Request 1110285 accepted
- Add patch from upstream to fix a regression introduced in 0.3.77
which made it fail to open a monitor device as source:
* 0001-pulse-server-allow-monitors-when-selecting-source-by-index.patch
- Add patch from upstream to fix a bug which caused 100% cpu usage
under some circumstances:
* 0001-Revert-v4l2-handle-inotify-errors.patch
* 0002-Revert-v4l2-dont-set-inotify-on-_dev.patch
* 0003-spa-v4l2-use-a-separate-watch-for-each-device.patch
Request History
alarrosa created request
- Add patch from upstream to fix a regression introduced in 0.3.77
which made it fail to open a monitor device as source:
* 0001-pulse-server-allow-monitors-when-selecting-source-by-index.patch
- Add patch from upstream to fix a bug which caused 100% cpu usage
under some circumstances:
* 0001-Revert-v4l2-handle-inotify-errors.patch
* 0002-Revert-v4l2-dont-set-inotify-on-_dev.patch
* 0003-spa-v4l2-use-a-separate-watch-for-each-device.patch
alarrosa accepted request