
Request 1127716 accepted

After the update of geos 3.12.1, python-Shapely and packages requiring it are broken in Factory

- Update to 2.0.2
## Bug fixes:
* Fix regression in the (in)equality comparison (geom1 == geom2)
using __eq__ to not ignore the z-coordinates (#1732).
* Fix MultiPolygon() constructor to accept polygons without
holes (#1850).
* Fix minimum_rotated_rectangle (oriented_envelope) to
always return the minimum area solution (instead of minimum
width). In practice, it will use the GEOS implementation only
for GEOS 3.12+, and for older GEOS versions fall back to
the implementation that was included in Shapely < 2 (#1670).
* Fix from_ragged_array to work with read-only array input
* Fix the handling of z coordinates shapely.ops.substring

Request History
Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag created request

After the update of geos 3.12.1, python-Shapely and packages requiring it are broken in Factory

- Update to 2.0.2
## Bug fixes:
* Fix regression in the (in)equality comparison (geom1 == geom2)
using __eq__ to not ignore the z-coordinates (#1732).
* Fix MultiPolygon() constructor to accept polygons without
holes (#1850).
* Fix minimum_rotated_rectangle (oriented_envelope) to
always return the minimum area solution (instead of minimum
width). In practice, it will use the GEOS implementation only
for GEOS 3.12+, and for older GEOS versions fall back to
the implementation that was included in Shapely < 2 (#1670).
* Fix from_ragged_array to work with read-only array input
* Fix the handling of z coordinates shapely.ops.substring

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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