Request 222240 superseded
- 862963 - spamassassin 3.3.2 and Perl 5.18.0: Altering hash requires
restarting loop else UNDEFINED behavior.
- Update to 3.4.0
o DNS queries generated by SpamAssassin now enable option EDNS0 in query
packets and specify a buffer size of 4096 bytes by default.
o A default setting for option 'dns_available' was changed from 'test' to
'yes' (bug 6770, bug 6769), so SpamAssassin now assumes by default that
it is running on a host with an internet connection and a working DNS resolver.
o The sa-update program now avoids repeatedly downloading same rules if
subsequent unpacking of rules and updating fails. Documented in bug 6655.
o Several incompatibilities with newer versions of a perl module Net::DNS
as used by sa-update and by the SpamAssassin library were fixed.
o A perl module Razor agent clobbers entropy of a random number generator by
re-initializing the generator on every call. The SpamAssassin Razor plugin
now provides a workaround, preserving entropy across calls to Razor2 agent.
o Redis database backend for a Bayes database
o Improved support for IPv6
o New command-line options:
--listen (or -i), spamd
Can be specified multiple times and allows spamd to accept requests
over multiple INET (IPv4) or INET6 (IPv6) or UNIX sockets.
-X (or --unavailable-tempfail), spamc
Allows return EX_TEMPFAIL instead of EX_UNAVAILABLE when using option -x.
-4 and -6 were added to programs spamassassin, spamd, spamc, and sa-update.
-v or --verbose, sa-update
Can now take multiple -v or --verbose options to increase verbosity.
--max-size, sa-learn
- Created by varkoly
- In state superseded
- Package maintainers: adkorte and varkoly
- Superseded by 243428
Request History
varkoly created request
- 862963 - spamassassin 3.3.2 and Perl 5.18.0: Altering hash requires
restarting loop else UNDEFINED behavior.
- Update to 3.4.0
o DNS queries generated by SpamAssassin now enable option EDNS0 in query
packets and specify a buffer size of 4096 bytes by default.
o A default setting for option 'dns_available' was changed from 'test' to
'yes' (bug 6770, bug 6769), so SpamAssassin now assumes by default that
it is running on a host with an internet connection and a working DNS resolver.
o The sa-update program now avoids repeatedly downloading same rules if
subsequent unpacking of rules and updating fails. Documented in bug 6655.
o Several incompatibilities with newer versions of a perl module Net::DNS
as used by sa-update and by the SpamAssassin library were fixed.
o A perl module Razor agent clobbers entropy of a random number generator by
re-initializing the generator on every call. The SpamAssassin Razor plugin
now provides a workaround, preserving entropy across calls to Razor2 agent.
o Redis database backend for a Bayes database
o Improved support for IPv6
o New command-line options:
--listen (or -i), spamd
Can be specified multiple times and allows spamd to accept requests
over multiple INET (IPv4) or INET6 (IPv6) or UNIX sockets.
-X (or --unavailable-tempfail), spamc
Allows return EX_TEMPFAIL instead of EX_UNAVAILABLE when using option -x.
-4 and -6 were added to programs spamassassin, spamd, spamc, and sa-update.
-v or --verbose, sa-update
Can now take multiple -v or --verbose options to increase verbosity.
--max-size, sa-learn
dstoecker declined request
Please resubmit, I accepted my request as base to improve (it runs fine on my server for 1 day now).
I want in any case your improved changes file. Regarding the diff. I don't understand, why a backport to 3.2 is needed in 3.4? Can you explain it?
superseded by 243428