
Request 1157982 revoked

- Drop the timezone-java (bsc#1213470).
After thorough consideration of possible problems that arise from
having a timezone package specifically for the Java ecosystem,
Fridrich Strba and I have decided to drop the package altogether.
Doing so means the JDK will use its built-in timezone data that is
updated quarterly, when refreshed JDK versions are released.
While this does mean there could be situations where there is a bit
of a mismatch between the 'timezone' package's data, and the data
that is used by JDK, in practice the difference will be minimal and
So we've established this to be the best course of action.


Markéta Machová's avatar

not really my place here, but drop also the *.changes file

Markéta Machová's avatar

sorry, I see it was already dropped... then we can drop also _multibuild, I think. And congratulations for modernizing this package :) I hope there won't be problems in pushing this change to SLE.

Request History
Martin Schreiner's avatar

mschreiner created request

- Drop the timezone-java (bsc#1213470).
After thorough consideration of possible problems that arise from
having a timezone package specifically for the Java ecosystem,
Fridrich Strba and I have decided to drop the package altogether.
Doing so means the JDK will use its built-in timezone data that is
updated quarterly, when refreshed JDK versions are released.
While this does mean there could be situations where there is a bit
of a mismatch between the 'timezone' package's data, and the data
that is used by JDK, in practice the difference will be minimal and
So we've established this to be the best course of action.

Martin Schreiner's avatar

mschreiner revoked request

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