Request 1101863 superseded
- Update to 2.1.0:
* Added
+ Detect SPDX snippet tags in files. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#699)
+ More file types are recognised:
+ Fennel (`.fnl`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##638)
+ CommonJS (`.cjs`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Qt .pro (`.pro`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Qt .pri (`.pri`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .qrc (`.qrc`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .qss(`.qss`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .ui (`.ui`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Textile (`.textile`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##712)
+ Visual Studio Code workspace (`.code-workspace`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##747)
+ Application Resource Bundle (`.arb`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##749)
+ Svelte components (`.svelte`)
+ AES encrypted files (`.aes`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##758)
+ Jakarte Server Page (`.jsp`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##757)
+ Clang format (`.clang-format`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Browserslist config (`.browserslist`)
+ Prettier config (`.prettierrc`) and ignored files (`.prettierignore`)
+ Flutter pubspec.lock (`pubspec.lock`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##751)
+ Flutter .metadata (`.metadata`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##751)
+ Terraform (`.tf`, `tfvars`) and HCL (`.hcl`). (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##756)
+ Typst (`.typ`)
+ Added loglevel argument to pytest and skip one test if loglevel is too high
+ `--add-license-concluded`, `--creator-person`, and `--creator-organization`
added to `reuse spdx`. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#623)
+ Additional license metadata for the Python package has been added. The actual
SPDX license expression remains the same:
`Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0 AND CC-BY-SA-4.0 AND GPL-3.0-or-later`.
+ Added `--contributor` option to `annotate`. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#669)
+ Added `--json` flag to `lint` command (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#654).
+ `reuse.ReuseInfo` now has `copy` and `union` methods. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#759)
+ `reuse.ReuseInfo` now stores information about the source from which the
information was gathered. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#654, gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#787)
+ Added Ukrainian and Czech translations (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#767)
+ Added `--suppress-deprecation` to hide (verbose) deprecation warnings.
* Changed
+ Bumped SPDX license list to v3.20. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#692)
+ `reuse.SpdxInfo` was renamed to `reuse.ReuseInfo`. It is now a (frozen)
dataclass instead of a namedtuple. This is only relevant if you're using reuse
as a library in Python. Other functions and methods were similarly renamed.
+ Sphinx documentation: Switched from RTD theme to Furo. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#673,
+ Removed dependency on setuptools' `pkg_resources` to determine the installed
version of reuse. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#724)
+ Bumped SPDX license list to v3.21. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#763)
+ `Project.reuse_info_of` now returns a list of `ReuseInfo` objects instead of a
single one. This is because the source information is now stored alongside the
REUSE information. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#787)
* Deprecated
+ Pending deprecation of aggregation of file sources. Presently, when copyright
and licensing information is defined both within e.g. the file itself and in
the DEP5 file, then the information is merged or aggregated for the purposes
of linting and BOM generation. In the future, this will no longer be the case
unless explicitly defined. The exact mechanism for this is not yet concrete,
but a `PendingDeprecationWarning` will be shown to the user to make them aware
of this. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#778)
* Removed
+ Python 3.6 and 3.7 support has been dropped. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#673,
+ Removed runtime and build time dependency on `setuptools`.
* Fixed
+ Fixed automatic generation of Sphinx documentation via readthedocs.io by
adding a `.readthedocs.yaml` configuration file (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##648)
+ Fixed a compatibility issue where reuse could not be installed (built) if
gettext is not installed. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##691)
+ Translations are available in Docker images. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##701)
+ Marked the `/data` directory in Docker containers as safe in Git, preventing
errors related to linting Git repositories. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##720)
+ Repaired error when using Galician translations. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##719)
- Version 2.0.0: This version was yanked.
- Created by 1Antoine1
- In state superseded
- Package maintainer: carmenbianca
- Superseded by 1101865
Request History
1Antoine1 created request
- Update to 2.1.0:
* Added
+ Detect SPDX snippet tags in files. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#699)
+ More file types are recognised:
+ Fennel (`.fnl`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##638)
+ CommonJS (`.cjs`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Qt .pro (`.pro`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Qt .pri (`.pri`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .qrc (`.qrc`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .qss(`.qss`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Qt .ui (`.ui`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##755)
+ Textile (`.textile`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##712)
+ Visual Studio Code workspace (`.code-workspace`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##747)
+ Application Resource Bundle (`.arb`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##749)
+ Svelte components (`.svelte`)
+ AES encrypted files (`.aes`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##758)
+ Jakarte Server Page (`.jsp`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##757)
+ Clang format (`.clang-format`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##632)
+ Browserslist config (`.browserslist`)
+ Prettier config (`.prettierrc`) and ignored files (`.prettierignore`)
+ Flutter pubspec.lock (`pubspec.lock`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##751)
+ Flutter .metadata (`.metadata`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##751)
+ Terraform (`.tf`, `tfvars`) and HCL (`.hcl`). (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##756)
+ Typst (`.typ`)
+ Added loglevel argument to pytest and skip one test if loglevel is too high
+ `--add-license-concluded`, `--creator-person`, and `--creator-organization`
added to `reuse spdx`. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#623)
+ Additional license metadata for the Python package has been added. The actual
SPDX license expression remains the same:
`Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0 AND CC-BY-SA-4.0 AND GPL-3.0-or-later`.
+ Added `--contributor` option to `annotate`. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#669)
+ Added `--json` flag to `lint` command (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#654).
+ `reuse.ReuseInfo` now has `copy` and `union` methods. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#759)
+ `reuse.ReuseInfo` now stores information about the source from which the
information was gathered. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#654, gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#787)
+ Added Ukrainian and Czech translations (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#767)
+ Added `--suppress-deprecation` to hide (verbose) deprecation warnings.
* Changed
+ Bumped SPDX license list to v3.20. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#692)
+ `reuse.SpdxInfo` was renamed to `reuse.ReuseInfo`. It is now a (frozen)
dataclass instead of a namedtuple. This is only relevant if you're using reuse
as a library in Python. Other functions and methods were similarly renamed.
+ Sphinx documentation: Switched from RTD theme to Furo. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#673,
+ Removed dependency on setuptools' `pkg_resources` to determine the installed
version of reuse. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#724)
+ Bumped SPDX license list to v3.21. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#763)
+ `Project.reuse_info_of` now returns a list of `ReuseInfo` objects instead of a
single one. This is because the source information is now stored alongside the
REUSE information. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#787)
* Deprecated
+ Pending deprecation of aggregation of file sources. Presently, when copyright
and licensing information is defined both within e.g. the file itself and in
the DEP5 file, then the information is merged or aggregated for the purposes
of linting and BOM generation. In the future, this will no longer be the case
unless explicitly defined. The exact mechanism for this is not yet concrete,
but a `PendingDeprecationWarning` will be shown to the user to make them aware
of this. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#778)
* Removed
+ Python 3.6 and 3.7 support has been dropped. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#673,
+ Removed runtime and build time dependency on `setuptools`.
* Fixed
+ Fixed automatic generation of Sphinx documentation via readthedocs.io by
adding a `.readthedocs.yaml` configuration file (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##648)
+ Fixed a compatibility issue where reuse could not be installed (built) if
gettext is not installed. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##691)
+ Translations are available in Docker images. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##701)
+ Marked the `/data` directory in Docker containers as safe in Git, preventing
errors related to linting Git repositories. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##720)
+ Repaired error when using Galician translations. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##719)
- Version 2.0.0: This version was yanked.
- Update to 2.1.0:
* Added
+ Detect SPDX snippet tags in files. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#699)
+ More file types are recognised:
+ Fennel (`.fnl`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#638)
+ CommonJS (`.cjs`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#632)
+ Qt .pro (`.pro`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#632)
+ Qt .pri (`.pri`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#755)
+ Qt .qrc (`.qrc`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#755)
+ Qt .qss(`.qss`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#755)
+ Qt .ui (`.ui`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#755)
+ Textile (`.textile`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool##712)
+ Visual Studio Code workspace (`.code-workspace`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#747)
+ Application Resource Bundle (`.arb`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#749)
+ Svelte components (`.svelte`)
+ AES encrypted files (`.aes`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#758)
+ Jakarte Server Page (`.jsp`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#757)
+ Clang format (`.clang-format`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#632)
+ Browserslist config (`.browserslist`)
+ Prettier config (`.prettierrc`) and ignored files (`.prettierignore`)
+ Flutter pubspec.lock (`pubspec.lock`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#751)
+ Flutter .metadata (`.metadata`) (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#751)
+ Terraform (`.tf`, `tfvars`) and HCL (`.hcl`). (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#756)
+ Typst (`.typ`)
+ Added loglevel argument to pytest and skip one test if loglevel is too high
+ `--add-license-concluded`, `--creator-person`, and `--creator-organization`
added to `reuse spdx`. (gh#fsfe/reuse-tool#623)
+ Additional license metadata for the Python package has been added. The actual
SPDX license expression remains the same: