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File skelcd.spec of Package skelcd
# # spec file for package skelcd # # Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@ %define SLE_RELEASE 15 SP4 # # default replacement variables for README content %define PRETTY_NAME SUSE Linux Enterprise Server %define UNDERLINE =================================== %define PRODUCT_LINK # # default documentation # only used for sles and sle-hpc %define BOOKS admin deployment installquick storage # don't build skelcd %if "%{flavor}" != "" %define dash - %else %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES %{nil} %define PRODUCT %{nil} %define product %{nil} ExclusiveArch: %{nil} %endif # # define the product specific options %if "%{flavor}" == "ha" %define PRETTY_NAME SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension %define UNDERLINE ======================================================== %define PRODUCT_LINK %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_High_Availability_Extension_15 %define PRODUCT sle-ha %define product ha %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "leanos" %define product leanos %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "rt" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SLE_RT_15 %define product rt ExclusiveArch: x86_64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sap-apl" %define PRODUCT SLES_SAP %define product sap-apl %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sle_hpc" %define PRETTY_NAME SUSE Linux Enterprise for High Performance Computing %define UNDERLINE =========================================================== %define PRODUCT_LINK %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SLE_HPC_15 %define PRODUCT SLE_HPC %define product sle_hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sle_lp" # PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES is not (yet) defined as we do not ship separate release notes for SLE-LP %define PRODUCT SLE_LP %define product sle_lp %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sle_rt" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SLE_RT_15 %define PRODUCT SLE_RT %define product sle_rt ExclusiveArch: x86_64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sle-we" %define PRETTY_NAME SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension %define UNDERLINE ================================================== %define PRODUCT_LINK %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Desktop_15 %define PRODUCT sle-we %define product sle-we ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 aarch64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sled" %define PRETTY_NAME SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop %define UNDERLINE ==================================== %define PRODUCT_LINK %define BOOKS installquick %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Desktop_15 %define PRODUCT SLED %define product sled ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "sles" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15 %define PRODUCT SLES %define product sles %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "suse-manager-proxy" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Manager_Proxy %define PRODUCT SUSE-Manager-Proxy %define product suse-manager-proxy ExcludeArch: aarch64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "suse-manager-retail-branch-server" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Manager_Proxy %define PRODUCT SUSE-Manager-Retail-Branch-Server %define product suse-manager-retail-branch-server ExcludeArch: aarch64 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "suse-manager-server" %define PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES SUSE_Manager_Server %define PRODUCT SUSE-Manager-Server %define product suse-manager-server ExcludeArch: aarch64 %endif # release is a beta %define beta 0 %if 0%{?beta} == 1 %define license_dir license.beta %else %define license_dir %endif # SLE15 uses different paths %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1320 %define skelcd1_path usr/lib/skelcd/CD1 %else %define skelcd1_path CD1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "bci" %define PRODUCT BCI %define product bci %define skelcd1_path usr/share/licenses/product/BCI %endif Name: skelcd%{?dash}%{product} # # define flavor specific BuildRequires # # packages that share the same BuildRequires as sles %if ("%{product}" == "sle_hpc" || "%{product}" == "sled" || "%{product}" == "sles") BuildRequires: release-notes%{?dash}%{product} BuildRequires: suse-build-key %endif # # packages that differ in BuildRequires to sles %if ("%{product}" == "ha" || "%{product}" == "sle_rt") BuildRequires: release-notes%{?dash}%{product} BuildRequires: suse-build-key Conflicts: skelcd-SUSE_Linux skelcd skelcd-SUSE_Linux-Addon skelcd-ISSLE-Addon BuildRequires: libxml2 BuildRequires: yast2-installation >= 2.17.44 BuildRequires: yast2-installation-control %endif %if "%{product}" == "rt" BuildRequires: release-notes-sle_rt BuildRequires: suse-build-key Conflicts: skelcd-SUSE_Linux skelcd skelcd-SUSE_Linux-Addon skelcd-ISSLE-Addon BuildRequires: libxml2 BuildRequires: yast2-installation >= 2.17.44 BuildRequires: yast2-installation-control %endif %if "%{product}" == "leanos" # We put the RN for the base products on the installer media BuildRequires: release-notes-sles BuildRequires: release-notes-sled BuildRequires: release-notes-sles-for-sap BuildRequires: release-notes-sle_hpc BuildRequires: sle_quickstarts BuildRequires: suse-build-key BuildRequires: w3m %endif %if "%{product}" == "sap-apl" BuildRequires: suse-build-key %endif %if "%{product}" == "sle-we" BuildRequires: release-notes-sled BuildRequires: suse-build-key %endif %if ("%{product}" == "suse-manager-proxy" || "%{product}" == "suse-manager-retail-branch-server") BuildRequires: release-notes-susemanager-proxy BuildRequires: suse-build-key BuildRequires: w3m %endif %if "%{product}" == "suse-manager-server" BuildRequires: release-notes-susemanager BuildRequires: suse-build-key BuildRequires: w3m %endif AutoReqProv: off Version: 2022.05.10 Release: 0 Summary: CD skeleton for %{PRODUCT} License: GPL-2.0-only Group: Metapackages BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Source: skelcd-%{version}.tar.xz # please repo-checker (bsc#1089174) Provides: skelcd = %{version} Conflicts: otherproviders(skelcd) %description Skeleton package for %{PRODUCT} %package -n skelcd-EULA%{?dash}%{product} Summary: EULA for media Group: Metapackages %description -n skelcd-EULA%{?dash}%{product} Internal package only. %prep %setup -n skelcd%{?dash}%{version} -q %build %install # # for sle_lp and bci, we don't copy the SUSE build keys %if ("%{product}" != "sle_lp" && "%{product}" != "bci") mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/boot cp COPYRIGHT/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ cp /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/keys/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif # # copy the product READMEs # SUSE Manager and Real Time have their own README %if ("%{product}" != "suse-manager-proxy" && "%{product}" != "suse-manager-retail-branch-server" && "%{product}" != "suse-manager-server" && "%{product}" != "rt" && "%{product}" != "sle_rt") pushd READMEs/default sed -i -e 's/{PRETTY_NAME}/%{PRETTY_NAME} %{SLE_RELEASE}/g' README sed -i -e 's/{UNDERLINE}/%{UNDERLINE}/g' README # use @ as delimiter, as the product link conflicts with the standard '/' delimiter sed -i -e 's@{PRODUCT_LINK}@%{PRODUCT_LINK}@g' README %else %if ("%{product}" == "suse-manager-proxy" || "%{product}" == "suse-manager-retail-branch-server" || "%{product}" == "suse-manager-server") pushd READMEs/suse-manager %else pushd READMEs/realtime %endif %endif # Live Patching & BCI doesn't have a README %if ("%{product}" != "sle_lp" && "%{product}" != "bci") for i in README \ %if %{?beta} == 1 README.BETA \ %endif ; do cp -pv $i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/$i done %endif popd # # license tarball generation mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/media.1 pushd %license_dir # touch all license files to make sure they have the most recent date # this impacts which license is shown on the CDN to fix bsc#1186047 and bsc#1186812 # else in case beta EULAs have a more recent date than final EULAs they won't # get replaced touch * ls -1 > directory.yast # required for downloading of EULAs from SCC # leanos doesn't use a product string for the tarball %if "%{product}" == "leanos" tar cvzf license.tar.gz --owner=root --group=root *txt directory.yast cp license.tar.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif # rt has a different product string matching sle_rt %if "%{product}" == "rt" tar cvzf license-sle-rt.tar.gz --owner=root --group=root *txt directory.yast cp license-sle-rt.tar.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif # bci doesn't have a release package, make EULA available directly %if "%{product}" == "bci" rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/media.1 mv ../BCI/*.txt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif # all other flavors %if ("%{product}" != "leanos" && "%{product}" != "rt" && "%{product}" != "bci") tar cvzf license-%{PRODUCT}.tar.gz --owner=root --group=root *txt directory.yast cp license-%{PRODUCT}.tar.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif popd # # Install PDF documentation # sled, sles, sle_hpc and leanos %if "%{product}" != "bci" mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/ %if ("%{product}" == "sles" || "%{product}" == "sle_hpc" || "%{product}" == "sled") for i in ar cs de en es fr hu it ja ko pl pt_BR ru zh_CN zh_TW ; do test -f "/usr/share/doc/manual/%{product}-installquick_$i-pdf/*.pdf" || continue; mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/$i for book in BOOKS; do pdf="/usr/share/doc/manual/%{product}-${book}_$i-pdf/*.pdf" test -f $pdf && \ cp -av $pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/$i/${book}.pdf done # remove empty directories rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/$i ||: done %endif %if "%{product}" == "leanos" cp -vp /usr/share/doc/manual/quickstarts/*.pdf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/ %endif %endif # # Install release notes as HTML pages # for sap-apl and sle_lp these are not copied %if ("%{product}" != "sap-apl" && "%{product}" != "sle_lp" && "%{product}" != "bci" ) # leanos is including all release notes %if "%{product}" != "leanos" cp -vp /usr/share/doc/release-notes/%{PRODUCT_PATH_REL_NOTES}/RELEASE-NOTES.en.* \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/ %else pushd /usr/share/doc/release-notes/ for j in `ls`; do pushd $j for i in RELEASE-NOTES.en.*; do cp -vp ${i} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/${i/NOTES/NOTES_${j}} done; popd done popd pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/ for i in *.en.html; do w3m -dump $i > ${i/html/txt} done; popd %endif # different handling for SUSE Manager %if ("%{product}" == "suse-manager-proxy" || "%{product}" == "suse-manager-retail-branch-server" || "%{product}" == "suse-manager-server" ) w3m -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/RELEASE-NOTES.en.html > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/docu/RELEASE-NOTES.en.txt %endif %endif # # Create .treeinfo for virt-manager in leanos flavor %if "%{product}" == "leanos" cat << EOF > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/.treeinfo [header] version = 1.0 [general] arch = %{_arch} family = SUSE Linux Enterprise name = SUSE Linux Enterprise version = %{SLE_RELEASE} %ifarch x86_64 platforms = x86_64,xen %else platforms = %{_arch} %endif [release] name = SUSE Linux Enterprise short = sle version = %{SLE_RELEASE} [images-%{_arch}] %ifnarch x86_64 kernel = boot/%{_arch}/linux initrd = boot/%{_arch}/initrd %else kernel = boot/%{_arch}/loader/linux initrd = boot/%{_arch}/loader/initrd [images-xen] kernel = boot/x86_64/loader/linux initrd = boot/x86_64/loader/initrd %endif EOF %endif # # Add control file for ha to ha, rt and sle_rt, bnc#713674 # this enables the cloning of yast2-cluster configuration %if ("%{product}" == "ha" || "%{product}" == "rt" || "%{product}" == "sle_rt") mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path} # Verify syntax xmllint -noout -relaxng /usr/share/YaST2/control/control.rng installation.xml cp installation.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{skelcd1_path}/ %endif %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if "%{product}" != "bci" %files # # skelcd %defattr(644,root,root,755) %if "%{product}" == "sles" %exclude /%{skelcd1_path}/license-*.tar.gz %endif # rt has a different product string matching sle_rt %if "%{product}" == "rt" %exclude /usr/lib/skelcd/CD1/license-sle-rt.tar.gz %endif # leanos doesn't have a product string %if "%{product}" == "leanos" %exclude /%{skelcd1_path}/license.tar.gz %endif # all other products %if ("%{product}" != "rt" && "%{product}" != "sles" && "%{product}" != "leanos") %exclude /%{skelcd1_path}/license-%{PRODUCT}.tar.gz %endif %dir /usr/lib/skelcd/ /%{skelcd1_path} %endif # # skelcd-EULA %if ("%{product}" != "rt" && "%{product}" != "leanos") %files -n skelcd-EULA-%{product} %defattr(644,root,root,755) /%{skelcd1_path}/license-%{PRODUCT}.tar.gz %endif # rt has a different product string matching sle_rt %if "%{product}" == "rt" %files -n skelcd-EULA-rt %defattr(644,root,root,755) /usr/lib/skelcd/CD1/license-sle-rt.tar.gz %endif # leanos doesn't have a product string %if "%{product}" == "leanos" %files -n skelcd-EULA-%{product} %defattr(644,root,root,755) /%{skelcd1_path}/license.tar.gz %endif # bci doesn't have a release package %if "%{product}" == "bci" %files -n skelcd-EULA-%{product} %defattr(644,root,root,755) %dir %{_datadir}/licenses/product /%{skelcd1_path} %endif %changelog
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