Request 1166169 accepted
- kubernetes update - v1.26.15 (march, 2024)
- update .spec file to set FORCE_HOST_GO env variable,
to force k8s build scripts use the local GOTOOLCHAIN version from the build pipeline
(i.e. GOTOOLCHAIN='auto')
* ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/9791f0d1f39f3f1e0796add7833c1059325d5098/hack/lib/golang.sh#L507
Request History
psaggu created request
- kubernetes update - v1.26.15 (march, 2024)
- update .spec file to set FORCE_HOST_GO env variable,
to force k8s build scripts use the local GOTOOLCHAIN version from the build pipeline
(i.e. GOTOOLCHAIN='auto')
* ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/9791f0d1f39f3f1e0796add7833c1059325d5098/hack/lib/golang.sh#L507
psaggu accepted request