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File of Package proxy-tftpd-image
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 SUSE LLC # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Wrapper script for Uyuni proxy tftp container.""" import argparse import logging import os import requests import yaml from fbtftp.base_handler import BaseHandler from fbtftp.base_handler import ResponseData from fbtftp.base_server import BaseServer def stats(s): del s class FileResponseData(ResponseData): """Local file response.""" def __init__(self, path): self._size = os.stat(path).st_size self._reader = open(path, "rb") def read(self, n): return def size(self): return self._size def close(self): self._reader.close() class HttpResponseData(ResponseData): """Unprocessed HTTP response.""" def __init__(self, url, capath): # request file by url and store it self._request = requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=capath) if self._request.status_code == 404: raise FileNotFoundError() self._request.raise_for_status() self._stream = self._request.iter_content(chunk_size=1024) self._content = b"" self._size = int(self._request.headers["content-length"]) def read(self, requested): data = self._content read = len(self._content) while read < requested: if self._stream is None: break try: d = next(self._stream) data += d read += len(d) except StopIteration: break if read > requested: self._content = data[requested:] data = data[:requested] else: self._content = b"" return data def size(self): return self._size def close(self): self._request.close() class HttpResponseDataFiltered(HttpResponseData): """ Filter reponse entries based on supplied fqdn option Saltboot entries have MASTER= option, we want only those mathing our proxy """ # pylint: disable-next=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, url, capath, proxy_fqdn, server_fqdn): # request file by url and store it self._proxy_fqdn = proxy_fqdn self._server_fqdn = server_fqdn self._request = requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=capath) if self._request.status_code == 404: raise FileNotFoundError() self._request.raise_for_status() self._stream = None self._content = self._request.content self.contentFilter() self._size = len(self._content) # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name def contentFilter(self): raise NotImplementedError() class HttpResponseDataFilteredPXE(HttpResponseDataFiltered): """Filter pxelinux.cfg files for proxy instance.""" # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name def contentFilter(self): saltboot_content = "" cobbler_content = "" have_entry = False entry = "" entry_name = "" in_entry = False # make sure there is an empty line at the end so translation # is actually stored content = self._content.decode("utf-8") + "\n" for line in content.splitlines(): if in_entry: if line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t"): entry += line + "\n" else: in_entry = False # detect Saltboot entries if ( " MASTER=" + self._proxy_fqdn in entry and "MINION_ID_PREFIX" in entry ): have_entry = True entry += " MENU DEFAULT\n" entry += f"ONTIMEOUT {entry_name}\n" saltboot_content += entry else: cobbler_content += entry.replace( self._server_fqdn, self._proxy_fqdn ) entry = "" if not in_entry: if line.startswith("LABEL"): entry = line + "\n" entry_name = line.split(" ", 2)[1] in_entry = True else: if not line.startswith( "ONTIMEOUT" ): # ONTIMEOUT points to deleted entry in saltboot case saltboot_content += line + "\n" cobbler_content += line + "\n" if have_entry: self._content = saltboot_content.encode("utf-8") else: self._content = cobbler_content.encode("utf-8") logging.debug("translation finished") class HttpResponseDataFilteredGrub(HttpResponseDataFiltered): """Filter grub config files for proxy instance.""" # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name def contentFilter(self): saltboot_content = "" cobbler_content = "" have_entry = False entry = "" entry_name = "" in_entry = False for line in self._content.decode("utf-8").splitlines(): if in_entry: entry += line + "\n" if line.rstrip().endswith("}"): in_entry = False # detect Saltboot entries if ( " MASTER=" + self._proxy_fqdn in entry and "MINION_ID_PREFIX" in entry ): have_entry = True saltboot_content += entry saltboot_content += f"set default={entry_name}\n" else: cobbler_content += entry.replace( self._server_fqdn, self._proxy_fqdn ) entry = "" else: if line.startswith("menuentry"): entry_name = line.split(" ", 3)[1] entry = line + "\n" in_entry = True else: saltboot_content += line + "\n" cobbler_content += line + "\n" if have_entry: self._content = saltboot_content.encode("utf-8") else: self._content = cobbler_content.encode("utf-8") class TFTPHandler(BaseHandler): """Individual TFTP connection handler.""" def __init__( self, server_addr, peer, path, options, root, http_host, proxy_fqdn, server_fqdn, capath, ): self._root = root self._http_host = http_host self._proxy_fqdn = proxy_fqdn self._server_fqdn = server_fqdn self._capath = capath super().__init__(server_addr, peer, path, options, stats) def get_response_data(self): capath = self._capath target = self._http_host path = self._path if self._path[0] == "/": path = self._path[1:] # accept only mac based config and defaults file if path.startswith("pxelinux.cfg/01-"): # request specific system configuration logging.debug("Got request for system PXE %s, filtering HTTP", path) return HttpResponseDataFilteredPXE( f"{target}/tftp/{path}", capath, self._proxy_fqdn, self._server_fqdn ) elif path.startswith("grub/system"): logging.debug("Got request for system GRUB %s, filtering HTTP", path) return HttpResponseDataFilteredGrub( f"{target}/tftp/{path}", capath, self._proxy_fqdn, self._server_fqdn ) elif path.startswith("pxelinux.cfg/default"): # server local default logging.debug("Got request for %s, filtering HTTP", path) return HttpResponseDataFilteredPXE( f"{target}/tftp/{path}", capath, self._proxy_fqdn, self._server_fqdn ) elif path.startswith("pxelinux.cfg/"): # ignore other pxelinux.cfg files logging.debug("Got request for %s, ignoring", path) raise FileNotFoundError() elif path.startswith("grub/") and path.endswith("_menu_items.cfg"): logging.debug("Got request for %s, filtering HTTP", path) return HttpResponseDataFilteredGrub( f"{target}/tftp/{path}", capath, self._proxy_fqdn, self._server_fqdn ) # The rest get from http logging.debug("Got request for %s, forwarding to HTTP", path) return HttpResponseData(f"{target}/tftp/{path}", capath) class TFTPServer(BaseServer): """Main TFTP server class.""" def __init__( self, address, port, retries, timeout, root, http_host, proxy_fqdn, server_fqdn, capath, ): self._root = root if capath is None or http_host == "localhost": self._http_host = f"http://{http_host}""SSL not used for inproxy communication") else: self._http_host = f"https://{http_host}""HTTPS used for inproxy communication") self._proxy_fqdn = proxy_fqdn self._server_fqdn = server_fqdn self._capath = capath super().__init__(address, port, retries, timeout, None) def get_handler(self, server_addr, peer, path, options): return TFTPHandler( server_addr, peer, path, options, self._root, self._http_host, self._proxy_fqdn, self._server_fqdn, self._capath, ) def get_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--ip", type=str, default="", help="IP address to bind to" ) parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=69, help="port to bind to") parser.add_argument( "--retries", type=int, default=5, help="Number of per-packet retries" ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", type=int, default=2, help="Timeout for packet retransmission in seconds", ) parser.add_argument( "--root", type=str, default="/srv/tftpboot", help="Root of the static filesystem", ) parser.add_argument( "--httpHost", type=str, default="localhost", help="Hostname where to forward HTTP requests", dest="http_host", ) parser.add_argument( "--serverFqdn", type=str, default="localhost", help="Hostname of the server for cobbler filtering", dest="server_fqdn", ) parser.add_argument( "--proxyFqdn", type=str, help="Hostname of the proxy for retail filtering", default="localhost", dest="proxy_fqdn", ) parser.add_argument( "--logLevel", choices=["error", "warning", "info", "debug"], default="info", help="Logging level for the server", ) parser.add_argument( "--configFile", type=str, default="/etc/uyuni/config.yaml", help="Path to configuration file", ) parser.add_argument( "--caPath", type=str, default="/usr/share/uyuni/ca.crt", help="Path to CA certificate", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = get_arguments() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.getLevelName(args.logLevel.upper())) try: with open(args.configFile, encoding="utf-8") as source: config = yaml.safe_load(source) args.proxy_fqdn = config["proxy_fqdn"] args.server_fqdn = config["server"] log_level = ( logging.DEBUG if config.get("log_level", 1) == 5 else logging.INFO ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_level) except IOError as err: logging.warning("Configuration file reading error %s, ignoring", str(err)) except KeyError as err: logging.error("Invalid configuration file passed, missing %s", str(err)) exit(1)"Starting TFTP proxy:")"HTTP endpoint: %s", args.http_host)"Server FQDN: %s", args.server_fqdn)"Proxy FQDN: %s", args.proxy_fqdn)"CA path: %s", args.caPath) server = TFTPServer( args.ip, args.port, args.retries, args.timeout, args.root, args.http_host, args.proxy_fqdn, args.server_fqdn, args.caPath, ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: server.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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