File not found: recutils-1.7-fix_manpages.patch

Text-based databases called recfiles

Edit Package gnu-recutils

A set of tools and libraries to access human-editable, text-based

The data is stored as a sequence of records, each record containing
an arbitrary number of named fields.

Despite its simplicity, recfiles can be used to store medium-sized

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
gnu-recutils.changes 0000002074 2.03 KB
gnu-recutils.keyring 0000004105 4.01 KB
gnu-recutils.spec 0000004546 4.44 KB
recutils-1.9.tar.gz 0002759999 2.63 MB
recutils-1.9.tar.gz.sig 0000000566 566 Bytes
Latest Revision
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1224503 from Luigi Baldoni's avatar Luigi Baldoni (alois) (revision 8)
baserev update by copy to link target
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