
Request 1171862 accepted

Even after creating the perl-Test-Nginx package, the tests still don't run.
You can run the pm file from the t directory as I did before, but it doesn't run the tests, it just does NOT return errors at the end of initialization.

The make file specifies the following

test: all
PATH=$(OPENRESTY_PREFIX)/nginx/sbin:$$PATH prove -I../test-nginx/lib -r t

That is, I can NOT even override OPENRESTY_PREFIX, which is hardcoded and I have no idea where to get the test-nginx directory from.

Apparently these tests are for internal testing only.
If upstream writes how to run the tests properly, I'll add them, but it's better not to run them at all than to create the appearance of testing!

In any case, tests for noarch with empty %build section are not necessary.
I test them in a real environment with nginx-module-lua and I have lua-resty libraries working.

Request History
Илья Индиго's avatar

13ilya created request

Even after creating the perl-Test-Nginx package, the tests still don't run.
You can run the pm file from the t directory as I did before, but it doesn't run the tests, it just does NOT return errors at the end of initialization.

The make file specifies the following

test: all
PATH=$(OPENRESTY_PREFIX)/nginx/sbin:$$PATH prove -I../test-nginx/lib -r t

That is, I can NOT even override OPENRESTY_PREFIX, which is hardcoded and I have no idea where to get the test-nginx directory from.

Apparently these tests are for internal testing only.
If upstream writes how to run the tests properly, I'll add them, but it's better not to run them at all than to create the appearance of testing!

In any case, tests for noarch with empty %build section are not necessary.
I test them in a real environment with nginx-module-lua and I have lua-resty libraries working.

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

see previous

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