Request 1133218 accepted
updated as requested :)
- Created by Tobi_Peter
- In state accepted
- Package maintainer: Tobi_Peter
- Supersedes 1125159
Hi Tobias, thank you for the contribution. could you please use the "%configure" macro beecause that sets the prefix to /usr (so the filelist needs to be updated)? we do not want to provide packages that install in /usr/local/bin, that directory is reserved for the local sysadmin purpose only.
also, you don't need a "_service", simply listing the full url to the tagged tarball is sufficient, e.g. write
Source0: https://github.com/Tookmund/Swapspace/releases/download/v%{version}/swapspace-%{version}.tar.gz
instead and delete th _service
"swapspace.src: W: invalid-license GPL" the github project page says it's GPL-2, so this should be "GPL-2.0-only" in the spec fild
Some of the formatting and style fixes can be found (and applied) by 'spec-cleaner'. The linters for OBS do the same checks.
@dirkmueller, @dsterba, @duwe, @goldwynr, @hreinecke, @jankara, @jeff_mahoney, @psmt, @smithfarm, @tiwai, @tserong: review reminder
Thank you very much for your feedback, I tried to fix everything :) Please check if there are other changes I should include :)
you need to file a new submitrequest so that we can see your changes.