket_dev; return 0; remove_sysfs_mapping: gasket_sysfs_remove_mapping(gasket_dev->dev_info.device); remove_device: device_destroy(internal_desc->class, gasket_dev->dev_info.devt); free_gasket_dev: gasket_free_dev(gasket_dev); return ret; } static void __gasket_remove_device(struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc, struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { gasket_sysfs_remove_mapping(gasket_dev->dev_info.device); device_destroy(internal_desc->class, gasket_dev->dev_info.devt); gasket_free_dev(gasket_dev); } /* * Add PCI gasket device. * * Called by Gasket device probe function. * Allocates device metadata and maps device memory. The device driver must * call gasket_enable_device after driver init is complete to place the device * in active use. */ int gasket_pci_add_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, struct gasket_dev **gasket_devp) { int ret; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct device *parent; dev_dbg(&pci_dev->dev, "add PCI gasket device\n"); mutex_lock(&g_mutex); internal_desc = lookup_pci_internal_desc(pci_dev); mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); if (!internal_desc) { dev_err(&pci_dev->dev, "PCI add device called for unknown driver type\n"); return -ENODEV; } parent = &pci_dev->dev; ret = __gasket_add_device(parent, internal_desc, &gasket_dev); if (ret) return ret; gasket_dev->pci_dev = pci_dev; ret = gasket_setup_pci(pci_dev, gasket_dev); if (ret) goto cleanup_pci; /* * Once we've created the mapping structures successfully, attempt to * create a symlink to the pci directory of this object. */ ret = sysfs_create_link(&gasket_dev->dev_info.device->kobj, &pci_dev->dev.kobj, dev_name(&pci_dev->dev)); if (ret) { dev_err(gasket_dev->dev, "Cannot create sysfs pci link: %d\n", ret); goto cleanup_pci; } *gasket_devp = gasket_dev; return 0; cleanup_pci: gasket_cleanup_pci(gasket_dev); __gasket_remove_device(internal_desc, gasket_dev); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_pci_add_device); /* Remove a PCI gasket device. */ void gasket_pci_remove_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev) { int i; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = NULL; /* Find the device desc. */ mutex_lock(&g_mutex); internal_desc = lookup_pci_internal_desc(pci_dev); if (!internal_desc) { mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return; } mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); /* Now find the specific device */ mutex_lock(&internal_desc->mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_DEV_MAX; i++) { if (internal_desc->devs[i] && internal_desc->devs[i]->pci_dev == pci_dev) { gasket_dev = internal_desc->devs[i]; break; } } mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); if (!gasket_dev) return; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "remove %s PCI gasket device\n", internal_desc->driver_desc->name); gasket_cleanup_pci(gasket_dev); __gasket_remove_device(internal_desc, gasket_dev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_pci_remove_device); /* Add platform gasket device. Called by Gasket device probe function. */ int gasket_platform_add_device(struct platform_device *pdev, struct gasket_dev **gasket_devp) { int ret; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct device *parent; dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "add platform gasket device\n"); mutex_lock(&g_mutex); internal_desc = lookup_platform_internal_desc(pdev); mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); if (!internal_desc) { dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s called for unknown driver type\n", __func__); return -ENODEV; } parent = &pdev->dev; ret = __gasket_add_device(parent, internal_desc, &gasket_dev); if (ret) return ret; gasket_dev->platform_dev = pdev; *gasket_devp = gasket_dev; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_platform_add_device); /* Remove a platform gasket device. */ void gasket_platform_remove_device(struct platform_device *pdev) { int i; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = NULL; /* Find the device desc. */ mutex_lock(&g_mutex); internal_desc = lookup_platform_internal_desc(pdev); mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); if (!internal_desc) return; /* Now find the specific device */ mutex_lock(&internal_desc->mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_DEV_MAX; i++) { if (internal_desc->devs[i] && internal_desc->devs[i]->platform_dev == pdev) { gasket_dev = internal_desc->devs[i]; break; } } mutex_unlock(&internal_desc->mutex); if (!gasket_dev) return; dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "remove %s platform gasket device\n", internal_desc->driver_desc->name); __gasket_remove_device(internal_desc, gasket_dev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_platform_remove_device); void gasket_set_dma_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct device *dma_dev) { put_device(gasket_dev->dma_dev); gasket_dev->dma_dev = get_device(dma_dev); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_set_dma_device); /** * Lookup a name by number in a num_name table. * @num: Number to lookup. * @table: Array of num_name structures, the table for the lookup. * * Description: Searches for num in the table. If found, the * corresponding name is returned; otherwise NULL * is returned. * * The table must have a NULL name pointer at the end. */ const char *gasket_num_name_lookup(uint num, const struct gasket_num_name *table) { uint i = 0; while (table[i].snn_name) { if (num == table[i].snn_num) break; ++i; } return table[i].snn_name; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_num_name_lookup); int gasket_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int ret; mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); ret = gasket_reset_nolock(gasket_dev); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_reset); int gasket_reset_nolock(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int ret; int i; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; driver_desc = gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; if (!driver_desc->device_reset_cb) return 0; ret = driver_desc->device_reset_cb(gasket_dev); if (ret) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Device reset cb returned %d.\n", ret); return ret; } /* Reinitialize the page tables and interrupt framework. */ for (i = 0; i < driver_desc->num_page_tables; ++i) gasket_page_table_reset(gasket_dev->page_table[i]); ret = gasket_interrupt_reinit(gasket_dev); if (ret) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unable to reinit interrupts: %d.\n", ret); return ret; } /* Get current device health. */ gasket_dev->status = gasket_get_hw_status(gasket_dev); if (gasket_dev->status == GASKET_STATUS_DEAD) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Device reported as dead.\n"); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_reset_nolock); gasket_ioctl_permissions_cb_t gasket_get_ioctl_permissions_cb(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { return gasket_dev->internal_desc->driver_desc->ioctl_permissions_cb; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_get_ioctl_permissions_cb); /* Get the driver structure for a given gasket_dev. * @dev: pointer to gasket_dev, implementing the requested driver. */ const struct gasket_driver_desc *gasket_get_driver_desc(struct gasket_dev *dev) { return dev->internal_desc->driver_desc; } /* Get the device structure for a given gasket_dev. * @dev: pointer to gasket_dev, implementing the requested driver. */ struct device *gasket_get_device(struct gasket_dev *dev) { return dev->dev; } /** * Asynchronously waits on device. * @gasket_dev: Device struct. * @bar: Bar * @offset: Register offset * @mask: Register mask * @val: Expected value * @max_retries: number of sleep periods * @delay_ms: Timeout in milliseconds * * Description: Busy waits for a specific combination of bits to be set on a * Gasket register. **/ int gasket_wait_with_reschedule(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int bar, u64 offset, u64 mask, u64 val, uint max_retries, u64 delay_ms) { uint retries = 0; u64 tmp; while (retries < max_retries) { tmp = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, bar, offset); if ((tmp & mask) == val) return 0; msleep(delay_ms); retries++; } dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s timeout: reg %llx timeout (%llu ms)\n", __func__, offset, max_retries * delay_ms); return -ETIMEDOUT; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_wait_with_reschedule); /* See gasket_core.h for description. */ int gasket_register_device(const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc) { int i, ret; int desc_idx = -1; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal; pr_debug("Loading %s driver version %s\n", driver_desc->name, driver_desc->driver_version); /* Check for duplicates and find a free slot. */ mutex_lock(&g_mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { if (g_descs[i].driver_desc == driver_desc) { pr_err("%s driver already loaded/registered\n", driver_desc->name); mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return -EBUSY; } } /* This and the above loop could be combined, but this reads easier. */ for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { if (!g_descs[i].driver_desc) { g_descs[i].driver_desc = driver_desc; desc_idx = i; break; } } mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); if (desc_idx == -1) { pr_err("too many drivers loaded, max %d\n", GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX); return -EBUSY; } internal = &g_descs[desc_idx]; mutex_init(&internal->mutex); memset(internal->devs, 0, sizeof(struct gasket_dev *) * GASKET_DEV_MAX); /* Function signature for `class_create()` is changed in kernel >= 6.4.x * to only accept a single argument. * */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(6, 4, 0) internal->class = class_create(driver_desc->module, driver_desc->name); #else internal->class = class_create(driver_desc->name); #endif if (IS_ERR(internal->class)) { pr_err("Cannot register %s class [ret=%ld]\n", driver_desc->name, PTR_ERR(internal->class)); ret = PTR_ERR(internal->class); goto unregister_gasket_driver; } ret = register_chrdev_region(MKDEV(driver_desc->major, driver_desc->minor), GASKET_DEV_MAX, driver_desc->name); if (ret) { pr_err("cannot register %s char driver [ret=%d]\n", driver_desc->name, ret); goto destroy_class; } return 0; destroy_class: class_destroy(internal->class); unregister_gasket_driver: mutex_lock(&g_mutex); g_descs[desc_idx].driver_desc = NULL; mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_register_device); /* See gasket_core.h for description. */ void gasket_unregister_device(const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc) { int i, desc_idx; struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc = NULL; mutex_lock(&g_mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { if (g_descs[i].driver_desc == driver_desc) { internal_desc = &g_descs[i]; desc_idx = i; break; } } if (!internal_desc) { mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); pr_err("request to unregister unknown desc: %s, %d:%d\n", driver_desc->name, driver_desc->major, driver_desc->minor); return; } unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(driver_desc->major, driver_desc->minor), GASKET_DEV_MAX); class_destroy(internal_desc->class); /* Finally, effectively "remove" the driver. */ g_descs[desc_idx].driver_desc = NULL; mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); pr_debug("removed %s driver\n", driver_desc->name); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_unregister_device); static int __init gasket_init(void) { int i; mutex_lock(&g_mutex); for (i = 0; i < GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX; i++) { g_descs[i].driver_desc = NULL; mutex_init(&g_descs[i].mutex); } gasket_sysfs_init(); mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return 0; } MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Google Gasket driver framework"); MODULE_VERSION(GASKET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Rob Springer <>"); module_init(gasket_init); 07070100000015000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600004F0D000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_core.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Gasket generic driver. Defines the set of data types and functions necessary * to define a driver using the Gasket generic driver framework. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_CORE_H__ #define __GASKET_CORE_H__ #include <linux/cdev.h> #include <linux/compiler.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include "gasket_constants.h" /** * struct gasket_num_name - Map numbers to names. * @ein_num: Number. * @ein_name: Name associated with the number, a char pointer. * * This structure maps numbers to names. It is used to provide printable enum * names, e.g {0, "DEAD"} or {1, "ALIVE"}. */ struct gasket_num_name { uint snn_num; const char *snn_name; }; /* * Register location for packed interrupts. * Each value indicates the location of an interrupt field (in units of * gasket_driver_desc->interrupt_pack_width) within the containing register. * In other words, this indicates the shift to use when creating a mask to * extract/set bits within a register for a given interrupt. */ enum gasket_interrupt_packing { PACK_0 = 0, PACK_1 = 1, PACK_2 = 2, PACK_3 = 3, UNPACKED = 4, }; /* Type of the interrupt supported by the device. */ enum gasket_interrupt_type { PCI_MSIX = 0, DEVICE_MANAGED = 1, /* Managed externally in device driver */ }; /* * Used to describe a Gasket interrupt. Contains an interrupt index, a register, * and packing data for that interrupt. The register and packing data * fields are relevant only for PCI_MSIX interrupt type and can be * set to 0 for everything else. */ struct gasket_interrupt_desc { /* Device-wide interrupt index/number. */ int index; /* The register offset controlling this interrupt. */ u64 reg; /* The location of this interrupt inside register reg, if packed. */ int packing; }; /* * This enum is used to identify memory regions being part of the physical * memory that belongs to a device. */ enum mappable_area_type { PCI_BAR = 0, /* Default */ BUS_REGION, /* For SYSBUS devices, i.e. AXI etc... */ COHERENT_MEMORY }; /* * Metadata for each BAR mapping. * This struct is used so as to track PCI memory, I/O space, AXI and coherent * memory area... i.e. memory objects which can be referenced in the device's * mmap function. */ struct gasket_bar_data { /* Virtual base address. */ u8 __iomem *virt_base; /* Physical base address. */ ulong phys_base; /* Length of the mapping. */ ulong length_bytes; /* Type of mappable area */ enum mappable_area_type type; }; /* Maintains device open ownership data. */ struct gasket_ownership { /* 1 if the device is owned, 0 otherwise. */ int is_owned; /* TGID of the owner. */ pid_t owner; /* Count of current device opens in write mode. */ int write_open_count; }; /* Page table modes of operation. */ enum gasket_page_table_mode { /* The page table is partitionable as normal, all simple by default. */ GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_NORMAL, /* All entries are always simple. */ GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_SIMPLE, /* All entries are always extended. No extended bit is used. */ GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_EXTENDED, }; /* Page table configuration. One per table. */ struct gasket_page_table_config { /* The identifier/index of this page table. */ int id; /* The operation mode of this page table. */ enum gasket_page_table_mode mode; /* Total (first-level) entries in this page table. */ ulong total_entries; /* Base register for the page table. */ int base_reg; /* * Register containing the extended page table. This value is unused in * GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_SIMPLE and GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_EXTENDED * modes. */ int extended_reg; /* The bit index indicating whether a PT entry is extended. */ int extended_bit; }; /* Maintains information about a device node. */ struct gasket_cdev_info { /* The internal name of this device. */ char name[GASKET_NAME_MAX]; /* Device number. */ dev_t devt; /* Kernel-internal device structure. */ struct device *device; /* Character device for real. */ struct cdev cdev; /* Flag indicating if cdev_add has been called for the devices. */ int cdev_added; /* Pointer to the overall gasket_dev struct for this device. */ struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev_ptr; /* Ownership data for the device in question. */ struct gasket_ownership ownership; }; /* Describes the offset and length of mmapable device BAR regions. */ struct gasket_mappable_region { u64 start; u64 length_bytes; }; /* Describe the offset, size, and permissions for a device bar. */ struct gasket_bar_desc { /* * The size of each PCI BAR range, in bytes. If a value is 0, that BAR * will not be mapped into kernel space at all. * For devices with 64 bit BARs, only elements 0, 2, and 4 should be * populated, and 1, 3, and 5 should be set to 0. * For example, for a device mapping 1M in each of the first two 64-bit * BARs, this field would be set as { 0x100000, 0, 0x100000, 0, 0, 0 } * (one number per bar_desc struct.) */ u64 size; /* The permissions for this bar. (Should be VM_WRITE/VM_READ/VM_EXEC, * and can be or'd.) If set to GASKET_NOMAP, the bar will * not be used for mmapping. */ ulong permissions; /* The memory address corresponding to the base of this bar, if used. */ u64 base; /* The number of mappable regions in this bar. */ int num_mappable_regions; /* The mappable subregions of this bar. */ const struct gasket_mappable_region *mappable_regions; /* Type of mappable area */ enum mappable_area_type type; }; /* Describes the offset, size, and permissions for a coherent buffer. */ struct gasket_coherent_buffer_desc { /* The size of the coherent buffer. */ u64 size; /* The permissions for this bar. (Should be VM_WRITE/VM_READ/VM_EXEC, * and can be or'd.) If set to GASKET_NOMAP, the bar will * not be used for mmaping. */ ulong permissions; /* device side address. */ u64 base; }; /* Coherent buffer structure. */ struct gasket_coherent_buffer { /* Virtual base address. */ u8 __iomem *virt_base; /* Physical base address. */ dma_addr_t phys_base; /* Length of the mapping. */ ulong length_bytes; }; /* Description of Gasket-specific permissions in the mmap field. */ enum gasket_mapping_options { GASKET_NOMAP = 0 }; /* This struct represents an undefined bar that should never be mapped. */ #define GASKET_UNUSED_BAR \ { \ 0, GASKET_NOMAP, 0, 0, NULL, 0 \ } /* Internal data for a Gasket device. See gasket_core.c for more information. */ struct gasket_internal_desc; #define MAX_NUM_COHERENT_PAGES 16 /* * Device data for Gasket device instances. * * This structure contains the data required to manage a Gasket device. */ struct gasket_dev { /* Pointer to the internal driver description for this device. */ struct gasket_internal_desc *internal_desc; /* Device info */ struct device *dev; /* DMA device to use, may be same as above or a parent */ struct device *dma_dev; /* PCI device pointer for PCI devices */ struct pci_dev *pci_dev; /* Platform device pointer for platform devices */ struct platform_device *platform_dev; /* This device's index into internal_desc->devs. */ int dev_idx; /* The name of this device, as reported by the kernel. */ char kobj_name[GASKET_NAME_MAX]; /* Virtual address of mapped BAR memory range. */ struct gasket_bar_data bar_data[GASKET_NUM_BARS]; /* Coherent buffer. */ struct gasket_coherent_buffer coherent_buffer; /* Number of page tables for this device. */ int num_page_tables; /* Address translations. Page tables have a private implementation. */ struct gasket_page_table *page_table[GASKET_MAX_NUM_PAGE_TABLES]; /* Interrupt data for this device. */ struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data; /* Status for this device - GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE or _DEAD. */ uint status; /* Number of times this device has been reset. */ uint reset_count; /* Dev information for the cdev node. */ struct gasket_cdev_info dev_info; /* Hardware revision value for this device. */ int hardware_revision; /* Protects access to per-device data (i.e. this structure). */ struct mutex mutex; /* cdev hash tracking/membership structure, Accel and legacy. */ /* Unused until Accel is upstreamed. */ struct hlist_node hlist_node; struct hlist_node legacy_hlist_node; }; /* Type of the ioctl handler callback. */ typedef long (*gasket_ioctl_handler_cb_t)(struct file *file, uint cmd, void __user *argp); /* Type of the ioctl permissions check callback. See below. */ typedef int (*gasket_ioctl_permissions_cb_t)(struct file *filp, uint cmd, void __user *argp); /* * Device type descriptor. * * This structure contains device-specific data needed to identify and address a * type of device to be administered via the Gasket generic driver. * * Device IDs are per-driver. In other words, two drivers using the Gasket * framework will each have a distinct device 0 (for example). */ struct gasket_driver_desc { /* The name of this device type. */ const char *name; /* The name of this specific device model. */ const char *chip_model; /* The version of the chip specified in chip_model. */ const char *chip_version; /* The version of this driver: "1.0.0", "2.1.3", etc. */ const char *driver_version; /* * Non-zero if we should create "legacy" (device and device-class- * specific) character devices and sysfs nodes. */ /* Unused until Accel is upstreamed. */ int legacy_support; /* Major and minor numbers identifying the device. */ int major, minor; /* Module structure for this driver. */ struct module *module; /* PCI ID table. */ const struct pci_device_id *pci_id_table; /* The number of page tables handled by this driver. */ int num_page_tables; /* The index of the bar containing the page tables. */ int page_table_bar_index; /* Registers used to control each page table. */ const struct gasket_page_table_config *page_table_configs; /* The bit index indicating whether a PT entry is extended. */ int page_table_extended_bit; /* * Legacy mmap address adjusment for legacy devices only. Should be 0 * for any new device. */ ulong legacy_mmap_address_offset; /* Set of 6 bar descriptions that describe all PCIe bars. * Note that BUS/AXI devices (i.e. non PCI devices) use those. */ struct gasket_bar_desc bar_descriptions[GASKET_NUM_BARS]; /* * Coherent buffer description. */ struct gasket_coherent_buffer_desc coherent_buffer_description; /* Interrupt type. (One of gasket_interrupt_type). */ int interrupt_type; /* Index of the bar containing the interrupt registers to program. */ int interrupt_bar_index; /* Number of interrupts in the gasket_interrupt_desc array */ int num_interrupts; /* Description of the interrupts for this device. */ const struct gasket_interrupt_desc *interrupts; /* * If this device packs multiple interrupt->MSI-X mappings into a * single register (i.e., "uses packed interrupts"), only a single bit * width is supported for each interrupt mapping (unpacked/"full-width" * interrupts are always supported). This value specifies that width. If * packed interrupts are not used, this value is ignored. */ int interrupt_pack_width; /* Driver callback functions - all may be NULL */ /* * device_open_cb: Callback for when a device node is opened in write * mode. * @dev: The gasket_dev struct for this driver instance. * * This callback should perform device-specific setup that needs to * occur only once when a device is first opened. */ int (*device_open_cb)(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* * device_release_cb: Callback when a device is closed. * @gasket_dev: The gasket_dev struct for this driver instance. * * This callback is called whenever a device node fd is closed, as * opposed to device_close_cb, which is called when the _last_ * descriptor for an open file is closed. This call is intended to * handle any per-user or per-fd cleanup. */ int (*device_release_cb)(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct file *file); /* * device_close_cb: Callback for when a device node is closed for the * last time. * @dev: The gasket_dev struct for this driver instance. * * This callback should perform device-specific cleanup that only * needs to occur when the last reference to a device node is closed. * * This call is intended to handle and device-wide cleanup, as opposed * to per-fd cleanup (which should be handled by device_release_cb). */ int (*device_close_cb)(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* * get_mappable_regions_cb: Get descriptors of mappable device memory. * @gasket_dev: Pointer to the struct gasket_dev for this device. * @bar_index: BAR for which to retrieve memory ranges. * @mappable_regions: Out-pointer to the list of mappable regions on the * device/BAR for this process. * @num_mappable_regions: Out-pointer for the size of mappable_regions. * * Called when handling mmap(), this callback is used to determine which * regions of device memory may be mapped by the current process. This * information is then compared to mmap request to determine which * regions to actually map. */ int (*get_mappable_regions_cb)(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int bar_index, struct gasket_mappable_region **mappable_regions, int *num_mappable_regions); /* * ioctl_permissions_cb: Check permissions for generic ioctls. * @filp: File structure pointer describing this node usage session. * @cmd: ioctl number to handle. * @arg: ioctl-specific data pointer. * * Returns 1 if the ioctl may be executed, 0 otherwise. If this callback * isn't specified a default routine will be used, that only allows the * original device opener (i.e, the "owner") to execute state-affecting * ioctls. */ gasket_ioctl_permissions_cb_t ioctl_permissions_cb; /* * ioctl_handler_cb: Callback to handle device-specific ioctls. * @filp: File structure pointer describing this node usage session. * @cmd: ioctl number to handle. * @arg: ioctl-specific data pointer. * * Invoked whenever an ioctl is called that the generic Gasket * framework doesn't support. If no cb is registered, unknown ioctls * return -EINVAL. Should return an error status (either -EINVAL or * the error result of the ioctl being handled). */ gasket_ioctl_handler_cb_t ioctl_handler_cb; /* * device_status_cb: Callback to determine device health. * @dev: Pointer to the gasket_dev struct for this device. * * Called to determine if the device is healthy or not. Should return * a member of the gasket_status_type enum. * */ int (*device_status_cb)(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* * hardware_revision_cb: Get the device's hardware revision. * @dev: Pointer to the gasket_dev struct for this device. * * Called to determine the reported rev of the physical hardware. * Revision should be >0. A negative return value is an error. */ int (*hardware_revision_cb)(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* * device_reset_cb: Reset the hardware in question. * @dev: Pointer to the gasket_dev structure for this device. * * Called by reset ioctls. This function should not * lock the gasket_dev mutex. It should return 0 on success * and an error on failure. */ int (*device_reset_cb)(struct gasket_dev *dev); }; /* * Register the specified device type with the framework. * @desc: Populated/initialized device type descriptor. * * This function does _not_ take ownership of desc; the underlying struct must * exist until the matching call to gasket_unregister_device. * This function should be called from your driver's module_init function. */ int gasket_register_device(const struct gasket_driver_desc *desc); /* * Remove the specified device type from the framework. * @desc: Descriptor for the device type to unregister; it should have been * passed to gasket_register_device in a previous call. * * This function should be called from your driver's module_exit function. */ void gasket_unregister_device(const struct gasket_driver_desc *desc); /* Add a PCI gasket device. */ int gasket_pci_add_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, struct gasket_dev **gasket_devp); /* Remove a PCI gasket device. */ void gasket_pci_remove_device(struct pci_dev *pci_dev); /* Add a platform gasket device. */ int gasket_platform_add_device(struct platform_device *pdev, struct gasket_dev **gasket_devp); /* Remove a platform gasket device. */ void gasket_platform_remove_device(struct platform_device *pdev); /* Set DMA device to use (if different from PCI/platform device) */ void gasket_set_dma_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct device *dma_dev); /* Enable a Gasket device. */ int gasket_enable_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* Disable a Gasket device. */ void gasket_disable_device(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Reset the Gasket device. * @gasket_dev: Gasket device struct. * * Calls device_reset_cb. Returns 0 on success and an error code othewrise. * gasket_reset_nolock will not lock the mutex, gasket_reset will. * */ int gasket_reset(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); int gasket_reset_nolock(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Memory management functions. These will likely be spun off into their own * file in the future. */ /* Unmaps the specified mappable region from a VMA. */ int gasket_mm_unmap_region(const struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct vm_area_struct *vma, const struct gasket_mappable_region *map_region); /* * Get the ioctl permissions callback. * @gasket_dev: Gasket device structure. */ gasket_ioctl_permissions_cb_t gasket_get_ioctl_permissions_cb(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /** * Lookup a name by number in a num_name table. * @num: Number to lookup. * @table: Array of num_name structures, the table for the lookup. * */ const char *gasket_num_name_lookup(uint num, const struct gasket_num_name *table); /* Handy inlines */ static inline u64 gasket_dev_read_64(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int bar, ulong location) { return readq_relaxed(&gasket_dev->bar_data[bar].virt_base[location]); } static inline void gasket_dev_write_64(struct gasket_dev *dev, u64 value, int bar, ulong location) { writeq_relaxed(value, &dev->bar_data[bar].virt_base[location]); } static inline void gasket_dev_write_32(struct gasket_dev *dev, u32 value, int bar, ulong location) { writel_relaxed(value, &dev->bar_data[bar].virt_base[location]); } static inline u32 gasket_dev_read_32(struct gasket_dev *dev, int bar, ulong location) { return readl_relaxed(&dev->bar_data[bar].virt_base[location]); } static inline void gasket_read_modify_write_64(struct gasket_dev *dev, int bar, ulong location, u64 value, u64 mask_width, u64 mask_shift) { u64 mask, tmp; tmp = gasket_dev_read_64(dev, bar, location); mask = ((1ULL << mask_width) - 1) << mask_shift; tmp = (tmp & ~mask) | (value << mask_shift); gasket_dev_write_64(dev, tmp, bar, location); } static inline void gasket_read_modify_write_32(struct gasket_dev *dev, int bar, ulong location, u32 value, u32 mask_width, u32 mask_shift) { u32 mask, tmp; tmp = gasket_dev_read_32(dev, bar, location); mask = ((1 << mask_width) - 1) << mask_shift; tmp = (tmp & ~mask) | (value << mask_shift); gasket_dev_write_32(dev, tmp, bar, location); } /* Get the Gasket driver structure for a given device. */ const struct gasket_driver_desc *gasket_get_driver_desc(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* Get the device structure for a given device. */ struct device *gasket_get_device(struct gasket_dev *dev); /* Helper function, Asynchronous waits on a given set of bits. */ int gasket_wait_with_reschedule(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, int bar, u64 offset, u64 mask, u64 val, uint max_retries, u64 delay_ms); #endif /* __GASKET_CORE_H__ */ 07070100000016000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600003D70000000000000000000000000000000000000003400000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_interrupt.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #include "gasket_interrupt.h" #include "gasket_constants.h" #include "gasket_core.h" #include "gasket_sysfs.h" #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/printk.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/version.h> #ifdef GASKET_KERNEL_TRACE_SUPPORT #define CREATE_TRACE_POINTS #include <trace/events/gasket_interrupt.h> #else #define trace_gasket_interrupt_event(x, ...) #endif /* Retry attempts if the requested number of interrupts aren't available. */ #define MSIX_RETRY_COUNT 3 /* Instance interrupt management data. */ struct gasket_interrupt_data { /* The name associated with this interrupt data. */ const char *name; /* Interrupt type. See gasket_interrupt_type in gasket_core.h */ int type; /* The PCI device [if any] associated with the owning device. */ struct pci_dev *pci_dev; /* Set to 1 if MSI-X has successfully been configred, 0 otherwise. */ int msix_configured; /* The number of interrupts requested by the owning device. */ int num_interrupts; /* A pointer to the interrupt descriptor struct for this device. */ const struct gasket_interrupt_desc *interrupts; /* The index of the bar into which interrupts should be mapped. */ int interrupt_bar_index; /* The width of a single interrupt in a packed interrupt register. */ int pack_width; /* * Design-wise, these elements should be bundled together, but * pci_enable_msix's interface requires that they be managed * individually (requires array of struct msix_entry). */ /* The number of successfully configured interrupts. */ int num_configured; /* The MSI-X data for each requested/configured interrupt. */ struct msix_entry *msix_entries; /* The eventfd "callback" data for each interrupt. */ struct eventfd_ctx **eventfd_ctxs; /* Spinlock to protect read/write races to eventfd_ctxs. */ rwlock_t eventfd_ctx_lock; /* The number of times each interrupt has been called. */ ulong *interrupt_counts; /* Linux IRQ number. */ int irq; }; /* Structures to display interrupt counts in sysfs. */ enum interrupt_sysfs_attribute_type { ATTR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS, }; /* Set up device registers for interrupt handling. */ static void gasket_interrupt_setup(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int i; int pack_shift; u64 mask; u64 value; struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data = gasket_dev->interrupt_data; if (!interrupt_data) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Interrupt data is not initialized\n"); return; } dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Running interrupt setup\n"); if (interrupt_data->type == DEVICE_MANAGED) return; /* device driver handles setup */ /* Setup the MSIX table. */ for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_interrupts; i++) { /* * If the interrupt is not packed, we can write the index into * the register directly. If not, we need to deal with a read- * modify-write and shift based on the packing index. */ dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Setting up interrupt index %d with index 0x%llx and " "packing %d\n", interrupt_data->interrupts[i].index, interrupt_data->interrupts[i].reg, interrupt_data->interrupts[i].packing); if (interrupt_data->interrupts[i].packing == UNPACKED) { value = interrupt_data->interrupts[i].index; } else { switch (interrupt_data->interrupts[i].packing) { case PACK_0: pack_shift = 0; break; case PACK_1: pack_shift = interrupt_data->pack_width; break; case PACK_2: pack_shift = 2 * interrupt_data->pack_width; break; case PACK_3: pack_shift = 3 * interrupt_data->pack_width; break; default: dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Found interrupt description with " "unknown enum %d\n", interrupt_data->interrupts[i].packing); return; } mask = ~(0xFFFF << pack_shift); value = gasket_dev_read_64(gasket_dev, interrupt_data->interrupt_bar_index, interrupt_data->interrupts[i].reg); value &= mask; value |= interrupt_data->interrupts[i].index << pack_shift; } gasket_dev_write_64(gasket_dev, value, interrupt_data->interrupt_bar_index, interrupt_data->interrupts[i].reg); } } void gasket_handle_interrupt(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt_index) { struct eventfd_ctx *ctx; trace_gasket_interrupt_event(interrupt_data->name, interrupt_index); read_lock(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock); ctx = interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt_index]; if (ctx) #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(6,8,0) eventfd_signal(ctx); #else eventfd_signal(ctx, 1); #endif read_unlock(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock); ++(interrupt_data->interrupt_counts[interrupt_index]); } static irqreturn_t gasket_msix_interrupt_handler(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data = dev_id; int interrupt = -1; int i; /* If this linear lookup is a problem, we can maintain a map/hash. */ for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_interrupts; i++) { if (interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].vector == irq) { interrupt = interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].entry; break; } } if (interrupt == -1) { pr_err("Received unknown irq %d\n", irq); return IRQ_HANDLED; } gasket_handle_interrupt(interrupt_data, interrupt); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static int gasket_interrupt_msix_init(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data) { int ret = 1; int i; interrupt_data->msix_entries = kcalloc(interrupt_data->num_interrupts, sizeof(struct msix_entry), GFP_KERNEL); if (!interrupt_data->msix_entries) return -ENOMEM; for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_interrupts; i++) { interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].entry = i; interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].vector = 0; interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[i] = NULL; } /* Retry MSIX_RETRY_COUNT times if not enough IRQs are available. */ for (i = 0; i < MSIX_RETRY_COUNT && ret > 0; i++) ret = pci_enable_msix_exact(interrupt_data->pci_dev, interrupt_data->msix_entries, interrupt_data->num_interrupts); if (ret) return ret > 0 ? -EBUSY : ret; interrupt_data->msix_configured = 1; for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_interrupts; i++) { ret = request_irq(interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].vector, gasket_msix_interrupt_handler, 0, interrupt_data->name, interrupt_data); if (ret) { dev_err(&interrupt_data->pci_dev->dev, "Cannot get IRQ for interrupt %d, vector %d; " "%d\n", i, interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].vector, ret); return ret; } interrupt_data->num_configured++; } return 0; } /* * On QCM DragonBoard, we exit gasket_interrupt_msix_init() and kernel interrupt * setup code with MSIX vectors masked. This is wrong because nothing else in * the driver will normally touch the MSIX vectors. * * As a temporary hack, force unmasking there. * * TODO: Figure out why QCM kernel doesn't unmask the MSIX vectors, after * gasket_interrupt_msix_init(), and remove this code. */ static void force_msix_interrupt_unmasking(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int i; #define MSIX_VECTOR_SIZE 16 #define MSIX_MASK_BIT_OFFSET 12 #define APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_TABLE 0x46800 for (i = 0; i < gasket_dev->interrupt_data->num_configured; i++) { /* Check if the MSIX vector is unmasked */ ulong location = APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_TABLE + MSIX_MASK_BIT_OFFSET + i * MSIX_VECTOR_SIZE; u32 mask = gasket_dev_read_32(gasket_dev, gasket_dev->interrupt_data->interrupt_bar_index, location); if (!(mask & 1)) continue; /* Unmask the msix vector (clear 32 bits) */ gasket_dev_write_32(gasket_dev, 0, gasket_dev->interrupt_data->interrupt_bar_index, location); } #undef MSIX_VECTOR_SIZE #undef MSIX_MASK_BIT_OFFSET #undef APEX_BAR2_REG_KERNEL_HIB_MSIX_TABLE } static ssize_t interrupt_sysfs_show(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { int i, ret; ssize_t written = 0, total_written = 0; struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *gasket_attr; enum interrupt_sysfs_attribute_type sysfs_type; gasket_dev = gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(device); if (!gasket_dev) { dev_dbg(device, "No sysfs mapping found for device\n"); return 0; } gasket_attr = gasket_sysfs_get_attr(device, attr); if (!gasket_attr) { dev_dbg(device, "No sysfs attr data found for device\n"); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return 0; } sysfs_type = (enum interrupt_sysfs_attribute_type) gasket_attr->data.attr_type; interrupt_data = gasket_dev->interrupt_data; switch (sysfs_type) { case ATTR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS: for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_interrupts; ++i) { written = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE - total_written, "0x%02x: %ld\n", i, interrupt_data->interrupt_counts[i]); total_written += written; buf += written; } ret = total_written; break; default: dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", attr->; ret = 0; break; } gasket_sysfs_put_attr(device, gasket_attr); gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(device, gasket_dev); return ret; } static struct gasket_sysfs_attribute interrupt_sysfs_attrs[] = { GASKET_SYSFS_RO(interrupt_counts, interrupt_sysfs_show, ATTR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS), GASKET_END_OF_ATTR_ARRAY, }; int gasket_interrupt_init(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int ret; struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_get_driver_desc(gasket_dev); interrupt_data = kzalloc(sizeof(struct gasket_interrupt_data), GFP_KERNEL); if (!interrupt_data) return -ENOMEM; gasket_dev->interrupt_data = interrupt_data; interrupt_data->name = driver_desc->name; interrupt_data->type = driver_desc->interrupt_type; interrupt_data->pci_dev = gasket_dev->pci_dev; interrupt_data->num_interrupts = driver_desc->num_interrupts; interrupt_data->interrupts = driver_desc->interrupts; interrupt_data->interrupt_bar_index = driver_desc->interrupt_bar_index; interrupt_data->pack_width = driver_desc->interrupt_pack_width; interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs = kcalloc(driver_desc->num_interrupts, sizeof(struct eventfd_ctx *), GFP_KERNEL); if (!interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs) { kfree(interrupt_data); return -ENOMEM; } interrupt_data->interrupt_counts = kcalloc(driver_desc->num_interrupts, sizeof(ulong), GFP_KERNEL); if (!interrupt_data->interrupt_counts) { kfree(interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs); kfree(interrupt_data); return -ENOMEM; } rwlock_init(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock); switch (interrupt_data->type) { case PCI_MSIX: ret = gasket_interrupt_msix_init(interrupt_data); if (ret) break; force_msix_interrupt_unmasking(gasket_dev); break; case DEVICE_MANAGED: /* Device driver manages IRQ init */ interrupt_data->num_configured = interrupt_data->num_interrupts; ret = 0; break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } if (ret) { /* Failing to setup interrupts will cause the device to report * GASKET_STATUS_LAMED. But it is not fatal. */ dev_warn(gasket_dev->dev, "Couldn't initialize interrupts: %d\n", ret); return 0; } gasket_interrupt_setup(gasket_dev); gasket_sysfs_create_entries(gasket_dev->dev_info.device, interrupt_sysfs_attrs); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_interrupt_init); void gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < interrupt_data->num_configured; i++) { gasket_interrupt_clear_eventfd(interrupt_data, i); free_irq(interrupt_data->msix_entries[i].vector, interrupt_data); } interrupt_data->num_configured = 0; if (interrupt_data->msix_configured) pci_disable_msix(interrupt_data->pci_dev); interrupt_data->msix_configured = 0; kfree(interrupt_data->msix_entries); interrupt_data->msix_entries = NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup); int gasket_interrupt_reinit(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { int ret; if (!gasket_dev->interrupt_data) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Attempted to reinit uninitialized interrupt data\n"); return -EINVAL; } switch (gasket_dev->interrupt_data->type) { case PCI_MSIX: gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup(gasket_dev->interrupt_data); ret = gasket_interrupt_msix_init(gasket_dev->interrupt_data); if (ret) break; force_msix_interrupt_unmasking(gasket_dev); break; case DEVICE_MANAGED: /* Device driver manages IRQ reinit */ ret = 0; break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } if (ret) { /* Failing to setup interrupts will cause the device * to report GASKET_STATUS_LAMED, but is not fatal. */ dev_warn(gasket_dev->dev, "Couldn't reinit interrupts: %d\n", ret); return 0; } gasket_interrupt_setup(gasket_dev); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_interrupt_reinit); /* See gasket_interrupt.h for description. */ int gasket_interrupt_reset_counts(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Clearing interrupt counts\n"); memset(gasket_dev->interrupt_data->interrupt_counts, 0, gasket_dev->interrupt_data->num_interrupts * sizeof(*gasket_dev->interrupt_data->interrupt_counts)); return 0; } /* See gasket_interrupt.h for description. */ void gasket_interrupt_cleanup(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data = gasket_dev->interrupt_data; /* * It is possible to get an error code from gasket_interrupt_init * before interrupt_data has been allocated, so check it. */ if (!interrupt_data) return; switch (interrupt_data->type) { case PCI_MSIX: gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup(interrupt_data); break; case DEVICE_MANAGED: /* Device driver manages IRQ cleanup */ break; default: break; } kfree(interrupt_data->interrupt_counts); kfree(interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs); kfree(interrupt_data); gasket_dev->interrupt_data = NULL; } int gasket_interrupt_system_status(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { if (!gasket_dev->interrupt_data) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Interrupt data is null\n"); return GASKET_STATUS_DEAD; } if (gasket_dev->interrupt_data->num_configured != gasket_dev->interrupt_data->num_interrupts) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Not all interrupts were configured\n"); return GASKET_STATUS_LAMED; } return GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE; } int gasket_interrupt_set_eventfd(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt, int event_fd) { struct eventfd_ctx *ctx; ulong flags; if (interrupt < 0 || interrupt >= interrupt_data->num_interrupts) return -EINVAL; ctx = eventfd_ctx_fdget(event_fd); if (IS_ERR(ctx)) return PTR_ERR(ctx); /* Put the old eventfd ctx before setting, else we leak the ref. */ write_lock_irqsave(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock, flags); if (interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt] != NULL) eventfd_ctx_put(interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt]); interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt] = ctx; write_unlock_irqrestore(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock, flags); return 0; } int gasket_interrupt_clear_eventfd(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt) { ulong flags; if (interrupt < 0 || interrupt >= interrupt_data->num_interrupts) return -EINVAL; /* Put the old eventfd ctx before clearing, else we leak the ref. */ write_lock_irqsave(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock, flags); if (interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt] != NULL) eventfd_ctx_put(interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt]); interrupt_data->eventfd_ctxs[interrupt] = NULL; write_unlock_irqrestore(&interrupt_data->eventfd_ctx_lock, flags); return 0; } 07070100000017000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600000D61000000000000000000000000000000000000003400000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_interrupt.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Gasket common interrupt module. Defines functions for enabling * eventfd-triggered interrupts between a Gasket device and a host process. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_INTERRUPT_H__ #define __GASKET_INTERRUPT_H__ #include <linux/eventfd.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include "gasket_core.h" /* Note that this currently assumes that device interrupts are a dense set, * numbered from 0 - (num_interrupts - 1). Should this have to change, these * APIs will have to be updated. */ /* Opaque type used to hold interrupt subsystem data. */ struct gasket_interrupt_data; /* * Initialize the interrupt module. * @gasket_dev: The Gasket device structure for the device to be initted. */ int gasket_interrupt_init(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Clean up a device's interrupt structure. * @gasket_dev: The Gasket information structure for this device. * * Cleans up the device's interrupts and deallocates data. */ void gasket_interrupt_cleanup(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Clean up and re-initialize the MSI-x subsystem. * @gasket_dev: The Gasket information structure for this device. * * Performs a teardown of the MSI-x subsystem and re-initializes it. Does not * free the underlying data structures. Returns 0 on success and an error code * on error. */ int gasket_interrupt_reinit(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Clean up the MSI-x subsystem. * @interrupt_data: The interrupt data structure for this device. * * Performs a teardown of the MSI-x subsystem. Does not free the underlying data structures. */ void gasket_interrupt_msix_cleanup(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data); /* Handle gasket interrupt processing, called from an external handler. */ void gasket_handle_interrupt(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt_index); /* * Reset the counts stored in the interrupt subsystem. * @gasket_dev: The Gasket information structure for this device. * * Sets the counts of all interrupts in the subsystem to 0. */ int gasket_interrupt_reset_counts(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Associates an eventfd with a device interrupt. * @data: Pointer to device interrupt data. * @interrupt: The device interrupt to configure. * @event_fd: The eventfd to associate with the interrupt. * * Prepares the host to receive notification of device interrupts by associating * event_fd with interrupt. Upon receipt of a device interrupt, event_fd will be * signaled, after successful configuration. * * Returns 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise. */ int gasket_interrupt_set_eventfd(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt, int event_fd); /* * Removes an interrupt-eventfd association. * @data: Pointer to device interrupt data. * @interrupt: The device interrupt to de-associate. * * Removes any eventfd associated with the specified interrupt, if any. */ int gasket_interrupt_clear_eventfd(struct gasket_interrupt_data *interrupt_data, int interrupt); /* * The below functions exist for backwards compatibility. * No new uses should be written. */ /* * Get the health of the interrupt subsystem. * @gasket_dev: The Gasket device struct. * * Returns DEAD if not set up, LAMED if initialization failed, and ALIVE * otherwise. */ int gasket_interrupt_system_status(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); #endif 07070100000018000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600003437000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_ioctl.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #include "gasket.h" #include "gasket_ioctl.h" #include "gasket_constants.h" #include "gasket_core.h" #include "gasket_interrupt.h" #include "gasket_page_table.h" #include <linux/compiler.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #ifdef GASKET_KERNEL_TRACE_SUPPORT #define CREATE_TRACE_POINTS #include <trace/events/gasket_ioctl.h> #else #define trace_gasket_ioctl_entry(x, ...) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_exit(x) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(x) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_eventfd_data(x, ...) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data(x, ...) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_flags_data(x, ...) #define trace_gasket_ioctl_config_coherent_allocator(x, ...) #endif /* Associate an eventfd with an interrupt. */ static int gasket_set_event_fd(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_interrupt_eventfd __user *argp) { struct gasket_interrupt_eventfd die; if (copy_from_user(&die, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_interrupt_eventfd))) return -EFAULT; trace_gasket_ioctl_eventfd_data(die.interrupt, die.event_fd); return gasket_interrupt_set_eventfd( gasket_dev->interrupt_data, die.interrupt, die.event_fd); } /* Read the size of the page table. */ static int gasket_read_page_table_size( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl __user *argp) { int ret = 0; struct gasket_page_table_ioctl ibuf; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; if (ibuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; ibuf.size = gasket_page_table_num_entries( gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index]); trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data( ibuf.page_table_index, ibuf.size, ibuf.host_address, ibuf.device_address); if (copy_to_user(argp, &ibuf, sizeof(ibuf))) return -EFAULT; return ret; } /* Read the size of the simple page table. */ static int gasket_read_simple_page_table_size( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl __user *argp) { int ret = 0; struct gasket_page_table_ioctl ibuf; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; if (ibuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; ibuf.size = gasket_page_table_num_simple_entries(gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index]); trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data(ibuf.page_table_index, ibuf.size, ibuf.host_address, ibuf.device_address); if (copy_to_user(argp, &ibuf, sizeof(ibuf))) return -EFAULT; return ret; } /* Set the boundary between the simple and extended page tables. */ static int gasket_partition_page_table( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl __user *argp) { int ret; struct gasket_page_table_ioctl ibuf; uint max_page_table_size; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data( ibuf.page_table_index, ibuf.size, ibuf.host_address, ibuf.device_address); if (ibuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; max_page_table_size = gasket_page_table_max_size( gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index]); if (ibuf.size > max_page_table_size) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Partition request 0x%llx too large, max is 0x%x\n", ibuf.size, max_page_table_size); return -EINVAL; } mutex_lock(&gasket_dev->mutex); ret = gasket_page_table_partition( gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index], ibuf.size); mutex_unlock(&gasket_dev->mutex); return ret; } /* Map a userspace buffer to a device virtual address. */ static int gasket_map_buffers_common(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags *pibuf) { if (pibuf->base.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; if (gasket_page_table_are_addrs_bad(gasket_dev->page_table[pibuf->base.page_table_index], pibuf->base.host_address, pibuf->base.device_address, pibuf->base.size)) return -EINVAL; return gasket_page_table_map(gasket_dev->page_table[pibuf->base.page_table_index], pibuf->base.host_address, pibuf->base.device_address, pibuf->base.size / PAGE_SIZE, pibuf->flags); } static int gasket_map_buffers(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl __user *argp) { struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags ibuf; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf.base, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; ibuf.flags = 0; trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data(ibuf.base.page_table_index, ibuf.base.size, ibuf.base.host_address, ibuf.base.device_address); return gasket_map_buffers_common(gasket_dev, &ibuf); } static int gasket_map_buffers_flags(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags __user *argp) { struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags ibuf; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags))) return -EFAULT; trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_flags_data(ibuf.base.page_table_index, ibuf.base.size, ibuf.base.host_address, ibuf.base.device_address, ibuf.flags); return gasket_map_buffers_common(gasket_dev, &ibuf); } /* Unmap a userspace buffer from a device virtual address. */ static int gasket_unmap_buffers(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl __user *argp) { struct gasket_page_table_ioctl ibuf; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; trace_gasket_ioctl_page_table_data(ibuf.page_table_index, ibuf.size, ibuf.host_address, ibuf.device_address); if (ibuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; if (gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad(gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index], ibuf.device_address, ibuf.size)) return -EINVAL; gasket_page_table_unmap(gasket_dev->page_table[ibuf.page_table_index], ibuf.device_address, ibuf.size / PAGE_SIZE); return 0; } /* Map/unmap dma-buf to/from a device virtual address. */ static int gasket_map_dmabuf(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_dmabuf __user *argp) { struct gasket_page_table_ioctl_dmabuf dbuf; struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl; if (copy_from_user(&dbuf, argp, sizeof(dbuf))) return -EFAULT; if (dbuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; pg_tbl = gasket_dev->page_table[dbuf.page_table_index]; if (gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad(pg_tbl, dbuf.device_address, dbuf.num_pages * PAGE_SIZE)) return -EINVAL; if ( return gasket_page_table_map_dmabuf(pg_tbl, dbuf.dmabuf_fd, dbuf.device_address, dbuf.num_pages, dbuf.flags); else return gasket_page_table_unmap_dmabuf(pg_tbl, dbuf.dmabuf_fd, dbuf.device_address, dbuf.num_pages); } /* * Reserve structures for coherent allocation, and allocate or free the * corresponding memory. */ static int gasket_config_coherent_allocator( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, struct gasket_coherent_alloc_config_ioctl __user *argp) { int ret; struct gasket_coherent_alloc_config_ioctl ibuf; dma_addr_t dma_address; if (copy_from_user(&ibuf, argp, sizeof(struct gasket_coherent_alloc_config_ioctl))) return -EFAULT; trace_gasket_ioctl_config_coherent_allocator(ibuf.enable, ibuf.size, ibuf.dma_address); if (ibuf.page_table_index >= gasket_dev->num_page_tables) return -EFAULT; if (ibuf.size > PAGE_SIZE * MAX_NUM_COHERENT_PAGES) return -ENOMEM; if (ibuf.enable == 0) { dma_address = ibuf.dma_address; ret = gasket_free_coherent_memory(gasket_dev, ibuf.size, dma_address, ibuf.page_table_index); } else { ret = gasket_alloc_coherent_memory(gasket_dev, ibuf.size, &dma_address, ibuf.page_table_index); } if (ret) return ret; if (ibuf.enable != 0) ibuf.dma_address = dma_address; if (copy_to_user(argp, &ibuf, sizeof(ibuf))) return -EFAULT; return 0; } /* Check permissions for Gasket ioctls. */ static bool gasket_ioctl_check_permissions(struct file *filp, uint cmd) { bool alive; bool read, write; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev = (struct gasket_dev *)filp->private_data; alive = (gasket_dev->status == GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE); if (!alive) dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s alive %d status %d\n", __func__, alive, gasket_dev->status); read = !!(filp->f_mode & FMODE_READ); write = !!(filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE); switch (cmd) { case GASKET_IOCTL_RESET: case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS: return write; case GASKET_IOCTL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: case GASKET_IOCTL_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: case GASKET_IOCTL_NUMBER_PAGE_TABLES: return read; case GASKET_IOCTL_PARTITION_PAGE_TABLE: case GASKET_IOCTL_CONFIG_COHERENT_ALLOCATOR: return alive && write; case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER: case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER_FLAGS: case GASKET_IOCTL_UNMAP_BUFFER: case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_DMABUF: return alive && write; case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_EVENTFD: case GASKET_IOCTL_SET_EVENTFD: return alive && write; } return false; /* unknown permissions */ } /* * standard ioctl dispatch function. * @filp: File structure pointer describing this node usage session. * @cmd: ioctl number to handle. * @argp: ioctl-specific data pointer. * * Standard ioctl dispatcher; forwards operations to individual handlers. */ long gasket_handle_ioctl(struct file *filp, uint cmd, void __user *argp) { struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; unsigned long arg = (unsigned long)argp; gasket_ioctl_permissions_cb_t ioctl_permissions_cb; int retval; gasket_dev = (struct gasket_dev *)filp->private_data; trace_gasket_ioctl_entry(gasket_dev->, cmd); ioctl_permissions_cb = gasket_get_ioctl_permissions_cb(gasket_dev); if (ioctl_permissions_cb) { retval = ioctl_permissions_cb(filp, cmd, argp); if (retval < 0) { trace_gasket_ioctl_exit(retval); return retval; } else if (retval == 0) { trace_gasket_ioctl_exit(-EPERM); return -EPERM; } } else if (!gasket_ioctl_check_permissions(filp, cmd)) { trace_gasket_ioctl_exit(-EPERM); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "ioctl cmd=%x noperm\n", cmd); return -EPERM; } /* Tracing happens in this switch statement for all ioctls with * an integer argrument, but ioctls with a struct argument * that needs copying and decoding, that tracing is done within * the handler call. */ switch (cmd) { case GASKET_IOCTL_RESET: retval = gasket_reset(gasket_dev); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_SET_EVENTFD: retval = gasket_set_event_fd(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_EVENTFD: trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(arg); retval = gasket_interrupt_clear_eventfd(gasket_dev->interrupt_data, (int)arg); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_PARTITION_PAGE_TABLE: trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(arg); retval = gasket_partition_page_table(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_NUMBER_PAGE_TABLES: trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(gasket_dev->num_page_tables); if (copy_to_user(argp, &gasket_dev->num_page_tables, sizeof(uint64_t))) retval = -EFAULT; else retval = 0; break; case GASKET_IOCTL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: retval = gasket_read_page_table_size(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: retval = gasket_read_simple_page_table_size(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER: retval = gasket_map_buffers(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER_FLAGS: retval = gasket_map_buffers_flags(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_CONFIG_COHERENT_ALLOCATOR: retval = gasket_config_coherent_allocator(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_UNMAP_BUFFER: retval = gasket_unmap_buffers(gasket_dev, argp); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS: /* Clear interrupt counts doesn't take an arg, so use 0. */ trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(0); retval = gasket_interrupt_reset_counts(gasket_dev); break; case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_DMABUF: retval = gasket_map_dmabuf(gasket_dev, argp); break; default: /* If we don't understand the ioctl, the best we can do is trace * the arg. */ trace_gasket_ioctl_integer_data(arg); dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "Unknown ioctl cmd=0x%x not caught by " "gasket_is_supported_ioctl\n", cmd); retval = -EINVAL; break; } trace_gasket_ioctl_exit(retval); return retval; } /* * Determines if an ioctl is part of the standard Gasket framework. * @cmd: The ioctl number to handle. * * Returns 1 if the ioctl is supported and 0 otherwise. */ long gasket_is_supported_ioctl(uint cmd) { switch (cmd) { case GASKET_IOCTL_RESET: case GASKET_IOCTL_SET_EVENTFD: case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_EVENTFD: case GASKET_IOCTL_PARTITION_PAGE_TABLE: case GASKET_IOCTL_NUMBER_PAGE_TABLES: case GASKET_IOCTL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: case GASKET_IOCTL_SIMPLE_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE: case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER: case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_BUFFER_FLAGS: case GASKET_IOCTL_UNMAP_BUFFER: case GASKET_IOCTL_MAP_DMABUF: case GASKET_IOCTL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT_COUNTS: case GASKET_IOCTL_CONFIG_COHERENT_ALLOCATOR: return 1; default: return 0; } } 07070100000019000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000029D000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_ioctl.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_IOCTL_H__ #define __GASKET_IOCTL_H__ #include "gasket_core.h" #include <linux/compiler.h> /* * Handle Gasket common ioctls. * @filp: Pointer to the ioctl's file. * @cmd: Ioctl command. * @arg: Ioctl argument pointer. * * Returns 0 on success and nonzero on failure. */ long gasket_handle_ioctl(struct file *filp, uint cmd, void __user *argp); /* * Determines if an ioctl is part of the standard Gasket framework. * @cmd: The ioctl number to handle. * * Returns 1 if the ioctl is supported and 0 otherwise. */ long gasket_is_supported_ioctl(uint cmd); #endif 0707010000001A000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000B37B000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_page_table.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Implementation of Gasket page table support. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ /* * Implementation of Gasket page table support. * * This file assumes 4kB pages throughout; can be factored out when necessary. * * There is a configurable number of page table entries, as well as a * configurable bit index for the extended address flag. Both of these are * specified in gasket_page_table_init through the page_table_config parameter. * * The following example assumes: * page_table_config->total_entries = 8192 * page_table_config->extended_bit = 63 * * Address format: * Simple addresses - those whose containing pages are directly placed in the * device's address translation registers - are laid out as: * [ 63 - 25: 0 | 24 - 12: page index | 11 - 0: page offset ] * page index: The index of the containing page in the device's address * translation registers. * page offset: The index of the address into the containing page. * * Extended address - those whose containing pages are contained in a second- * level page table whose address is present in the device's address translation * registers - are laid out as: * [ 63: flag | 62 - 34: 0 | 33 - 21: dev/level 0 index | * 20 - 12: host/level 1 index | 11 - 0: page offset ] * flag: Marker indicating that this is an extended address. Always 1. * dev index: The index of the first-level page in the device's extended * address translation registers. * host index: The index of the containing page in the [host-resident] second- * level page table. * page offset: The index of the address into the containing [second-level] * page. */ #include "gasket_page_table.h" #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/dma-buf.h> #include <linux/file.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/list.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/moduleparam.h> #include <linux/pagemap.h> #include <linux/version.h> #include <linux/vmalloc.h> #if __has_include(<linux/dma-buf.h>) MODULE_IMPORT_NS(DMA_BUF); #endif #include "gasket_constants.h" #include "gasket_core.h" /* Constants & utility macros */ /* The number of pages that can be mapped into each second-level page table. */ #define GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE 512 /* The starting position of the page index in a simple virtual address. */ #define GASKET_SIMPLE_PAGE_SHIFT 12 /* Flag indicating that a [device] slot is valid for use. */ #define GASKET_VALID_SLOT_FLAG 1 /* * The starting position of the level 0 page index (i.e., the entry in the * device's extended address registers) in an extended address. * Also can be thought of as (log2(PAGE_SIZE) + log2(PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE)), * or (12 + 9). */ #define GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_SHIFT 21 /* * Number of first level pages that Gasket chips support. Equivalent to * log2(NUM_LVL0_PAGE_TABLES) * * At a maximum, allowing for a 34 bits address space (or 16GB) * = GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_WIDTH + (log2(PAGE_SIZE) + log2(PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE) * or, = 13 + 9 + 12 */ #define GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_WIDTH 13 /* * The starting position of the level 1 page index (i.e., the entry in the * host second-level/sub- table) in an extended address. */ #define GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL1_SHIFT 12 /* * Utilities for accessing flags bitfields. */ #define MASK(field) (((1u << field##_WIDTH) - 1) << field##_SHIFT) #define GET(field, flags) (((flags) & MASK(field)) >> field##_SHIFT) #define SET(field, flags, val) (((flags) & ~MASK(field)) | ((val) << field##_SHIFT)) #define FLAGS_STATUS_SHIFT 0 #define FLAGS_STATUS_WIDTH 1 #define FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION_SHIFT 1 #define FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION_WIDTH 2 /* Type declarations */ /* Valid states for a struct gasket_page_table_entry. */ enum pte_status { PTE_FREE, PTE_INUSE, }; /* * Mapping metadata for a single page. * * In this file, host-side page table entries are referred to as that (or PTEs). * Where device vs. host entries are differentiated, device-side or -visible * entries are called "slots". A slot may be either an entry in the device's * address translation table registers or an entry in a second-level page * table ("subtable"). * * The full data in this structure is visible on the host [of course]. Only * the address contained in dma_addr is communicated to the device; that points * to the actual page mapped and described by this structure. */ struct gasket_page_table_entry { /* * Internal structure matches gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags.flags. * NOTE: All fields should have a default value of 0. This ensures that * the kernel will be backwards compatible with old drivers. */ u32 flags; /* * Index for alignment into host vaddrs. * When a user specifies a host address for a mapping, that address may * not be page-aligned. Offset is the index into the containing page of * the host address (i.e., host_vaddr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)). * This is necessary for translating between user-specified addresses * and page-aligned addresses. */ int offset; /* Address of the page in DMA space. */ dma_addr_t dma_addr; /* Linux page descriptor for the page described by this structure. */ struct page *page; /* * If this is an extended and first-level entry, sublevel points * to the second-level entries underneath this entry. */ struct gasket_page_table_entry *sublevel; }; /* * Maintains virtual to physical address mapping for a coherent page that is * allocated by this module for a given device. * Note that coherent pages mappings virt mapping cannot be tracked by the * Linux kernel, and coherent pages don't have a struct page associated, * hence Linux kernel cannot perform a get_user_page_xx() on a phys address * that was allocated coherent. * This structure trivially implements this mechanism. */ struct gasket_coherent_page_entry { /* Phys address, dma'able by the owner device */ dma_addr_t paddr; /* Kernel virtual address */ u64 user_virt; /* User virtual address that was mapped by the mmap kernel subsystem */ dma_addr_t kernel_virt; /* * Whether this page has been mapped into a user land process virtual * space */ u32 in_use; }; /* Storage for dmabuf mapping information. */ struct gasket_dmabuf_mapping { struct dma_buf *dmabuf; struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment; struct sg_table *sgt; enum dma_data_direction direction; struct list_head list; }; /* * [Host-side] page table descriptor. * * This structure tracks the metadata necessary to manage both simple and * extended page tables. */ struct gasket_page_table { /* The config used to create this page table. */ struct gasket_page_table_config config; /* The number of simple (single-level) entries in the page table. */ uint num_simple_entries; /* The number of extended (two-level) entries in the page table. */ uint num_extended_entries; /* Array of [host-side] page table entries. */ struct gasket_page_table_entry *entries; /* Number of actively mapped kernel pages in this table. */ uint num_active_pages; /* Device register: base of/first slot in the page table. */ u64 __iomem *base_slot; /* Device register: holds the offset indicating the start of the * extended address region of the device's address translation table. */ u64 __iomem *extended_offset_reg; /* Device structure for the underlying device. Only used for logging. */ struct device *device; /* PCI system descriptor for the underlying device. */ struct pci_dev *pci_dev; /* Location of the extended address bit for this Gasket device. */ u64 extended_flag; /* Mutex to protect page table internals. */ struct mutex mutex; /* Number of coherent pages accessible thru by this page table */ int num_coherent_pages; /* * List of coherent memory (physical) allocated for a device. * * This structure also remembers the user virtual mapping, this is * hacky, but we need to do this because the kernel doesn't keep track * of the user coherent pages (pfn pages), and virt to coherent page * mapping. * TODO: use find_vma() APIs to convert host address to vm_area, to * dma_addr_t instead of storing user virtu address in * gasket_coherent_page_entry * * Note that the user virtual mapping is created by the driver, in * gasket_mmap function, so user_virt belongs in the driver anyhow. */ struct gasket_coherent_page_entry *coherent_pages; /* List of dmabufs currently attached and mapped. */ struct list_head dmabufs; }; /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ int gasket_page_table_init(struct gasket_page_table **ppg_tbl, const struct gasket_bar_data *bar_data, const struct gasket_page_table_config *page_table_config, struct device *device, struct pci_dev *pci_dev) { ulong bytes; struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl; ulong total_entries = page_table_config->total_entries; /* * TODO: Verify config->total_entries against value read from the * hardware register that contains the page table size. */ if (total_entries == ULONG_MAX) { dev_dbg(device, "Error reading page table size. " "Initializing page table with size 0\n"); total_entries = 0; } dev_dbg(device, "Attempting to initialize page table of size 0x%lx\n", total_entries); dev_dbg(device, "Table has base reg 0x%x, extended offset reg 0x%x\n", page_table_config->base_reg, page_table_config->extended_reg); *ppg_tbl = kzalloc(sizeof(**ppg_tbl), GFP_KERNEL); if (!*ppg_tbl) { dev_dbg(device, "No memory for page table\n"); return -ENOMEM; } pg_tbl = *ppg_tbl; bytes = total_entries * sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry); if (bytes != 0) { pg_tbl->entries = vzalloc(bytes); if (!pg_tbl->entries) { dev_dbg(device, "No memory for address translation metadata\n"); kfree(pg_tbl); *ppg_tbl = NULL; return -ENOMEM; } } mutex_init(&pg_tbl->mutex); memcpy(&pg_tbl->config, page_table_config, sizeof(*page_table_config)); if (pg_tbl->config.mode == GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_NORMAL || pg_tbl->config.mode == GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_MODE_SIMPLE) { pg_tbl->num_simple_entries = total_entries; pg_tbl->num_extended_entries = 0; pg_tbl->extended_flag = 1ull << page_table_config->extended_bit; } else { pg_tbl->num_simple_entries = 0; pg_tbl->num_extended_entries = total_entries; pg_tbl->extended_flag = 0; } pg_tbl->num_active_pages = 0; pg_tbl->base_slot = (u64 __iomem *)&bar_data->virt_base[page_table_config->base_reg]; pg_tbl->extended_offset_reg = (u64 __iomem *)&bar_data->virt_base[page_table_config->extended_reg]; pg_tbl->device = get_device(device); pg_tbl->pci_dev = pci_dev; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pg_tbl->dmabufs); dev_dbg(device, "Page table initialized successfully\n"); return 0; } /* * Check if a range of PTEs is free. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static bool gasket_is_pte_range_free(struct gasket_page_table_entry *ptes, uint num_entries) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, ptes[i].flags) != PTE_FREE) return false; } return true; } /* * Free a second level page [sub]table. * The page table mutex must be held before this call. */ static void gasket_free_extended_subtable(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte, u64 __iomem *slot) { /* Release the page table from the driver */ pte->flags = SET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags, PTE_FREE); /* Release the page table from the device */ writeq(0, slot); if (pte->dma_addr) dma_unmap_page(pg_tbl->device, pte->dma_addr, PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); vfree(pte->sublevel); if (pte->page) free_page((ulong)page_address(pte->page)); memset(pte, 0, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry)); } /* * Actually perform collection. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static void gasket_page_table_garbage_collect_nolock(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte; u64 __iomem *slot; /* XXX FIX ME XXX -- more efficient to keep a usage count */ /* rather than scanning the second level page tables */ for (pte = pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries, slot = pg_tbl->base_slot + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries; pte < pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->config.total_entries; pte++, slot++) { if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) == PTE_INUSE) { if (gasket_is_pte_range_free(pte->sublevel, GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE)) gasket_free_extended_subtable(pg_tbl, pte, slot); } } } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ void gasket_page_table_garbage_collect(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); gasket_page_table_garbage_collect_nolock(pg_tbl); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ void gasket_page_table_cleanup(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { /* Deallocate free second-level tables. */ gasket_page_table_garbage_collect(pg_tbl); /* TODO: Check that all PTEs have been freed? */ vfree(pg_tbl->entries); pg_tbl->entries = NULL; put_device(pg_tbl->device); kfree(pg_tbl); } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ int gasket_page_table_partition(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, uint num_simple_entries) { int i, start; mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); if (num_simple_entries > pg_tbl->config.total_entries) { mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); return -EINVAL; } gasket_page_table_garbage_collect_nolock(pg_tbl); start = min(pg_tbl->num_simple_entries, num_simple_entries); for (i = start; i < pg_tbl->config.total_entries; i++) { if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pg_tbl->entries[i].flags) != PTE_FREE) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "entry %d is not free\n", i); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); return -EBUSY; } } pg_tbl->num_simple_entries = num_simple_entries; pg_tbl->num_extended_entries = pg_tbl->config.total_entries - num_simple_entries; writeq(num_simple_entries, pg_tbl->extended_offset_reg); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_partition); /* * Return whether a host buffer was mapped as coherent memory. * * A Gasket page_table currently support one contiguous dma range, mapped to one * contiguous virtual memory range. Check if the host_addr is within that range. */ static int is_coherent(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, ulong host_addr) { u64 min, max; /* whether the host address is within user virt range */ if (!pg_tbl->coherent_pages) return 0; min = (u64)pg_tbl->coherent_pages[0].user_virt; max = min + PAGE_SIZE * pg_tbl->num_coherent_pages; return min <= host_addr && host_addr < max; } /* Safely return a page to the OS. */ static bool gasket_release_page(struct page *page) { if (!page) return false; if (!PageReserved(page)) SetPageDirty(page); put_page(page); return true; } /* * Get and map last level page table buffers. * * slots is the location(s) to write device-mapped page address. If this is a * simple mapping, these will be address translation registers. If this is * an extended mapping, these will be within a second-level page table * allocated by the host and so must have their __iomem attribute casted away. */ static int gasket_perform_mapping(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct gasket_page_table_entry *ptes, u64 __iomem *slots, struct sg_page_iter *sg_iter, ulong host_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags, int is_simple_mapping) { int ret; ulong offset; struct page *page; dma_addr_t dma_addr; ulong page_addr; int i; enum dma_data_direction direction; /* Must have a virtual host address or a sg iterator, but not both. */ if (!((uintptr_t)host_addr ^ (uintptr_t)sg_iter)) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "need sg_iter or host_addr\n"); return -EINVAL; } direction = GET(FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION, flags); if (direction == DMA_NONE) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "invalid DMA direction flags=0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)flags); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { page_addr = host_addr + i * PAGE_SIZE; offset = page_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1); dev_dbg(pg_tbl->device, "%s i %d\n", __func__, i); if (sg_iter) { if (!__sg_page_iter_next(sg_iter)) return -EINVAL; /* Page already mapped for DMA. */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 1, 0) ptes[i].dma_addr = sg_page_iter_dma_address(sg_iter); #else ptes[i].dma_addr = sg_page_iter_dma_address( container_of(sg_iter, struct sg_dma_page_iter, base)); #endif ptes[i].page = NULL; offset = 0; } else if (is_coherent(pg_tbl, host_addr)) { u64 off = (u64)host_addr - (u64)pg_tbl->coherent_pages[0].user_virt; ptes[i].page = NULL; ptes[i].offset = offset; ptes[i].dma_addr = pg_tbl->coherent_pages[0].paddr + off + i * PAGE_SIZE; } else { ret = get_user_pages_fast(page_addr - offset, 1, direction != DMA_TO_DEVICE, &page); if (ret <= 0) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "get user pages failed for addr=0x%lx, " "offset=0x%lx [ret=%d]\n", page_addr, offset, ret); return ret ? ret : -ENOMEM; } ++pg_tbl->num_active_pages; ptes[i].page = page; ptes[i].offset = offset; /* Map the page into DMA space. */ ptes[i].dma_addr = dma_map_page(pg_tbl->device, page, 0, PAGE_SIZE, GET(FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION, flags)); dev_dbg(pg_tbl->device, "%s i %d pte %p pfn %p -> mapped %llx\n", __func__, i, &ptes[i], (void *)page_to_pfn(page), (unsigned long long)ptes[i].dma_addr); if (dma_mapping_error(pg_tbl->device, ptes[i].dma_addr)) { dev_dbg(pg_tbl->device, "%s i %d -> fail to map page %llx " "[pfn %p phys %p]\n", __func__, i, (unsigned long long)ptes[i].dma_addr, (void *)page_to_pfn(page), (void *)page_to_phys(page)); /* clean up */ if (gasket_release_page(ptes[i].page)) --pg_tbl->num_active_pages; memset(&ptes[i], 0, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry)); return -EINVAL; } } /* Make the DMA-space address available to the device. */ dma_addr = (ptes[i].dma_addr + offset) | GASKET_VALID_SLOT_FLAG; if (is_simple_mapping) writeq(dma_addr, &slots[i]); else ((u64 __force *)slots)[i] = dma_addr; /* Set PTE flags equal to flags param with STATUS=PTE_INUSE. */ ptes[i].flags = SET(FLAGS_STATUS, flags, PTE_INUSE); } return 0; } /* * Return the index of the page for the address in the simple table. * Does not perform validity checking. */ static int gasket_simple_page_idx(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr) { return (dev_addr >> GASKET_SIMPLE_PAGE_SHIFT) & (pg_tbl->config.total_entries - 1); } /* * Return the level 0 page index for the given address. * Does not perform validity checking. */ static ulong gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr) { return (dev_addr >> GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_SHIFT) & (pg_tbl->config.total_entries - 1); } /* * Return the level 1 page index for the given address. * Does not perform validity checking. */ static ulong gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr) { return (dev_addr >> GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL1_SHIFT) & (GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - 1); } /* * Allocate page table entries in a simple table. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static int gasket_alloc_simple_entries(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { if (!gasket_is_pte_range_free(pg_tbl->entries + gasket_simple_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr), num_pages)) return -EBUSY; return 0; } /* * Unmap and release mapped pages. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static void gasket_perform_unmapping(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct gasket_page_table_entry *ptes, u64 __iomem *slots, uint num_pages, int is_simple_mapping) { int i; /* * For each page table entry and corresponding entry in the device's * address translation table: */ for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) { /* release the address from the device, */ if (is_simple_mapping) writeq(0, &slots[i]); else ((u64 __force *)slots)[i] = 0; /* release the address from the driver, */ if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, ptes[i].flags) == PTE_INUSE) { if (ptes[i].page && ptes[i].dma_addr) { dma_unmap_page(pg_tbl->device, ptes[i].dma_addr, PAGE_SIZE, GET(FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION, ptes[i].flags)); } if (gasket_release_page(ptes[i].page)) --pg_tbl->num_active_pages; } /* and clear the PTE. */ memset(&ptes[i], 0, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry)); } } /* * Unmap and release pages mapped to simple addresses. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static void gasket_unmap_simple_pages(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { uint slot = gasket_simple_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); gasket_perform_unmapping(pg_tbl, pg_tbl->entries + slot, pg_tbl->base_slot + slot, num_pages, 1); } /* * Unmap and release buffers to extended addresses. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static void gasket_unmap_extended_pages(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { uint slot_idx, remain, len; struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte; u64 __iomem *slot_base; remain = num_pages; slot_idx = gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); pte = pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); while (remain > 0) { /* TODO: Add check to ensure pte remains valid? */ len = min(remain, GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - slot_idx); if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) == PTE_INUSE) { slot_base = (u64 __iomem *)(page_address(pte->page) + pte->offset); gasket_perform_unmapping(pg_tbl, pte->sublevel + slot_idx, slot_base + slot_idx, len, 0); /* * Extended page tables are in DRAM so they need to be * synced each time they are updated. */ dma_sync_single_for_device(pg_tbl->device, pte->dma_addr + slot_idx * sizeof(u64), len * sizeof(u64), DMA_TO_DEVICE); } remain -= len; slot_idx = 0; pte++; } } /* Evaluates to nonzero if the specified virtual address is simple. */ static inline bool gasket_addr_is_simple(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 addr) { return !((addr) & (pg_tbl)->extended_flag); } /* * Convert (simple, page, offset) into a device address. * Examples: * Simple page 0, offset 32: * Input (1, 0, 32), Output 0x20 * Simple page 1000, offset 511: * Input (1, 1000, 511), Output 0x3E81FF * Extended page 0, offset 32: * Input (0, 0, 32), Output 0x8000000020 * Extended page 1000, offset 511: * Input (0, 1000, 511), Output 0x8003E81FF */ static u64 gasket_components_to_dev_address(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, int is_simple, uint page_index, uint offset) { u64 dev_addr = (page_index << GASKET_SIMPLE_PAGE_SHIFT) | offset; return is_simple ? dev_addr : (pg_tbl->extended_flag | dev_addr); } /* * Validity checking for simple addresses. * * Verify that address translation commutes (from address to/from page + offset) * and that the requested page range starts and ends within the set of * currently-partitioned simple pages. */ static bool gasket_is_simple_dev_addr_bad(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { ulong page_offset = dev_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1); ulong page_index = (dev_addr / PAGE_SIZE) & (pg_tbl->config.total_entries - 1); if (gasket_components_to_dev_address(pg_tbl, 1, page_index, page_offset) != dev_addr) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "address is invalid, 0x%llX\n", dev_addr); return true; } if (page_index >= pg_tbl->num_simple_entries) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "starting slot at %lu is too large, max is < %u\n", page_index, pg_tbl->num_simple_entries); return true; } if (page_index + num_pages > pg_tbl->num_simple_entries) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "ending slot at %lu is too large, max is <= %u\n", page_index + num_pages, pg_tbl->num_simple_entries); return true; } return false; } /* * Validity checking for extended addresses. * * Verify that address translation commutes (from address to/from page + * offset) and that the requested page range starts and ends within the set of * currently-partitioned extended pages. */ static bool gasket_is_extended_dev_addr_bad(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { /* Starting byte index of dev_addr into the first mapped page */ ulong page_offset = dev_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1); ulong page_global_idx, page_lvl0_idx; ulong num_lvl0_pages; u64 addr; /* check if the device address is out of bound */ addr = dev_addr & ~((pg_tbl)->extended_flag); if (addr >> (GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_WIDTH + GASKET_EXTENDED_LVL0_SHIFT)) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "device address out of bounds: 0x%llx\n", dev_addr); return true; } /* Find the starting sub-page index in the space of all sub-pages. */ page_global_idx = (dev_addr / PAGE_SIZE) & (pg_tbl->config.total_entries * GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - 1); /* Find the starting level 0 index. */ page_lvl0_idx = gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); /* Get the count of affected level 0 pages. */ num_lvl0_pages = (num_pages + GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - 1) / GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE; if (gasket_components_to_dev_address(pg_tbl, 0, page_global_idx, page_offset) != dev_addr) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "address is invalid: 0x%llx\n", dev_addr); return true; } if (page_lvl0_idx >= pg_tbl->num_extended_entries) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "starting level 0 slot at %lu is too large, max is < " "%u\n", page_lvl0_idx, pg_tbl->num_extended_entries); return true; } if (page_lvl0_idx + num_lvl0_pages > pg_tbl->num_extended_entries) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "ending level 0 slot at %lu is too large, max is <= %u\n", page_lvl0_idx + num_lvl0_pages, pg_tbl->num_extended_entries); return true; } return false; } /* * Non-locking entry to unmapping routines. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static void gasket_page_table_unmap_nolock(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { if (!num_pages) return; if (gasket_addr_is_simple(pg_tbl, dev_addr)) gasket_unmap_simple_pages(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); else gasket_unmap_extended_pages(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); } /* * Allocate and map pages to simple addresses. * If there is an error, no pages are mapped. */ static int gasket_map_simple_pages(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct sg_page_iter *sg_iter, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags) { int ret; uint slot_idx = gasket_simple_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); ret = gasket_alloc_simple_entries(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); if (ret) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "page table slots %u (@ 0x%llx) to %u are not available\n", slot_idx, (long long unsigned int)dev_addr, slot_idx + num_pages - 1); return ret; } ret = gasket_perform_mapping(pg_tbl, pg_tbl->entries + slot_idx, pg_tbl->base_slot + slot_idx, sg_iter, host_addr, num_pages, flags, 1); if (ret) { gasket_page_table_unmap_nolock(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "gasket_perform_mapping %d\n", ret); } return ret; } /* * Allocate a second level page table. * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static int gasket_alloc_extended_subtable(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte, u64 __iomem *slot) { ulong page_addr, subtable_bytes; dma_addr_t dma_addr; /* XXX FIX ME XXX this is inefficient for non-4K page sizes */ /* GFP_DMA flag must be passed to architectures for which * part of the memory range is not considered DMA'able. * This seems to be the case for Juno board with 4.5.0 Linaro kernel */ page_addr = get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA); if (!page_addr) return -ENOMEM; pte->page = virt_to_page((void *)page_addr); pte->offset = 0; subtable_bytes = sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry) * GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE; pte->sublevel = vzalloc(subtable_bytes); if (!pte->sublevel) { free_page(page_addr); memset(pte, 0, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry)); return -ENOMEM; } /* Map the page into DMA space. */ pte->dma_addr = dma_map_page(pg_tbl->device, pte->page, 0, PAGE_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); if (dma_mapping_error(pg_tbl->device, pte->dma_addr)) { dev_dbg(pg_tbl->device, "%s -> fail to map page %llx " "[pfn %p phys %p]\n", __func__, (unsigned long long)pte->dma_addr, (void *)page_to_pfn(pte->page), (void *)page_to_phys(pte->page)); /* clean up */ free_page(page_addr); vfree(pte->sublevel); memset(pte, 0, sizeof(struct gasket_page_table_entry)); return -ENOMEM; } /* make the addresses available to the device */ dma_addr = (pte->dma_addr + pte->offset) | GASKET_VALID_SLOT_FLAG; writeq(dma_addr, slot); pte->flags = SET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags, PTE_INUSE); return 0; } /* * Allocate slots in an extended page table. Check to see if a range of page * table slots are available. If necessary, memory is allocated for second level * page tables. * * Note that memory for second level page tables is allocated as needed, but * that memory is only freed on the final close of the device file, when the * page tables are repartitioned, or the the device is removed. If there is an * error or if the full range of slots is not available, any memory * allocated for second level page tables remains allocated until final close, * repartition, or device removal. * * The page table mutex must be held by the caller. */ static int gasket_alloc_extended_entries(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_entries) { int ret = 0; uint remain, subtable_slot_idx, len; struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte; u64 __iomem *slot; remain = num_entries; subtable_slot_idx = gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); pte = pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); slot = pg_tbl->base_slot + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); while (remain > 0) { len = min(remain, GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - subtable_slot_idx); if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) == PTE_FREE) { ret = gasket_alloc_extended_subtable(pg_tbl, pte, slot); if (ret) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "no memory for extended addr subtable\n"); return ret; } } else { if (!gasket_is_pte_range_free(pte->sublevel + subtable_slot_idx, len)) return -EBUSY; } remain -= len; subtable_slot_idx = 0; pte++; slot++; } return 0; } /* * gasket_map_extended_pages - Get and map buffers to extended addresses. * If there is an error, no pages are mapped. */ static int gasket_map_extended_pages(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct sg_page_iter *sg_iter, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags) { int ret; u64 dev_addr_end; uint slot_idx, remain, len; struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte; u64 __iomem *slot_base; ret = gasket_alloc_extended_entries(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); if (ret) { dev_addr_end = dev_addr + (num_pages / PAGE_SIZE) - 1; dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "page table slots (%lu,%lu) (@ 0x%llx) to (%lu,%lu) " "are not available\n", gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr), gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr), (long long unsigned int)dev_addr, gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr_end), gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr_end)); return ret; } remain = num_pages; slot_idx = gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); pte = pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); while (remain > 0) { len = min(remain, GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE - slot_idx); slot_base = (u64 __iomem *)(page_address(pte->page) + pte->offset); ret = gasket_perform_mapping(pg_tbl, pte->sublevel + slot_idx, slot_base + slot_idx, sg_iter, host_addr, len, flags, 0); if (ret) { gasket_page_table_unmap_nolock(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); return ret; } /* * Extended page tables are in DRAM so they need to be synced * each time they are updated. */ dma_sync_single_for_device(pg_tbl->device, pte->dma_addr + slot_idx * sizeof(u64), len * sizeof(u64), DMA_TO_DEVICE); remain -= len; slot_idx = 0; pte++; if (host_addr) host_addr += len * PAGE_SIZE; } return 0; } /* * See gasket_page_table.h for general description. * * gasket_page_table_map calls either gasket_map_simple_pages() or * gasket_map_extended_pages() to actually perform the mapping. * * The page table mutex is held for the entire operation. */ int gasket_page_table_map(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags) { int ret; if (!num_pages) return 0; mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); if (gasket_addr_is_simple(pg_tbl, dev_addr)) { ret = gasket_map_simple_pages(pg_tbl, NULL, host_addr, dev_addr, num_pages, flags); } else { ret = gasket_map_extended_pages(pg_tbl, NULL, host_addr, dev_addr, num_pages, flags); } mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); dev_dbg(pg_tbl->device, "%s done: ha %llx daddr %llx num %d, flags %x ret %d\n", __func__, (unsigned long long)host_addr, (unsigned long long)dev_addr, num_pages, flags, ret); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_map); /* * See gasket_page_table.h for general description. * * gasket_page_table_unmap takes the page table lock and calls either * gasket_unmap_simple_pages() or gasket_unmap_extended_pages() to * actually unmap the pages from device space. * * The page table mutex is held for the entire operation. */ void gasket_page_table_unmap(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { if (!num_pages) return; mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); gasket_page_table_unmap_nolock(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_unmap); int gasket_page_table_map_dmabuf(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, int fd, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags) { int ret, locked = 0; struct dma_buf *dmabuf = NULL; struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment = NULL; struct sg_table *sgt = NULL; struct sg_page_iter sg_iter; struct gasket_dmabuf_mapping *mapping = NULL; enum dma_data_direction direction = GET(FLAGS_DMA_DIRECTION, flags); if (direction == DMA_NONE) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "invalid DMA direction flags=0x%x\n", flags); return -EINVAL; } if (!num_pages) return 0; dmabuf = dma_buf_get(fd); if (IS_ERR(dmabuf)) return PTR_ERR(dmabuf); if (PAGE_ALIGN(dmabuf->size) / PAGE_SIZE < num_pages) return -EINVAL; mapping = kzalloc(sizeof(*mapping), GFP_KERNEL); if (!mapping) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } attachment = dma_buf_attach(dmabuf, pg_tbl->device); if (IS_ERR(attachment)) { ret = PTR_ERR(attachment); goto out; } sgt = dma_buf_map_attachment(attachment, direction); if (IS_ERR(sgt)) { ret = PTR_ERR(sgt); goto out; } mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); locked = 1; __sg_page_iter_start(&sg_iter, sgt->sgl, sgt->nents, 0); if (gasket_addr_is_simple(pg_tbl, dev_addr)) { ret = gasket_map_simple_pages(pg_tbl, &sg_iter, 0, dev_addr, num_pages, flags); } else { ret = gasket_map_extended_pages(pg_tbl, &sg_iter, 0, dev_addr, num_pages, flags); } if (!ret) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mapping->list); get_dma_buf(dmabuf); mapping->dmabuf = dmabuf; mapping->attachment = attachment; mapping->sgt = sgt; mapping->direction = direction; list_add(&mapping->list, &pg_tbl->dmabufs); sgt = NULL; attachment = NULL; mapping = NULL; } out: if (locked) mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(sgt)) dma_buf_unmap_attachment(attachment, sgt, direction); if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(attachment)) dma_buf_detach(dmabuf, attachment); kfree(mapping); dma_buf_put(dmabuf); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_map_dmabuf); /* Detach dmabuf from our device if attached, NULL to detach all. */ static void gasket_page_table_detach_dmabuf_nolock(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, struct dma_buf *dmabuf) { struct gasket_dmabuf_mapping *mapping, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(mapping, tmp, &pg_tbl->dmabufs, list) { if (!dmabuf || mapping->dmabuf == dmabuf) { dma_buf_unmap_attachment(mapping->attachment, mapping->sgt, mapping->direction); dma_buf_detach(mapping->dmabuf, mapping->attachment); dma_buf_put(mapping->dmabuf); list_del(&mapping->list); kfree(mapping); } } } int gasket_page_table_unmap_dmabuf(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, int fd, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages) { struct dma_buf *dmabuf; dmabuf = dma_buf_get(fd); if (IS_ERR(dmabuf)) return PTR_ERR(dmabuf); if (PAGE_ALIGN(dmabuf->size) / PAGE_SIZE < num_pages) { dma_buf_put(dmabuf); return -EINVAL; } mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); gasket_page_table_unmap_nolock(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); gasket_page_table_detach_dmabuf_nolock(pg_tbl, dmabuf); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); dma_buf_put(dmabuf); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_unmap_dmabuf); static void gasket_page_table_unmap_all_nolock(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { gasket_page_table_detach_dmabuf_nolock(pg_tbl, NULL); gasket_unmap_simple_pages(pg_tbl, gasket_components_to_dev_address(pg_tbl, 1, 0, 0), pg_tbl->num_simple_entries); gasket_unmap_extended_pages(pg_tbl, gasket_components_to_dev_address(pg_tbl, 0, 0, 0), pg_tbl->num_extended_entries * GASKET_PAGES_PER_SUBTABLE); } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ void gasket_page_table_unmap_all(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); gasket_page_table_unmap_all_nolock(pg_tbl); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_unmap_all); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ void gasket_page_table_reset(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); gasket_page_table_unmap_all_nolock(pg_tbl); writeq(pg_tbl->config.total_entries, pg_tbl->extended_offset_reg); mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ int gasket_page_table_lookup_page( struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, struct page **ppage, ulong *poffset) { uint page_num; struct gasket_page_table_entry *pte; mutex_lock(&pg_tbl->mutex); if (gasket_addr_is_simple(pg_tbl, dev_addr)) { page_num = gasket_simple_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); if (page_num >= pg_tbl->num_simple_entries) goto fail; pte = pg_tbl->entries + page_num; if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) != PTE_INUSE) goto fail; } else { /* Find the level 0 entry, */ page_num = gasket_extended_lvl0_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); if (page_num >= pg_tbl->num_extended_entries) goto fail; pte = pg_tbl->entries + pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + page_num; if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) != PTE_INUSE) goto fail; /* and its contained level 1 entry. */ page_num = gasket_extended_lvl1_page_idx(pg_tbl, dev_addr); pte = pte->sublevel + page_num; if (GET(FLAGS_STATUS, pte->flags) != PTE_INUSE) goto fail; } *ppage = pte->page; *poffset = pte->offset; mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); return 0; fail: *ppage = NULL; *poffset = 0; mutex_unlock(&pg_tbl->mutex); return -EINVAL; } /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ bool gasket_page_table_are_addrs_bad( struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, ulong bytes) { if (host_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "host mapping address 0x%lx must be page aligned\n", host_addr); return true; } return gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad(pg_tbl, dev_addr, bytes); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_are_addrs_bad); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ bool gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad( struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl, u64 dev_addr, ulong bytes) { uint num_pages = bytes / PAGE_SIZE; if (bytes & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "mapping size 0x%lX must be page aligned\n", bytes); return true; } if (num_pages == 0) { dev_err(pg_tbl->device, "requested mapping is less than one page: %lu / %lu\n", bytes, PAGE_SIZE); return true; } if (gasket_addr_is_simple(pg_tbl, dev_addr)) return gasket_is_simple_dev_addr_bad(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); return gasket_is_extended_dev_addr_bad(pg_tbl, dev_addr, num_pages); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ uint gasket_page_table_max_size(struct gasket_page_table *page_table) { if (!page_table) return 0; return page_table->config.total_entries; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_max_size); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_entries(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { if (!pg_tbl) return 0; return pg_tbl->num_simple_entries + pg_tbl->num_extended_entries; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_num_entries); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_simple_entries(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { if (!pg_tbl) return 0; return pg_tbl->num_simple_entries; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_num_simple_entries); /* See gasket_page_table.h for description. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_active_pages(struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl) { if (!pg_tbl) return 0; return pg_tbl->num_active_pages; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_page_table_num_active_pages); /* See gasket_page_table.h */ int gasket_page_table_system_status(struct gasket_page_table *page_table) { if (!page_table) return GASKET_STATUS_LAMED; if (gasket_page_table_num_entries(page_table) == 0) { dev_dbg(page_table->device, "Page table size is 0\n"); return GASKET_STATUS_LAMED; } return GASKET_STATUS_ALIVE; } /* Record the host_addr to coherent dma memory mapping. */ int gasket_set_user_virt( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, u64 size, dma_addr_t dma_address, ulong vma) { int j; struct gasket_page_table *pg_tbl; unsigned int num_pages = size / PAGE_SIZE; /* * TODO: for future chipset, better handling of the case where multiple * page tables are supported on a given device */ pg_tbl = gasket_dev->page_table[0]; if (!pg_tbl) { dev_dbg(gasket_dev->dev, "%s: invalid page table index\n", __func__); return 0; } for (j = 0; j < num_pages; j++) { pg_tbl->coherent_pages[j].user_virt = (u64)vma + j * PAGE_SIZE; } return 0; } /* Allocate a block of coherent memory. */ int gasket_alloc_coherent_memory(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, u64 size, dma_addr_t *dma_address, u64 index) { dma_addr_t handle; void *mem; int j; unsigned int num_pages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE; const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc = gasket_get_driver_desc(gasket_dev); if (!gasket_dev->page_table[index]) return -EFAULT; if (num_pages == 0) return -EINVAL; mem = dma_alloc_coherent(gasket_get_device(gasket_dev), num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, &handle, GFP_KERNEL); if (!mem) goto nomem; gasket_dev->page_table[index]->num_coherent_pages = num_pages; /* allocate the physical memory block */ gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages = kcalloc(num_pages, sizeof(struct gasket_coherent_page_entry), GFP_KERNEL); if (!gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages) goto nomem; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes = PAGE_SIZE * (num_pages); gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base = handle; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.virt_base = mem; *dma_address = driver_desc->coherent_buffer_description.base; for (j = 0; j < num_pages; j++) { gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages[j].paddr = handle + j * PAGE_SIZE; gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages[j].kernel_virt = (ulong)mem + j * PAGE_SIZE; } return 0; nomem: if (mem) { dma_free_coherent(gasket_get_device(gasket_dev), num_pages * PAGE_SIZE, mem, handle); gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes = 0; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.virt_base = NULL; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base = 0; } kfree(gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages); gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages = NULL; gasket_dev->page_table[index]->num_coherent_pages = 0; return -ENOMEM; } /* Free a block of coherent memory. */ int gasket_free_coherent_memory(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, u64 size, dma_addr_t dma_address, u64 index) { const struct gasket_driver_desc *driver_desc; if (!gasket_dev->page_table[index]) return -EFAULT; driver_desc = gasket_get_driver_desc(gasket_dev); if (driver_desc->coherent_buffer_description.base != dma_address) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; gasket_free_coherent_memory_all(gasket_dev, index); return 0; } /* Release all coherent memory. */ void gasket_free_coherent_memory_all( struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, u64 index) { if (!gasket_dev->page_table[index]) return; if (gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes) { dma_free_coherent(gasket_get_device(gasket_dev), gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes, gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.virt_base, gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base); gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.length_bytes = 0; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.virt_base = NULL; gasket_dev->coherent_buffer.phys_base = 0; } kfree(gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages); gasket_dev->page_table[index]->coherent_pages = NULL; gasket_dev->page_table[index]->num_coherent_pages = 0; } 0707010000001B000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000293C000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_page_table.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Gasket Page Table functionality. This file describes the address * translation/paging functionality supported by the Gasket driver framework. * As much as possible, internal details are hidden to simplify use - * all calls are thread-safe (protected by an internal mutex) except where * indicated otherwise. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef __GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_H__ #define __GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_H__ #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include "gasket_constants.h" #include "gasket_core.h" /* * Structure used for managing address translation on a device. All details are * internal to the implementation. */ struct gasket_page_table; /* * Allocate and init address translation data. * @ppage_table: Pointer to Gasket page table pointer. Set by this call. * @att_base_reg: [Mapped] pointer to the first entry in the device's address * translation table. * @extended_offset_reg: [Mapped] pointer to the device's register containing * the starting index of the extended translation table. * @extended_bit_location: The index of the bit indicating whether an address * is extended. * @total_entries: The total number of entries in the device's address * translation table. * @device: Device structure for the underlying device. Only used for logging. * @pci_dev: PCI system descriptor for the underlying device. * whether the driver will supply its own. * * Description: Allocates and initializes data to track address translation - * simple and extended page table metadata. Initially, the page table is * partitioned such that all addresses are "simple" (single-level lookup). * gasket_partition_page_table can be called to change this paritioning. * * Returns 0 on success, a negative error code otherwise. */ int gasket_page_table_init(struct gasket_page_table **ppg_tbl, const struct gasket_bar_data *bar_data, const struct gasket_page_table_config *page_table_config, struct device *device, struct pci_dev *pci_dev); /* * Deallocate and cleanup page table data. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * * Description: The inverse of gasket_init; frees page_table and its contained * elements. * * Because this call destroys the page table, it cannot be * thread-safe (mutex-protected)! */ void gasket_page_table_cleanup(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Sets the size of the simple page table. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @num_simple_entries: Desired size of the simple page table (in entries). * * Description: gasket_partition_page_table checks to see if the simple page * size can be changed (i.e., if there are no active extended * mappings in the new simple size range), and, if so, * sets the new simple and extended page table sizes. * * Returns 0 if successful, or non-zero if the page table entries * are not free. */ int gasket_page_table_partition(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, uint num_simple_entries); /* * Get and map [host] user space pages into device memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @host_addr: Starting host virtual memory address of the pages. * @dev_addr: Starting device address of the pages. * @num_pages: Number of [4kB] pages to map. * @flags: Specifies attributes to apply to the pages. * Internal structure matches gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags.flags. * * Description: Maps the "num_pages" pages of host memory pointed to by * host_addr to the address "dev_addr" in device memory. * * The caller is responsible for checking the addresses ranges. * * Returns 0 if successful or a non-zero error number otherwise. * If there is an error, no pages are mapped. */ int gasket_page_table_map(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags); /* * Map dma-buf pages into device memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @fd: Dma-buf file descriptor. * @dev_addr: Starting device address of the pages. * @num_pages: Number of [4kB] pages to map. * @flags: Specifies attributes to apply to the pages. * Internal structure matches gasket_page_table_ioctl_flags.flags. * * Description: Maps "num_pages" pages of dma-buf pointed to by * fd to the address "dev_addr" in device memory. * * The caller is responsible for checking the dev_addr range. * * Returns 0 if successful or a non-zero error number otherwise. * If there is an error, no pages are mapped. */ int gasket_page_table_map_dmabuf(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, int fd, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages, u32 flags); /* * Unmap dma-buf pages from device memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @fd: Dma-buf file descriptor. * @dev_addr: Starting device address of the pages. * @num_pages: Number of [4kB] pages to map. * * Description: The inverse of gasket_page_table_map_dmabuf. */ int gasket_page_table_unmap_dmabuf(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, int fd, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages); /* * Un-map host pages from device memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @dev_addr: Starting device address of the pages to unmap. * @num_pages: The number of [4kB] pages to unmap. * * Description: The inverse of gasket_map_pages. Unmaps pages from the device. */ void gasket_page_table_unmap(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, u64 dev_addr, uint num_pages); /* * Unmap ALL host pages from device memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ void gasket_page_table_unmap_all(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Unmap all host pages from device memory and reset the table to fully simple * addressing. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ void gasket_page_table_reset(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Reclaims unused page table memory. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * * Description: Examines the page table and frees any currently-unused * allocations. Called internally on gasket_cleanup(). */ void gasket_page_table_garbage_collect(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Retrieve the backing page for a device address. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @dev_addr: Gasket device address. * @ppage: Pointer to a page pointer for the returned page. * @poffset: Pointer to an unsigned long for the returned offset. * * Description: Interprets the address and looks up the corresponding page * in the page table and the offset in that page. (We need an * offset because the host page may be larger than the Gasket chip * page it contains.) * * Returns 0 if successful, -1 for an error. The page pointer * and offset are returned through the pointers, if successful. */ int gasket_page_table_lookup_page(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, u64 dev_addr, struct page **page, ulong *poffset); /* * Checks validity for input addrs and size. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @host_addr: Host address to check. * @dev_addr: Gasket device address. * @bytes: Size of the range to check (in bytes). * * Description: This call performs a number of checks to verify that the ranges * specified by both addresses and the size are valid for mapping pages into * device memory. * * Returns true if the mapping is bad, false otherwise. */ bool gasket_page_table_are_addrs_bad(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, ulong host_addr, u64 dev_addr, ulong bytes); /* * Checks validity for input dev addr and size. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. * @dev_addr: Gasket device address. * @bytes: Size of the range to check (in bytes). * * Description: This call performs a number of checks to verify that the range * specified by the device address and the size is valid for mapping pages into * device memory. * * Returns true if the address is bad, false otherwise. */ bool gasket_page_table_is_dev_addr_bad(struct gasket_page_table *page_table, u64 dev_addr, ulong bytes); /* * Gets maximum size for the given page table. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ uint gasket_page_table_max_size(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Gets the total number of entries in the arg. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_entries(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Gets the number of simple entries. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_simple_entries(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Gets the number of actively pinned pages. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ uint gasket_page_table_num_active_pages(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Get status of page table managed by @page_table. * @page_table: Gasket page table pointer. */ int gasket_page_table_system_status(struct gasket_page_table *page_table); /* * Allocate a block of coherent memory. * @gasket_dev: Gasket Device. * @size: Size of the memory block. * @dma_address: Dma address allocated by the kernel. * @index: Index of the gasket_page_table within this Gasket device * * Description: Allocate a contiguous coherent memory block, DMA'ble * by this device. */ int gasket_alloc_coherent_memory(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, uint64_t size, dma_addr_t *dma_address, uint64_t index); /* Release a block of contiguous coherent memory, in use by a device. */ int gasket_free_coherent_memory(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, uint64_t size, dma_addr_t dma_address, uint64_t index); /* Release all coherent memory. */ void gasket_free_coherent_memory_all(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, uint64_t index); /* * Records the host_addr to coherent dma memory mapping. * @gasket_dev: Gasket Device. * @size: Size of the virtual address range to map. * @dma_address: Dma address within the coherent memory range. * @vma: Virtual address we wish to map to coherent memory. * * Description: For each page in the virtual address range, record the * coherent page mapping. * * Does not perform validity checking. */ int gasket_set_user_virt(struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev, uint64_t size, dma_addr_t dma_address, ulong vma); #endif /* __GASKET_PAGE_TABLE_H__ */ 0707010000001C000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A60000282D000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_sysfs.c// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ #include "gasket_sysfs.h" #include "gasket_core.h" #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/printk.h> /* * Pair of kernel device and user-specified pointer. Used in lookups in sysfs * "show" functions to return user data. */ struct gasket_sysfs_mapping { /* * The device bound to this mapping. If this is NULL, then this mapping * is free. */ struct device *device; /* The Gasket descriptor for this device. */ struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; /* This device's set of sysfs attributes/nodes. */ struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attributes; /* The number of live elements in "attributes". */ int attribute_count; /* Protects structure from simultaneous access. */ struct mutex mutex; /* Tracks active users of this mapping. */ struct kref refcount; }; /* * Data needed to manage users of this sysfs utility. * Currently has a fixed size; if space is a concern, this can be dynamically * allocated. */ /* * 'Global' (file-scoped) list of mappings between devices and gasket_data * pointers. This removes the requirement to have a gasket_sysfs_data * handle in all files. */ static struct gasket_sysfs_mapping dev_mappings[GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS]; /* Callback when a mapping's refcount goes to zero. */ static void release_entry(struct kref *ref) { /* All work is done after the return from kref_put. */ } /* Look up mapping information for the given device. */ static struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *get_mapping(struct device *device) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS; i++) { mutex_lock(&dev_mappings[i].mutex); if (dev_mappings[i].device == device) { kref_get(&dev_mappings[i].refcount); mutex_unlock(&dev_mappings[i].mutex); return &dev_mappings[i]; } mutex_unlock(&dev_mappings[i].mutex); } dev_dbg(device, "%s: Mapping to device %s not found\n", __func__, device->; return NULL; } /* Put a reference to a mapping. */ static void put_mapping(struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping) { int i; int num_files_to_remove = 0; struct device_attribute *files_to_remove; struct device *device; if (!mapping) { pr_debug("%s: Mapping should not be NULL\n", __func__); return; } mutex_lock(&mapping->mutex); if (kref_put(&mapping->refcount, release_entry)) { dev_dbg(mapping->device, "Removing Gasket sysfs mapping\n"); /* * We can't remove the sysfs nodes in the kref callback, since * device_remove_file() blocks until the node is free. * Readers/writers of sysfs nodes, though, will be blocked on * the mapping mutex, resulting in deadlock. To fix this, the * sysfs nodes are removed outside the lock. */ device = mapping->device; num_files_to_remove = mapping->attribute_count; files_to_remove = kcalloc(num_files_to_remove, sizeof(*files_to_remove), GFP_KERNEL); if (files_to_remove) for (i = 0; i < num_files_to_remove; i++) files_to_remove[i] = mapping->attributes[i].attr; else num_files_to_remove = 0; kfree(mapping->attributes); mapping->attributes = NULL; mapping->attribute_count = 0; put_device(mapping->device); mapping->device = NULL; mapping->gasket_dev = NULL; } mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); if (num_files_to_remove != 0) { for (i = 0; i < num_files_to_remove; ++i) device_remove_file(device, &files_to_remove[i]); kfree(files_to_remove); } } /* * Put a reference to a mapping N times. * * In higher-level resource acquire/release function pairs, the release function * will need to release a mapping 2x - once for the refcount taken in the * release function itself, and once for the count taken in the acquire call. */ static void put_mapping_n(struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping, int times) { int i; for (i = 0; i < times; i++) put_mapping(mapping); } void gasket_sysfs_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS; i++) { dev_mappings[i].device = NULL; mutex_init(&dev_mappings[i].mutex); } } int gasket_sysfs_create_mapping(struct device *device, struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev) { struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping; int map_idx = -1; /* * We need a function-level mutex to protect against the same device * being added [multiple times] simultaneously. */ static DEFINE_MUTEX(function_mutex); mutex_lock(&function_mutex); dev_dbg(device, "Creating sysfs entries for device\n"); /* Check that the device we're adding hasn't already been added. */ mapping = get_mapping(device); if (mapping) { dev_err(device, "Attempting to re-initialize sysfs mapping for device\n"); put_mapping(mapping); mutex_unlock(&function_mutex); return -EBUSY; } /* Find the first empty entry in the array. */ for (map_idx = 0; map_idx < GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS; ++map_idx) { mutex_lock(&dev_mappings[map_idx].mutex); if (!dev_mappings[map_idx].device) /* Break with the mutex held! */ break; mutex_unlock(&dev_mappings[map_idx].mutex); } if (map_idx == GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS) { dev_err(device, "All mappings have been exhausted\n"); mutex_unlock(&function_mutex); return -ENOMEM; } dev_dbg(device, "Creating sysfs mapping for device %s\n", device->; mapping = &dev_mappings[map_idx]; mapping->attributes = kcalloc(GASKET_SYSFS_MAX_NODES, sizeof(*mapping->attributes), GFP_KERNEL); if (!mapping->attributes) { dev_dbg(device, "Unable to allocate sysfs attribute array\n"); mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); mutex_unlock(&function_mutex); return -ENOMEM; } kref_init(&mapping->refcount); mapping->device = get_device(device); mapping->gasket_dev = gasket_dev; mapping->attribute_count = 0; mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); mutex_unlock(&function_mutex); /* Don't decrement the refcount here! One open count keeps it alive! */ return 0; } int gasket_sysfs_create_entries(struct device *device, const struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attrs) { int i; int ret; struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); if (!mapping) { dev_dbg(device, "Creating entries for device without first " "initializing mapping\n"); return -EINVAL; } mutex_lock(&mapping->mutex); for (i = 0; strcmp(attrs[i], GASKET_ARRAY_END_MARKER); i++) { if (mapping->attribute_count == GASKET_SYSFS_MAX_NODES) { dev_err(device, "Maximum number of sysfs nodes reached for " "device\n"); mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); put_mapping(mapping); return -ENOMEM; } ret = device_create_file(device, &attrs[i].attr); if (ret) { dev_dbg(device, "Unable to create device entries\n"); mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); put_mapping(mapping); return ret; } mapping->attributes[mapping->attribute_count] = attrs[i]; ++mapping->attribute_count; } mutex_unlock(&mapping->mutex); put_mapping(mapping); return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_create_entries); void gasket_sysfs_remove_mapping(struct device *device) { struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); if (!mapping) { dev_err(device, "Attempted to remove non-existent sysfs mapping to " "device\n"); return; } put_mapping_n(mapping, 2); } struct gasket_dev *gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(struct device *device) { struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); if (!mapping) { dev_err(device, "device not registered\n"); return NULL; } return mapping->gasket_dev; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_get_device_data); void gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(struct device *device, struct gasket_dev *dev) { struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); if (!mapping) return; /* See comment of put_mapping_n() for why the '2' is necessary. */ put_mapping_n(mapping, 2); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_put_device_data); struct gasket_sysfs_attribute * gasket_sysfs_get_attr(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr) { int i; int num_attrs; struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attrs = NULL; if (!mapping) return NULL; attrs = mapping->attributes; num_attrs = mapping->attribute_count; for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; ++i) { if (!strcmp(attrs[i], attr-> return &attrs[i]; } dev_err(device, "Unable to find match for device_attribute %s\n", attr->; return NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_get_attr); void gasket_sysfs_put_attr(struct device *device, struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attr) { int i; int num_attrs; struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping = get_mapping(device); struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attrs = NULL; if (!mapping) return; attrs = mapping->attributes; num_attrs = mapping->attribute_count; for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; ++i) { if (&attrs[i] == attr) { put_mapping_n(mapping, 2); return; } } dev_err(device, "Unable to put unknown attribute: %s\n", attr->; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_put_attr); ssize_t gasket_sysfs_register_store(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { ulong parsed_value = 0; struct gasket_sysfs_mapping *mapping; struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev; struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *gasket_attr; if (count < 3 || buf[0] != '0' || buf[1] != 'x') { dev_err(device, "sysfs register write format: \"0x<hex value>\"\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (kstrtoul(buf, 16, &parsed_value) != 0) { dev_err(device, "Unable to parse input as 64-bit hex value: %s\n", buf); return -EINVAL; } mapping = get_mapping(device); if (!mapping) { dev_err(device, "Device driver may have been removed\n"); return 0; } gasket_dev = mapping->gasket_dev; if (!gasket_dev) { dev_err(device, "Device driver may have been removed\n"); return 0; } gasket_attr = gasket_sysfs_get_attr(device, attr); if (!gasket_attr) { put_mapping(mapping); return count; } gasket_dev_write_64(gasket_dev, parsed_value, gasket_attr->, gasket_attr->data.bar_address.offset); if (gasket_attr->write_callback) gasket_attr->write_callback(gasket_dev, gasket_attr, parsed_value); gasket_sysfs_put_attr(device, gasket_attr); put_mapping(mapping); return count; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(gasket_sysfs_register_store); 0707010000001D000081A4000000000000000000000001662AC5A600001A2B000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000gasket-driver-1.0.18_5815ee3/src/gasket_sysfs.h/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Set of common sysfs utilities. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. */ /* The functions described here are a set of utilities to allow each file in the * Gasket driver framework to manage their own set of sysfs entries, instead of * centralizing all that work in one file. * * The goal of these utilities is to allow for sysfs entries to be easily * created without causing a proliferation of sysfs "show" functions. This * requires O(N) string lookups during show function execution, but as reading * sysfs entries is rarely performance-critical, this is likely acceptible. */ #ifndef __GASKET_SYSFS_H__ #define __GASKET_SYSFS_H__ #include "gasket_constants.h" #include "gasket_core.h" #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/stringify.h> #include <linux/sysfs.h> /* The maximum number of mappings/devices a driver needs to support. */ #define GASKET_SYSFS_NUM_MAPPINGS (GASKET_FRAMEWORK_DESC_MAX * GASKET_DEV_MAX) /* The maximum number of sysfs nodes in a directory. */ #define GASKET_SYSFS_MAX_NODES 196 /* End markers for sysfs struct arrays. */ #define GASKET_ARRAY_END_TOKEN GASKET_RESERVED_ARRAY_END #define GASKET_ARRAY_END_MARKER __stringify(GASKET_ARRAY_END_TOKEN) /* * Terminator struct for a gasket_sysfs_attr array. Must be at the end of * all gasket_sysfs_attribute arrays. */ #define GASKET_END_OF_ATTR_ARRAY \ { \ .attr = __ATTR(GASKET_ARRAY_END_TOKEN, S_IRUGO, NULL, NULL), \ .data.attr_type = 0, \ } /* * Pairing of sysfs attribute and user data. * Used in lookups in sysfs "show" functions to return attribute metadata. */ struct gasket_sysfs_attribute { /* The underlying sysfs device attribute associated with this data. */ struct device_attribute attr; /* User-specified data to associate with the attribute. */ union { struct bar_address_ { ulong bar; ulong offset; } bar_address; uint attr_type; } data; /* * Function pointer to a callback to be invoked when this attribute is * written (if so configured). The arguments are to the Gasket device * pointer, the enclosing gasket_attr structure, and the value written. * The callback should perform any logging necessary, as errors cannot * be returned from the callback. */ void (*write_callback)(struct gasket_dev *dev, struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attr, ulong value); }; #define GASKET_SYSFS_RO(_name, _show_function, _attr_type) \ { \ .attr = __ATTR(_name, S_IRUGO, _show_function, NULL), \ .data.attr_type = _attr_type \ } #define GASKET_SYSFS_RW(_name, _show_function, _store_function, _attr_type) \ { \ .attr = __ATTR(_name, S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IRUGO, \ _show_function, _store_function), \ .data.attr_type = _attr_type \ } /* Initializes the Gasket sysfs subsystem. * * Description: Performs one-time initialization. Must be called before usage * at [Gasket] module load time. */ void gasket_sysfs_init(void); /* * Create an entry in mapping_data between a device and a Gasket device. * @device: Device struct to map to. * @gasket_dev: The dev struct associated with the driver controlling @device. * * Description: This function maps a gasket_dev* to a device*. This mapping can * be used in sysfs_show functions to get a handle to the gasket_dev struct * controlling the device node. * * If this function is not called before gasket_sysfs_create_entries, a warning * will be logged. */ int gasket_sysfs_create_mapping(struct device *device, struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Creates bulk entries in sysfs. * @device: Kernel device structure. * @attrs: List of attributes/sysfs entries to create. * * Description: Creates each sysfs entry described in "attrs". Can be called * multiple times for a given @device. If the gasket_dev specified in * gasket_sysfs_create_mapping had a legacy device, the entries will be created * for it, as well. */ int gasket_sysfs_create_entries(struct device *device, const struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attrs); /* * Removes a device mapping from the global table. * @device: Device to unmap. * * Description: Removes the device->Gasket device mapping from the internal * table. */ void gasket_sysfs_remove_mapping(struct device *device); /* * User data lookup based on kernel device structure. * @device: Kernel device structure. * * Description: Returns the user data associated with "device" in a prior call * to gasket_sysfs_create_entries. Returns NULL if no mapping can be found. * Upon success, this call take a reference to internal sysfs data that must be * released with gasket_sysfs_put_device_data. While this reference is held, the * underlying device sysfs information/structure will remain valid/will not be * deleted. */ struct gasket_dev *gasket_sysfs_get_device_data(struct device *device); /* * Releases a references to internal data. * @device: Kernel device structure. * @dev: Gasket device descriptor (returned by gasket_sysfs_get_device_data). */ void gasket_sysfs_put_device_data(struct device *device, struct gasket_dev *gasket_dev); /* * Gasket-specific attribute lookup. * @device: Kernel device structure. * @attr: Device attribute to look up. * * Returns the Gasket sysfs attribute associated with the kernel device * attribute and device structure itself. Upon success, this call will take a * reference to internal sysfs data that must be released with a call to * gasket_sysfs_put_attr. While this reference is held, the underlying device * sysfs information/structure will remain valid/will not be deleted. */ struct gasket_sysfs_attribute * gasket_sysfs_get_attr(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr); /* * Releases a references to internal data. * @device: Kernel device structure. * @attr: Gasket sysfs attribute descriptor (returned by * gasket_sysfs_get_attr). */ void gasket_sysfs_put_attr(struct device *device, struct gasket_sysfs_attribute *attr); /* * Write to a register sysfs node. * @buf: NULL-terminated data being written. * @count: number of bytes in the "buf" argument. */ ssize_t gasket_sysfs_register_store(struct device *device, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count); #endif /* __GASKET_SYSFS_H__ */ 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000B00000000TRAILER!!!504 blocks
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