
Request 60000 accepted

- stay at 4.8.0

- determine versions of branded packages automatically

- tweaked xfce4-session splash screen look a bit

- bump libgarcon version

- added temporary splash screen for xfce4-settings based on 11.3
- switch to Sonar theme
- added xfce4-branding-openSUSE
- replace exo- launches with launchers for the openSUSE default
applications since items hidden in the main menu cannot be used
as panel launchers

- exclude X-XFCE category from the Settings menu as it will be
shown inside the settings manager and exclude X-Xfce-Toplevel
category from submenus
- merged some keyboard shortcut changes from libxfce4ui 4.8.0
- removed unused panel launcher desktop files

- supplement libgarcon-1-0 rather than libgarcon

- added exo-branding-openSUSE subpackage

Request History
Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh created request

- stay at 4.8.0

- determine versions of branded packages automatically

- tweaked xfce4-session splash screen look a bit

- bump libgarcon version

- added temporary splash screen for xfce4-settings based on 11.3
- switch to Sonar theme
- added xfce4-branding-openSUSE
- replace exo- launches with launchers for the openSUSE default
applications since items hidden in the main menu cannot be used
as panel launchers

- exclude X-XFCE category from the Settings menu as it will be
shown inside the settings manager and exclude X-Xfce-Toplevel
category from submenus
- merged some keyboard shortcut changes from libxfce4ui 4.8.0
- removed unused panel launcher desktop files

- supplement libgarcon-1-0 rather than libgarcon

- added exo-branding-openSUSE subpackage

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix accepted request

Accepted submit request 60000 from user gberh

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