
Request 140145 superseded

- Update to version 453
* Allow backslash escaping of metacharacters in LESS environment
* Don't quit if syntax errors are found in command line options.
* Increase sizes of some internal buffers.
* Fix configure bug with --with-regex=none.
* Fix crash with "stty rows 0".

- Update to version 451
* Add ESC-F command to keep reading data until a pattern is
* found.
* Use exit code of LESSOPEN script if LESSOPEN starts with
* "||".
* When up/down arrow is used on the command line immediately
* after typing text, the next command starting with that text is
* Add support for GNU regex.
* Add configure option --with-regex=none and fix compile
* errors when compiling with no regex library.
* Fix possible crashes caused by malformed LESSOPEN or
LESSCLOSE variables.
* Fix bug highlighting text which is discontiguous in the
* file due to backspace processing.
* Fix bug in displaying status column when scrolling
* backwards with -J and -S in effect.
- Remove speed patch.
- Remove less-429-lessecho-man.patch

Request History
Petr Uzel's avatar

puzel created request

- Update to version 453
* Allow backslash escaping of metacharacters in LESS environment
* Don't quit if syntax errors are found in command line options.
* Increase sizes of some internal buffers.
* Fix configure bug with --with-regex=none.
* Fix crash with "stty rows 0".

- Update to version 451
* Add ESC-F command to keep reading data until a pattern is
* found.
* Use exit code of LESSOPEN script if LESSOPEN starts with
* "||".
* When up/down arrow is used on the command line immediately
* after typing text, the next command starting with that text is
* Add support for GNU regex.
* Add configure option --with-regex=none and fix compile
* errors when compiling with no regex library.
* Fix possible crashes caused by malformed LESSOPEN or
LESSCLOSE variables.
* Fix bug highlighting text which is discontiguous in the
* file due to backspace processing.
* Fix bug in displaying status column when scrolling
* backwards with -J and -S in effect.
- Remove speed patch.
- Remove less-429-lessecho-man.patch

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

the package is still building for repository openSUSE_Factory

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Petr Uzel's avatar

puzel superseded request

superseded by 140323

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