
Request 481991 superseded

Hi! Since I wanted to use the keyring integration of msmtp (as recommended in the manual), I had to rebuild the package with option gnome-keyring. I thought maybe other people are interested in that component as well, and hence it should be the default option? It took me some time to figure out that the package is built without keyring support, although according to the manual it seems to be an integral part. If you rather want to minimize dependencies, just delete my request! :)

Request History
David Widmann's avatar

devmotion created request

Hi! Since I wanted to use the keyring integration of msmtp (as recommended in the manual), I had to rebuild the package with option gnome-keyring. I thought maybe other people are interested in that component as well, and hence it should be the default option? It took me some time to figure out that the package is built without keyring support, although according to the manual it seems to be an integral part. If you rather want to minimize dependencies, just delete my request! :)

Benoît Monin's avatar

benoit_monin declined request

Enabling libsecret does not seem to pull too many dependencies but:

- can you build against the same set of distros than server:mail (leap, sles, centos...) ? Wrap libsecret in conditionals to avoid unresolvable builds if needed.

- can you fully remove the gnome_keyring bcond? I don't see any point in keeping it if enabled by default.

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