
Request 1001499 accepted

- Update to 1.3.1
* Hotfix: Due to a problem with the tarme.rb releaseme script,
the 1.3.0 tarball lacked all l10n data. We thus had to withdraw
the release and tag a new one.
* New: When using the split images list view and tagging images
manually, the "assigned" image list now scrolls to the last (or
only) tagged image and highlights it, so that it's immediately
accessible for e.g. further corrections.
* New: Allow setting coordinates directly from the clipboard. As
of now, Google Maps' format as well as OpenStreetMap's Geo URI
scheme is supported. (kde#458537)
* New: It is now possible to open an image with the system's
default image viewer (for closer inspection), either from the
image list(s), or from the preview widget.
* Bugfix: Use "Folder", not "Directory" according to KDE's
style/vocabulary guidelines. (kde#457020)
* New: Files and/or directories given on the command line are now
loaded after startup (which can e.g. also be triggered via
"Open with" from a file manager like Dolphin).
* Update: Updated the timezones data files to 2021c.
* Change: As Marble now has a decent versioning scheme (at least
since the KDE Apps release 21.12.3), KGeoTag now has a defined
dependency for Marble: It now depends on at least Marble
21.12.3. It actually can be built against older versions as
well, but due to the lack of proper version bumps, there was no
way to define a definitive version to depend on until now.
* New/Bugfix: Added a handbook stub. (kde#452534)

Request History
Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

wolfi323 created request

- Update to 1.3.1
* Hotfix: Due to a problem with the tarme.rb releaseme script,
the 1.3.0 tarball lacked all l10n data. We thus had to withdraw
the release and tag a new one.
* New: When using the split images list view and tagging images
manually, the "assigned" image list now scrolls to the last (or
only) tagged image and highlights it, so that it's immediately
accessible for e.g. further corrections.
* New: Allow setting coordinates directly from the clipboard. As
of now, Google Maps' format as well as OpenStreetMap's Geo URI
scheme is supported. (kde#458537)
* New: It is now possible to open an image with the system's
default image viewer (for closer inspection), either from the
image list(s), or from the preview widget.
* Bugfix: Use "Folder", not "Directory" according to KDE's
style/vocabulary guidelines. (kde#457020)
* New: Files and/or directories given on the command line are now
loaded after startup (which can e.g. also be triggered via
"Open with" from a file manager like Dolphin).
* Update: Updated the timezones data files to 2021c.
* Change: As Marble now has a decent versioning scheme (at least
since the KDE Apps release 21.12.3), KGeoTag now has a defined
dependency for Marble: It now depends on at least Marble
21.12.3. It actually can be built against older versions as
well, but due to the lack of proper version bumps, there was no
way to define a definitive version to depend on until now.
* New/Bugfix: Added a handbook stub. (kde#452534)

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux accepted request

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