
Request 1171521 superseded

Introduce new subpackage that ships registries.conf that uses
registry.suse.com as the only unqualified registry while pulling images on
SL Micro and SP6. (jsc#SMO-376, jsc#PED-8289)

Dan Čermák's avatar

This line is wrong now

Dan Čermák's avatar

Can you please also add a Suggests: (registries-conf-default if openSUSE-release)?

Dan Čermák's avatar

This does not include SLE-Micro and SLES (the later is mandatory for jsc#PED-8289)

Danish Prakash's avatar

Since this is a Suggests and wouldn't really make a difference as to whether the package is shipped in the respective product or not, it shouldn't be a problem afaict. Release management would take a call on which variant of the package would be included where.

I could add product(SUSE_SLE) or something similar but distinguishing between the appropriate SPs would not be easy so just leaving that to the release managers seem like a good idea here.

Dan Čermák's avatar

product(SUSE_SLE) is versioned:

❯ podman run --rm -it registry.suse.com/bci/bci-base:15.5 rpm -qP sles-release | grep "product(SUSE_SLE)"
product(SUSE_SLE) = 15.5
product(SUSE_SLE) = 15.5-150500.43.4

so we could make this a 🤞 Suggests: (registries-conf-suse if (product(SL-Micro) or (product(SUSE_SLE) >= 15.5)))

Danish Prakash's avatar

Also, SLE-Micro is out of the picture for this, anyways, right?

Dan Čermák's avatar

According to the Jira, yes.

Dan Čermák's avatar

Suggestion: Ships the upstream registries.conf with registry.opensuse.org and registry.suse.com as additional unqualified search registries.

Dan Čermák's avatar

Can we build the subpackages also on openSUSE? I'm afraid that we won't catch some bugs otherwise. I see little danger of having it in opensuse due to the config(noreplace)

Request History
Danish Prakash's avatar

danishprakash created request

Introduce new subpackage that ships registries.conf that uses
registry.suse.com as the only unqualified registry while pulling images on
SL Micro and SP6. (jsc#SMO-376, jsc#PED-8289)

Danish Prakash's avatar

danishprakash superseded request

superseded by 1171523

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