
Request 181790 accepted

- restore accidentally dropped suse-specific patches

* remove CVE-2013-1775
* remove CVE-2013-1776
* The non-Unix group plugin is now supported when sudoers data is stored in LDAP.
* User messages are now always displayed in the user's locale, even when the
same message is being logged or mailed in a different locale.
* Log files created by sudo now explicitly have the group set to group ID 0
rather than relying on BSD group semantics (which may not be the default).
* A new exec_background sudoers option can be used to initially run the
command without read access to the terminal when running a command in a
* Sudo now produces better error messages when there is an error in the sudo.conf file.
* Two new settings have been added to sudo.conf to give the admin better control of
how group database queries are performed.
* There is now a standalone sudo.conf manual page.
* New support for specifying a SHA-2 digest along with the command in sudoers.
Supported hash types are sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512. See the description
of Digest_Spec in the sudoers manual or the description of sudoCommand in the
sudoers.ldap manual for details.
* Fixed potential false positives in visudo's alias cycle detection.
* Sudo now only builds Position Independent Executables (PIE) by default on Linux
systems and verifies that a trivial test program builds and runs.

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- restore accidentally dropped suse-specific patches

* remove CVE-2013-1775
* remove CVE-2013-1776
* The non-Unix group plugin is now supported when sudoers data is stored in LDAP.
* User messages are now always displayed in the user's locale, even when the
same message is being logged or mailed in a different locale.
* Log files created by sudo now explicitly have the group set to group ID 0
rather than relying on BSD group semantics (which may not be the default).
* A new exec_background sudoers option can be used to initially run the
command without read access to the terminal when running a command in a
* Sudo now produces better error messages when there is an error in the sudo.conf file.
* Two new settings have been added to sudo.conf to give the admin better control of
how group database queries are performed.
* There is now a standalone sudo.conf manual page.
* New support for specifying a SHA-2 digest along with the command in sudoers.
Supported hash types are sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512. See the description
of Digest_Spec in the sudoers manual or the description of sudoCommand in the
sudoers.ldap manual for details.
* Fixed potential false positives in visudo's alias cycle detection.
* Sudo now only builds Position Independent Executables (PIE) by default on Linux
systems and verifies that a trivial test program builds and runs.

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factory-auto accepted review

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

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Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: 1.8.7"}

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

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Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger approved review


Andreas Jaeger's avatar

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Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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