File not found: add-no-hash-lookup-for-plugin.patch

BespokeSynth nightly builds

Edit Package bespokesynth-nightly

Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds.
Bespoke is like a DAW in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000001725 1.68 KB
VST3-Host-Set-plugin-version-when-loading-from-moduleinfo-json.patch 0000001792 1.75 KB
_service 0000000600 600 Bytes
_service:recompress:tar_scm:bespokesynth-nightly-1.2.1+git.151.bc9dd72.tar.gz 0048535616 46.3 MB
_service:set_version:PKGBUILD 0000001724 1.68 KB
_service:set_version:bespokesynth-nightly.dsc 0000000623 623 Bytes
_service:set_version:bespokesynth-nightly.spec 0000003924 3.83 KB
_service:set_version:debian.changelog 0000000165 165 Bytes
_service:tar_scm:_servicedata 0000000242 242 Bytes
_service:tar_scm:bespokesynth-nightly.changes 0000050694 49.5 KB
_servicedata 0000000242 242 Bytes
appimage.yml 0000000780 780 Bytes
bespokesynth-juce-vst2.patch 0000154977 151 KB
bespokesynth-nightly.changes 0000039320 38.4 KB
bespokesynth-nightly.dsc 0000000624 624 Bytes
bespokesynth-nightly.spec 0000003925 3.83 KB
debian.changelog 0000000166 166 Bytes
debian.compat 0000000002 2 Bytes
debian.control 0000000944 944 Bytes
debian.rules 0000000808 808 Bytes
debian.series 0000000000 0 Bytes
juce_VSTInterface.h 0000015827 15.5 KB
relative-path-for-appimage.patch 0000001150 1.12 KB
Latest Revision
Konstantin Voinov's avatar Konstantin Voinov (bespokesynth) committed (revision 294)
Service triggered by the 'Rebuild BespokeSynth' token via Github push bc9dd72 on main.
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