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File brasero.spec of Package brasero
# # spec file for package brasero # # Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: brasero Version: 3.12.2+20171213.567326a7 Release: 0 Summary: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME License: GPL-3.0-or-later Group: Productivity/Multimedia/CD/Record URL: # Service generated tarball Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz #Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: fdupes # Needed, as we provide a git snapshot BuildRequires: gnome-common BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires: gtk-doc BuildRequires: intltool BuildRequires: pkgconfig # We need the %%mime_database_* macros BuildRequires: shared-mime-info BuildRequires: tracker-devel >= 0.10.0 BuildRequires: translation-update-upstream BuildRequires: update-desktop-files BuildRequires: yelp-tools BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gdk-x11-3.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gio-2.0) >= 2.29.14 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0) >= 0.11.92 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) >= 3.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ice) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libburn-1) >= 0.4.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcanberra) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libisofs-1) >= 0.6.4 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libnautilus-extension) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libnotify) >= 0.6.1 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) >= 2.6.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sm) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(totem-plparser) >= 2.29.1 # cdrkit-cdrtools-compat or cdrtools provide cdda2wav Requires: %{_bindir}/cdda2wav # We need cdrecord to burn CDs (bnc#729984) This can be provided by either wodim or cdrtools Requires: %{_bindir}/cdrecord Requires: %{_bindir}/mkisofs Requires: %{_bindir}/readcd # We need cdrdao to be able to extract audio tracks from disks Requires: cdrdao # The gstreamer Requires are versioned as gstreamer010 packages had virtual provides. Requires: gstreamer >= 0.11.02 Requires: gstreamer-plugins-base >= 0.11.92 Requires: gstreamer-plugins-good >= 0.11.92 Recommends: %{name}-lang Provides: brasero-doc = 0.9.1 Obsoletes: brasero-doc < 0.9.1 Provides: gnomebaker = 0.6.1 Obsoletes: gnomebaker < 0.6.1 %glib2_gsettings_schema_requires %description Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write to CD/DVDs. For data CDs/DVDs, Brasero supports multisession, Joliet extensions and on-the-fly image generation. The file manager can automatically ignore unwanted files. For Red Book audio CDs, Brasero supports CD-TEXT, on-the-fly transcoding from Ogg/FLAC/etc., and intra-track silence configuration. Brasero is capable of copying CDs/DVDs to an image file on disk and vice-versa. BIN/CUE is supported. %package devel Summary: Development files for Brasero, a CD/DVD burning application for GNOME Group: Development/Libraries/GNOME Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: libbrasero-burn3-1 = %{version} Requires: libbrasero-media3-1 = %{version} Requires: libbrasero-utils3-1 = %{version} Requires: typelib-1_0-BraseroBurn-3_2_0 = %{version} Requires: typelib-1_0-BraseroMedia-3_2_0 = %{version} %description devel Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write CD/DVDs. %package -n libbrasero-burn3-1 Summary: Brasero composition utility function library Group: System/Libraries Recommends: %{name}-lang # The obsoletes IS technically wrong. But as libbrasero-utils was # not split from the main package, is required to have a smooth # upgrade possibility. Obsoletes: libbrasero-burn1 < %{version} %description -n libbrasero-burn3-1 Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write CD/DVDs. This subpackage contains a library of Brasero with utility functions related to abstract disc image composition (files and audio tracks). %package -n typelib-1_0-BraseroBurn-3_2_0 Summary: Introspection bindings for libbrasero-burn Group: System/Libraries %description -n typelib-1_0-BraseroBurn-3_2_0 Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write CD/DVDs. This package provides the GObject Introspection bindings for the libbrasero-burn library. %package -n libbrasero-media3-1 Summary: Brasero media utility function library Group: System/Libraries Recommends: %{name}-lang %description -n libbrasero-media3-1 Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write CD/DVDs. This subpackage contains a library of Brasero with utility functions related to disc image creation and extraction, and drive handling. %package -n typelib-1_0-BraseroMedia-3_2_0 Summary: GObject introspection bindings for libbrasero-media Group: System/Libraries %description -n typelib-1_0-BraseroMedia-3_2_0 Brasero is an application for the GNOME Desktop to write CD/DVDs. This package provides the GObject Introspection bindings for the libbrasero-media library. %package -n libbrasero-utils3-1 Summary: Brasero miscellaneous utility function library Group: System/Libraries Recommends: %{name}-lang %description -n libbrasero-utils3-1 Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVDs for the GNOME Desktop. It is This subpackage contains a library of Brasero with utility functions that did not fit in the other two categories (brasero-burn, brasero-media). %package nautilus Summary: Brasero CD/DVD burning extension for Nautilus Group: Productivity/Multimedia/CD/Record Supplements: packageand(brasero:nautilus) %description nautilus This package provides the Brasero extension for Nautilus. %lang_package %prep %setup -q translation-update-upstream %build NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ %configure \ --disable-static \ --enable-gtk-doc \ --enable-search \ --enable-playlist \ --enable-nautilus \ --enable-introspection \ --enable-libburnia make %{?_smp_mflags} V=1 %install %make_install %if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1120 rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/locale/en@shaw/LC_MESSAGES/* %endif find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -delete -print %suse_update_desktop_file %{name} %suse_update_desktop_file brasero-nautilus %find_lang %{name} %{?no_lang_C} %fdupes %{buildroot}/%{_prefix} %post /sbin/ldconfig %glib2_gsettings_schema_post %desktop_database_post %icon_theme_cache_post %mime_database_post %post -n libbrasero-burn3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libbrasero-media3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libbrasero-utils3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post nautilus %desktop_database_post %postun /sbin/ldconfig %glib2_gsettings_schema_postun %desktop_database_postun %icon_theme_cache_postun %mime_database_postun %postun -n libbrasero-burn3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libbrasero-media3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libbrasero-utils3-1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun nautilus %desktop_database_postun %files %license COPYING %doc NEWS AUTHORS README %doc %{_datadir}/help/C/%{name}/ %{_datadir}/metainfo/brasero.appdata.xml %{_datadir}/brasero/ %{_libdir}/brasero3/ %{_bindir}/brasero %{_datadir}/applications/brasero.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/brasero*.* %{_datadir}/mime/packages/brasero.xml %{_datadir}/GConf/gsettings/brasero.convert %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.brasero.gschema.xml %{_mandir}/man?/*%{ext_man} %files -n libbrasero-burn3-1 %{_libdir}/* %files -n typelib-1_0-BraseroBurn-3_2_0 %{_libdir}/girepository-1.0/BraseroBurn-*.typelib %files -n libbrasero-media3-1 %{_libdir}/* %files -n typelib-1_0-BraseroMedia-3_2_0 %{_libdir}/girepository-1.0/BraseroMedia-*.typelib %files -n libbrasero-utils3-1 # Even though there is no need to split according to upstream, we follow the # openSUSE policy, as not splitting can cause upgrade trouble. %{_libdir}/* %files devel %{_includedir}/brasero3/ %{_libdir}/*.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libbrasero-media3.pc %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libbrasero-burn3.pc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libbrasero-burn/ %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libbrasero-media/ %{_datadir}/gir-1.0/BraseroBurn-*.gir %{_datadir}/gir-1.0/BraseroMedia-*.gir # Own these repositories to not depend on gtk-doc while building: %dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc %dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html %files nautilus %{_libdir}/nautilus/extensions-3.0/*.so %{_datadir}/applications/brasero-nautilus.desktop %files lang -f %{name}.lang %changelog
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