Request 1142594 accepted
- Check iteration of Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKey algorithm
CVE-2023-31582 (bsc#1216609)
Added: PBES2-check-iteration-count.patch
- update to 0.5.1
- changes since 0.5.0
* Addressed #65 so that the "class " prefix is not on the logger
names of AlgorithmFactory
* Addressed #63 with support for additional/arbitrary parameters
in JWK
* Addressed #64 by adding key_ops to JWK
* Addressed #58 by having JwtClaims getAudience() and
getStringListClaimValue(name) return an empty list rather than
null when the claim isn’t present
- changes since 0.4.4
* Addressed #37 with some fairly rudimentary but useful support
for PEM encoded public keys
* Addressed #54 by enabling HttpsJwks.getJsonWebKeys() to continue
to use the existing cache when an exception is thrown from
Default behavior is unchanged and
setRetainCacheOnErrorDuration(...) must be called with a value
larger than zero to get the new behavior.
* #36 Added support for RFC 7638 JWK thumbprints
* Addressed #35 by allowing the caller of various JOSE and JWT
functionality to specify a particular JCA provider by name for
cryptographic operations
* Addressed #44 by providing a generic callback to JwtConsumer
to customize each JWS/JWE
* Addressed #43 now supports the 'crit' header
Request History
mcalmer created request
- Check iteration of Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKey algorithm
CVE-2023-31582 (bsc#1216609)
Added: PBES2-check-iteration-count.patch
- update to 0.5.1
- changes since 0.5.0
* Addressed #65 so that the "class " prefix is not on the logger
names of AlgorithmFactory
* Addressed #63 with support for additional/arbitrary parameters
in JWK
* Addressed #64 by adding key_ops to JWK
* Addressed #58 by having JwtClaims getAudience() and
getStringListClaimValue(name) return an empty list rather than
null when the claim isn’t present
- changes since 0.4.4
* Addressed #37 with some fairly rudimentary but useful support
for PEM encoded public keys
* Addressed #54 by enabling HttpsJwks.getJsonWebKeys() to continue
to use the existing cache when an exception is thrown from
Default behavior is unchanged and
setRetainCacheOnErrorDuration(...) must be called with a value
larger than zero to get the new behavior.
* #36 Added support for RFC 7638 JWK thumbprints
* Addressed #35 by allowing the caller of various JOSE and JWT
functionality to specify a particular JCA provider by name for
cryptographic operations
* Addressed #44 by providing a generic callback to JwtConsumer
to customize each JWS/JWE
* Addressed #43 now supports the 'crit' header
fstrba accepted request