
Request 1219208 accepted

- update to 2.16.0
Improved checking:
* constVariable; checking multidimensional arrays
* constVariablePointer; nested array access
* deallocuse
Changed interface:
* SARIF output. Use --output-format=sarif to activate this.
* Add option --output-format=. Allowed formats are sarif and
* The previously deprecated support for Python 2.7 has been
removed. Please use Python 3 instead.
* The maximum value for --max-ctu-depth is currently capped
at 10. This limitation will be removed in a future release.
* "missingInclude" is no longer implicitly enabled with
"information" - you need to enable it explicitly now.
* Fixed checkers report when --addon=misra.py or
--addon=misra.json is used.

Request History
Christoph G's avatar

mathletic created request

- update to 2.16.0
Improved checking:
* constVariable; checking multidimensional arrays
* constVariablePointer; nested array access
* deallocuse
Changed interface:
* SARIF output. Use --output-format=sarif to activate this.
* Add option --output-format=. Allowed formats are sarif and
* The previously deprecated support for Python 2.7 has been
removed. Please use Python 3 instead.
* The maximum value for --max-ctu-depth is currently capped
at 10. This limitation will be removed in a future release.
* "missingInclude" is no longer implicitly enabled with
"information" - you need to enable it explicitly now.
* Fixed checkers report when --addon=misra.py or
--addon=misra.json is used.

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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