File not found: 169.patch

A tool to extract Inno Setup installers under non-windows systems

Edit Package innoextract

Inno Setup is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows applications.
Inno Extracts allows to extract such installers under non-windows systems
without running the actual installer using wine. Inno Extract currently
supports installers created by Inno Setup 1.2.10 to 5.4.3.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
169.patch 0000000820 820 Bytes
innoextract-1.9.tar.gz 0000206931 202 KB
innoextract-1.9.tar.gz.sig 0000000566 566 Bytes
innoextract.changes 0000008505 8.31 KB
innoextract.keyring 0000003078 3.01 KB
innoextract.spec 0000002212 2.16 KB
Latest Revision
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1170623 from Martin Hauke's avatar Martin Hauke (mnhauke) (revision 12)
auto commit by copy to link target
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