Request 521650 superseded
- Update to version 1.1.7:
* consistently relicense libfluidsynth under LGPL-2.1+
* fluid_synth_set_channel_type() was not exported properly
* fix calculations for modulators
* fix SysEx parsing issues
* fix mangling with illegal sample loops, causing audible glitches
* fix inverse logic of audio.jack.multi option
* fix channel fine tune RPN to use correct range
* fix timing problems when changing the sequencers scale from a callback event
* workaround incorrectly rendered audio when requesting more than 64 frames from fluid_synth_write_*()
* adjust ALSA MIDI port type
* avoid voice_count becoming negative
* avoid notes with a fixed key generator playing forever
* avoid TCP/IP connections from closing in an undefined manner
* a lot of memory leaks, NULL dereferences and SegFaults
* add support of vorbis-compressed sf3 sound fonts
* add sostenuto pedal to the synth
* add vbr quality when encoding with libsndfile
* re-implement routing reverb and chorus to distinct buffers in fluid_synth_nwrite_float()
* add IPv6 support to socket API
- Created by derselbst
- In state superseded
- Package maintainer: tiwai
- Superseded by 521684
Request History
derselbst created request
- Update to version 1.1.7:
* consistently relicense libfluidsynth under LGPL-2.1+
* fluid_synth_set_channel_type() was not exported properly
* fix calculations for modulators
* fix SysEx parsing issues
* fix mangling with illegal sample loops, causing audible glitches
* fix inverse logic of audio.jack.multi option
* fix channel fine tune RPN to use correct range
* fix timing problems when changing the sequencers scale from a callback event
* workaround incorrectly rendered audio when requesting more than 64 frames from fluid_synth_write_*()
* adjust ALSA MIDI port type
* avoid voice_count becoming negative
* avoid notes with a fixed key generator playing forever
* avoid TCP/IP connections from closing in an undefined manner
* a lot of memory leaks, NULL dereferences and SegFaults
* add support of vorbis-compressed sf3 sound fonts
* add sostenuto pedal to the synth
* add vbr quality when encoding with libsndfile
* re-implement routing reverb and chorus to distinct buffers in fluid_synth_nwrite_float()
* add IPv6 support to socket API
Why are you removing full source url? See https://en.opensuse.org/SourceUrls why that's a bad idea.
The tarball can be downloaded at https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/archive/v1.1.7.tar.gz but if you do you get a file called fluidsynth-1.1.7.tar.gz. I dont know how to convince OBS to use the correct file. Or should I have set up a _service instead?
You can call the archive v1.1.8.tar.gz or you can use url coversion like in mpv:
Source: http://github.com/mpv-player/%{name}/archive/v%{_mpv_ver}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{_mpv_ver}.tar.gz