Request 1226590 superseded
- Add a Requires(preun) to ensure that libgio is available when
uninstalling glib2-tools. Otherwise, glib-compile-schemas might
fail to load when uninstalling (bsc#1231463).
- Created by mgorse
- In state superseded
- Supersedes 1225856
- Superseded by 1226951
- Open review for gnome-maintainers
%package tools Summary: Tools from glib2, a general-purpose utility library # ensure libgio-2_0-0 is updated before glib2-tools' ensures glib-compile-schema to # be functional when the file trigger fires ([boo#1178713](https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1178713)) Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires(post): %{libgio} = %{version} Requires(preun): %{libgio} = %{version}
I somewhat doubt this will work - for the 'transaction' to be valid:
- during preun, we need the old version (as that's the preun script being run, so that requirement means: install libgio AFTER removing / updating glib2-tools
- Requires post (of the new version) though asks for the NEW version of libgio - otherwise glib2-tools would 'not be installable)
That means, the transaction would only be valid when: uninstall glib2-tools, upgrade libgio, install glib2-tools; but that's not how RPM operates in upgrade scenarios
Would just
Requires(preun): %{libgio}
avoid breaking upgrade transactions? I'm trying to fix the order of uninstallation when removing glib2-tools so that libgio isn't uninstalled first.
I assume the postun trigger is there for upgrades. An alternative to this would be to make the scriptlet exit gracefully if glib2-compile-schemas can't be run. I just looked at what Red Hat does, and they have a || : at the end of their postun trigger, so maybe that is the right thing to do.
Request History
mgorse created request
- Add a Requires(preun) to ensure that libgio is available when
uninstalling glib2-tools. Otherwise, glib-compile-schemas might
fail to load when uninstalling (bsc#1231463).
gnome-review-bot accepted review
Check script succeeded
superseded by 1226951