Request 560482 accepted
- ack 2.22:
* Avoid a fatal error that sometimes occured if a file was
* support for Kotlin
* Sped up file type detection for certain files.
- includes 2.20:
* When using submodules, .git directory will be a file.
This is now ignored by default.
* Changed construction in the docs that Ubuntu flagged as a
- cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Created by avindra
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: clchildress and jbaier_cz
Request History
avindra created request
- ack 2.22:
* Avoid a fatal error that sometimes occured if a file was
* support for Kotlin
* Sped up file type detection for certain files.
- includes 2.20:
* When using submodules, .git directory will be a file.
This is now ignored by default.
* Changed construction in the docs that Ubuntu flagged as a
- cleanup with spec-cleaner
AndreasStieger accepted request